Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Copy of Letter To Congressman Blumenhaer

Subject:  Congressional Hearing
Dear Congressman Blumenaeur,
I would like to know how to set up a congressional hearing.
I would like to address Congress about illegal activities by the FBI, DOD, and CIA.
My parents are victims of MK-Ultra and I have been obstructed from justice since I made a report about 2 FBI employees in 2004.  Since then, my life has fallen apart.  I have been obstructed from freedom of travel, I have had all of my property confiscated and stolen by police and FBI, I have been put under false arrest 4 times when I had no prior charges, my son was abducted, I was forced to sign a false confession between U.S. and Canadian border patrol, I was solicited by the FBI to marry a man (who worked for the FBI while he lived in Colombia) for purposes of getting him into the U.S. quicker, and I was assaulted and injected with drugs and medications when I did not marry him and the FBI wanted to then discredit me. 
My son and I have been tortured by persons under Leon Panetta (I didn't know the source until I was in Maryland/Virginia/D.C. area), and when I did not marry Alvaro Barbosa Pardo, I was forced to watch my son being tortured with local police and Judges concealing and destroying evidence I made.
I had housing funding withdrawn when I was still recovering from a surgery, after I broke up with Pardo, in retaliation for not marrying him.  I was then forced to live with military personnel that used me for research.  I was used for research in the state of Oregon, Washington, Tennessee, and medicated without my consent in Maryland and Washington D.C. and blocked from leaving.
When I tried to apply for a passport after I was taken to a psych ward, The Department of State stalled for over 9 months in providing me with the passport I applied for correctly the first time.  During this time I was forced to work with government employees or go to jail, and then when I complained about being tortured, I was put into a federal detention facility and injected with an unknown substance that caused my arm to swell up at the injection site for over 1 month.  They used me for research in a room that was locked and had clear plexiglass on all four walls.  They held me there until I said I was being degraded in violation of the Geneva Convention and then they let me out.
I was allowed to see my family after 7 years of being blocked from traveling where I wanted to travel.  When I saw my Mom and Dad, I noticed my mother's face had a long scar across her cheek from a knife.  I discovered evidence that proved my parents were being used against their will and had been tortured as well; they are forced to lie and blackmailed to do so.  When I reported evidence of torture to the UN, and cited the scar on my mother's face, my mother was kidnapped the next day and taken to an unknown location with a woman.  When she returned, she was in shock, her eyes were glassy and black.  Over the next several weeks my mother was forced to use strong levels of facial acids to remove evidence of the scar.  There is evidence of torture on my Dad as well.  Some of this still continues.  I have witnessed adults encouraging a teenage young woman to sexually harass my father repeatedly while he could do nothing.  Two different teenage women have done this to my father.  In addition to this, I pulled up my Dad's shirt in the back one day, knowing he was being tortured because I witnessed who was doing it.  I saw him cringing and reacting to the pain.  When he got home, I knew he wouldn't show me so I did this quickly and his entire back was covered with marks from assault--over 100 separate marks on his back. 
I have been told this is "nothing" and that far worse has been done.
The police conspire to cover up crimes and the FBI is involved in committing some of these crimes.
I would like to find out how I might address Congress where efforts to go to intelligence groups are pointless.  They are the abusers and some of them have worked with mafia to continue torture in violation of Geneva Conventions.
There is much more, but I swear to you, this is the truth and I would not lie.  I am currently a FT college student.  I am still being subjected to torture and I've almost been killed many times.  I was a victim of a hit and run that was coordinated by the DOJ (I am not kidding) or FBI.  The man who drove into me, knowing my direction, was hispanic and was solicited after I was questioned about where I was going that day, what time I was leaving and which direction I would be coming from. The person asking me the questions is the daughter of a former U.S. Attorney. My car was totalled. 
I received my passport a few months ago but after finding out what has happened to my parents, I am worried about leaving them behind.  The only reason I am still in this country is because of them and my son.
I need to address a group of people who are interested in investigating high crimes and who are not part of intelligence agencies.
Do I write a letter first? How can I proceed?
Thank You,
Sent at 3:33 A.M. PST
Thank you for your correspondence.
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