Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Borg, Middleton, and Canadian Criminals

Shannon Borg finally wrote to me.

She gave my property to her Canadian partner, which is why my dress designs from my personal photos are being worn by Kate Middleton.

Shannon Borg works for the U.S. CIA or FBI.  I knew she was a government worker and her connections are all to Scotland and England.  Her partner owns a huge medical practice in Seattle and is Canadian.

She just wrote to me to lie and tell me that they thought I didn't "want" all of my property so they "got rid of it."

I sent her email to let her know I DID want my property and she and her partner knew very well that I intended to pick it up.


She was the one who asked me if I'd rather work for U.S. intelligence or English intelligence.

She is also the one who knew the man who drove me to Wenatchee and then arranged for someone there to lie to police and have me thrown in jail for "Grand Auto Theft."

She knows Italians.  I saw one watching me when I met her at the airport in Seattle.  I had the impression that the Italian looking in was connected to Alvaro.  She knew who I was already and she knew who Alvaro Pardo was. 

They stole all of my remaining journals and diaries, all of my clothing that I bought for myself in D.C. with my money from working at restaurants and that was given to me by Alvaro.

They stole ALL of my family photos and friend photos and photos of my son that I have had since I was 13 years old.  I had several regular sized boxes full of photos alone.  She and her Canadian partner STOLE ALL OF IT.

And then Kate fucking Middleton started showing up in clothing designed after things I had with my property.  I had driven all of the contents that were in my Hope Chest, which I had saved for decades, to her house for storage, which they promised to keep safe.

They work for either CIA or FBI intelligence and I don't know for sure which one but I know for sure that they gave all of my information to Middletons.  I first noticed when Kate showed up in a white dress designed after my white shirt with silver trim on the neckline and sleeves.  It was the exact same thing but without the silver.  I knew intuitively she was into my things.

She has since shown up in other dresses that are replicas of things I
wore in the 90s, but in different colors.

I had all of my medical records, including original X-rays and MRI scans going back several years which I can't even get again.  I also had boxes full of my legal records.

Kate Middleton is going to Hell and so is her family.  I prayed the other day, "God please have someone investigate her and bring to light the crimes this family is guilty of committing."  I absolutely believe this will happen.  If someone brought to light Gary's drug dealing, which Kate and William are a part of, then there is far more that is going to turn up which has not made news.  I wonder what happened to the person who first exposed this about Gary.  It's not like Gary is in jail or anything is he?  No, he is not in jail.

She knows Alvaro Barbosa Pardo and so does William of Wales.  FUCK THEM.  William of Wales is a criminal and a total idiot and I know now he is a criminal because there is no way he does not know the same things Kate Middleton knows.  With William, I had a little reserve left, or sympathy for him still, thinking he was some kind of victim.  I do not believe this any longer.  He is not a victim and he is as guilty of crimes as his wife.

I have never thought Harry was on my side in any way.  Ever.  I noticed how people tried to shift things from William to Harry but it never fooled me. 

The other Alvaro tried to do, to humiliate me, was he was wanting to buy a car for me from a Russian woman (and the Russians in Wenatchee all sided with Kate and tortured me to support HER, I guess out of sympathy for Valerie).  Both he and the Russian woman, who we met at the Fred Meyer parking lot in East Wenatchee in 2009, were smirking to eachother but trying not to let it show to me, when he tried to force me to take a dilapidated station wagon.  It was the ugliest car I've ever seen in my life, circa 1970, horrid color, beat up, and a few hundred dollars.  He wanted me to drive that around town, and claimed, "I don't have money for anything more".  He tried to force me to take that car and I said no.  Then, he's calling me from Washington D.C. telling me he'll fly me back and forth from Wenatchee to D.C. several times a month, after I broke up with him.

Where's the money coming from?  He doesn't have money for a normal car, and wants to humiliate me, but he has an unlimited cash flow for airfare?  Who would have these kinds of privileges with airlines?

I mean, WHO would have an unlimited airfare account with airlines?

