Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Blogger Employee Obstructing Posts

I have someone who must be an employee of Blogger obstructing all of my Blogger searches.

They keep changing the entire format of Blogger on my Blog. 

It's Blogger because no one else would have controls to do this.  I have my comments not going to my email, and then other comments that go to my email not showing up in my "comments awaiting moderation" box for Blogger.

Then I publish a comment and it used to allow you to comment to what you published and they removed that control.  So instead, I've had to make extra time and work to then go back and find the comment I published, look up the post and then respond to the comment.

So as of tonight, as I've been doing this, all of a sudden Blogger stops putting the posts I've published in order where you click on "published posts".

So instead of going to the sent box, (I say sent box to explain how it works like an inbox, sent box thing), where I can look it up and respond to it, it's disappearing into the stack of hundreds of comments out of order or is disappearing entirely.

So then I was entering the title for the post that the comment was published for and used the Blogger "search blog" section at the top left hand corner of my blog.  First it pulled up my posts and then it stopped, pulling up irrelevant posts instead of what I ask for.  For example, I look for the post called "filing rico tomorrow" and instead of finding this, they give me "Is Philip In Love?"

Blogger has really had some issues lately.  I have no clue who they hired in the last couple of years, but the switch-up hasn't been for the better.

It's like someone hates my blog and got hired-on just for to have access to it and cause problems all the time, on a huge level.  And who does this sort of thing? To spend that amount of time to cause problems with Blogger?

No one who isn't a computer geek and I don't see how anyone even in the DOJ computer room could change the formatting of Blogger without Blogger's controls and internal permissions.  It's like Google got bought out by the CIA and then they bought Blogger too.

I know that Blogger used to be it's own company when I first blogged.  They were not owned by Google.  I never, ever had a problem when it was owned by the original Blogger people.  When Blogger was bought by Google, I started having problems with it.

I just read an article that says it was bought in 2003 by Google but there was some other merger that happened after that, that really affected things.  It has NOT been for the better.

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