I can think of two possibilities: 

1.  Middletons.  The Middletons worked in the airline industry their entire lives until they got mob funding to start "Party Pieces" to groom a girl up to get into royalty (it's like they schemed before she was even born).  Carole worked as an airline stewardess and Michael worked as an air traffic controller.  They had unlimited airfare privileges.

When I tried to become an airline attendant for Southwest Airlines in the early 2000s or so, I remember all of the hostility from everyone and I had no idea that family was enemy to me and hated me and worried about me from Day One.  I did not even know they existed.

2. FBI.  The FBI would have an airline account for business travel.  They certaintly knew who he was at the D.C. Headquarters.

It is looking more and more like the Middletons have been working with the U.S. FBI for a very long time.  I have lost all of my respect for William of Wales after reading this email from Shannon Borg because now I know he knows just as much as Middleton does.

No "fiance" that loves anyone, wants to have their fiancee driving around in a car they know everyone will make fun of.  All he did was work for the Middleton's interests.  At the Russian Baptist church, they had Jews visiting their church even who had one thing in common:  they supported the Middleton.  I guess it's politics. 

Which reminds me, I had a dream this afternoon while I took a nap because I was exhausted.  It was about Kate Middleton, but featured as a little girl.  I wasn't being tortured when I had it and I don't think it was anything but a natural dream, for once.

In it, there was some kind of forced drug industry.  I was in a car, being driven by a man who was in the drug industry and I didn't want to be involved.  He looked like Shannon's friend who set me up to go to jail on false arrest for "Grand Auto Theft".  But I didn't really see him well.  At one point, he noticed police and put out a police alarm to notify and alert other drug carriers and transporters that police were around.  How I ended up in his car, I don't remember but it was coerced.  So I was semi-kidnapped, being driven around, and then he sets off this police alarm that sounded like a police alarm but was to notify other drivers cops were around.  Then, because they were close-by, he pulled up into a driveway and said, "We're going to stop at the __________."  It was a strange house like the first one to pull off of the road into, but then it was clear he knew who they were. 

So we were inside this house and then all of a sudden, it was me and Kate Middleton and both of us were kids.  We were side-by-side and she looked about 6-8 years old.  She was wearing this tank top the color of rust-BBQ sauce and then there was BBQ sauce on the counter.  She wiped it up with her finger and licked her finger and then she bent over to lick the rest of it off of the counter with her tongue. I was right next to her and wasn't eating anything, and the only thing I noticed about myself was that one of my arms was tied to my torso with strong twine.  I couldn't move it and there were roses stuck into the twine.   I just sat there and looked at her noticing how her shirt matched the BBQ sauce which was the color of Heinz 57 Steak sauce.

When she bent her head down to lick up the rest of the BBQ sauce, I woke up.

That was my dream and I had it at about 5-5:30 p.m. PST.  The first thing I thought was that her licking her BBQ sauce with her tongue, off of the table, was like the terrorists who lapped up the blood of the people they shot. 

I have no idea what it means, but it was a vivid dream.

I hope Kate Middleton and anyone associated with her is caught and convicted for the crimes they are guilty of.  Amen.
Here is the email response from Shannon, who refused to respond to me after I asked her to keep holding onto things until I contacted her to let her know when I was able to safely receive my things:

  • hi Cameo!‏

  • From:Shannon Borg (
    Sent:Wed 5/23/12 12:50 PM
    Hi there Cam!
    I just got the message - As you might remember when I emailed you a long time back, I was moving! I have moved up to Orcas Island! I'm sorry about your stuff! When I moved out of Dan's place a year and a half ago, he gave me 3 months to get it all moved out - I remember emailing you a few times and posting on your blog to get an address, but I didn't get an answer - that was more than a year and a half he had to get rid of it, unfortunately. I'm sorry about that, but we figured that it had been so long - over two years -  that you didn't want it...
    I hope you are doing well. Where are you living now? 
    She was always writing and talking about "serendipity".
    She's the one who wanted me to flip crepes under a tent for 
    "Annie".  She knew the guy I stayed with in Wenatchee who
    was former military and who gave my laptop that I was given by 
    the CIA. My laptop disappeared from HIS house.  She knew him and 
    it was around that time, a bunch of hispanic guys drove by 
    saluting.  Shannon knew him and winked at him in the same way
    that she winked at the guy who drove me to Wenatchee from her
    house, asked if I wanted to travel to other countries, and then
    set me up for a false charge of "Grand Auto Theft."  Then the
    police in Wenatchee took my camcorder and deleted all of my
    legal evidence that proved the visitation monitors were lying
    about the visits I had with my son.  
    My laptop that was given to me by the CIA disappeared from the
    military man's house after Shannon Borg met him in person.
    The Wenatchee police knew that Shannon Borg was connected to 
    Alvaro Pardo.  And the only way Borg is connected to Alvaro is 
    through Middleton and/or the FBI.
    The Wenatchee police knew I was driving her car, and they had
    no problem.  They let me drive all over the place.  They let
    me do whatever I wanted until someone said "it's over" and then
    they stole everything I had and tortured me.
    They were the ones with the sailboat called "The Runner" and 
    just recently, my son got out of a "running program" (how cute).
    She and her partner were always talking about "Arthur" and 
    "The Grail" and then when there was a car wreck outside of their
    house she tried to blame ME for it, saying, "They were just 
    neighbors!" as if I had put a hit on their neighbors.
    She introduced me to some Jewish people who hated me at a 
    glass art store in Seattle. She took me all over the place,
    hoping I would call Alvaro back I guesand trying to get 
    information from me.  She is probably the person who took my
    laptop that was at the military man's house in Wenatchee.
    He either gave it to Wenatchee police or he gave it to her.
    My belongings were all stolen, everything, with no regard for 
    any of my rights or photos or anything, by Canadians, FBI, police
    and military and one Jew.
    Borg had wanted to ship all my stuff to me when she knew I had
    no place to store it in Nashville, TN.  Nashville is part of
    "Middleton" County.  So I guess they thought it would be
    hilarious to have me lose everything to "Middleton".  They
    gave it all to her anyway.
    Kate Middleton is a criminal, William of Wales is a criminal,
    and they should both be in jail.  They know my son has been
    tortured and they don't give a rip either.  All that these 
    people care about, is money, preserving themselves, and politcs.
    When I was tortured and lost my singing voice in Seattle, it
    was the next time I showed up after I had been falsely arrested
    and trapped in Wenatchee.  It happened 3 blocks away from thre
    FBI offices in Seattle and then they tried to put me in a psych
    ward in Seattle just to discredit me when Middletons were pilfering
    through all my belongings through their Canadian friend.
    Susan Hayes, here locally, who I wasn't supposed to mention, is 
    connected to Middleton and my mother has to work with her
    just to get house loan funding for her clients.  Hayes is 
    English (UK) and Kate Middleton's roommate in college was a 
    Hayes.  The only other Hayes of significance is a Catholic
    archbishop in Washington by the name Hayes.
    The Middletons have tried to ruin my family for years.  Not
    only do they know Alvaro, this is the same guy who medicated me
    tried to put me in prison, kept me from fighting my custody 
    battle, prevented me from going to landmine archives (bc
    the Middletons are so pro-mine research,..oh wait, they support
    the military and defense industry).  He slept around on me, 
    and used his position with the UK and the FBI to try to ruin
    my life and my son's life.
    Honestly, I think the Middletons have a lot more to do with
    U.S. intelligence than UK intelligence, but it's not like they
    don't have their Canadian friends.  I'm sure her Daddy was 
    thrilled to have me in Crown territory where he could make
    sure they smeared me.


    1. this post is weird because your paragraphs are cut off....

    2. Hi Anon This Post:

      Yes, I agree with you. I didn't see this until you made the comment and it's weird. It wasn't me!
