Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wenatchee "Sex Ring" Cover for U.S. Experimentation?

For the first time ever, the thought occured to me, "Was the "sex ring" of children scandal in Wenatchee a cover to abduct children from loving parents so they could be used for military and CIA research and experimentation?

It came after seeing photos of my son from his 6th birthday.  I saw him and he doesn't look happy at all.  He smiles but there is a hollow and lost and sad look behind his eyes.  He misses his mother and he has been traumatized by the United States.  In the photo, he appeared to be without bruises and I said out loud, "It's like they torture kids and traumatize them before their 5 and in school where evidence would be seen by many."  I said, "It's like they think the kids will forget or not remember what was done to them."

I've done some reading and this is what the programs to exploit children, by government, all say.  They all say the programs abuse and assault the kids at target ages of 1-6 years old. 

I said, "Wenatchee has been torturing children for how many decades?"  and my parents protested and then I said, "Mom, I wonder what horrible things  they did to you that you don't even remember."

Then it hit me, later tonight, "Oh my gosh."

I thought about how the Wenatchee police officers had gone together to conceal evidence of torture committed against my son and then realized, one of the parties involved in the "sex ring" accusation against Protestant parents, was a police officer.  The other groups involved are the same:  CPS, the State, the Judges.

Then I realized, these parents who were put under false arrest, were put under false arrest just like me.

My son and I were tortured, hard.  Perhaps that didn't happen to these other parents and their kids, but what these false accusations did, was separate children from parents, put parents in prison where they couldn't get them back, and sent them into the arms of CPS, police officers, and the United States of America as "Daddy" and "Mommy".

The kids were then adopted out and in almost all cases, to non-family members.   Even when proven innocent, the children were not returned to the parents.

A Spokane, WA journalist covered this story, and brought it to national attention.  When he got involved, he commented that what was crazy, was there was evidence right there that proved the parents had always been innocent and the police and CPS and AG knew this already.

For the first time, instead of thinking this was just another example of injustice and corruption, I realized, this is the pattern the U.S. is using for abducting children for military and CIA research.  And they already have local police lined up to protect them, and not the parents.

I also noticed, the recent abductions of children for illegal government research programs has targeted Protestants.

Who was then the Director of CIA and military?

They have been cherry-picking the children of Protestant pastors, and other Protestant parents.

I guess the U.S., which has most of its intelligence corrupted and members of the Catholic church, can't stand to abduct the kids of Catholics, their own church members, so they have been kidnapping the Protestant kids, from black, brown, white, asian, and other ethnic families.

What this means, is that while I spent several different weeks in jail or prison, on false arrest, they took parents who seemed to stand a better chance of getting their kids back (by being united through marriage or community) and sent them to jail for years.  They kept them there, deliberately and knowingly, until they knew it was too late for these parents to get their kids back.

Then, this is crazy, the U.S. then refers a few whackos from the "Innocence Project" to get them released from prison, when they knew all along that they were innocent.  Most of the lawyers with that legal program are Catholic.  I know because I contacted them and they didn't want to help me.  They are commissioned to just alleviate some of the guilt they have for putting innocent people in prison and abducting their kids.

Let's see how many other things line up with what happened to me...

One thing this Spokane reporter did NOT cover, possibly because he couldn't imagine the U.S. was involved and sponsoring this, is how many of the players have military backgrounds. 

In my case, I had all of this evidence, which the State and U.S. already had as well, that proved I was innocent.  They knew, and they deliberately prevented me from putting evidence into the record.

Look at the conduct of the Judges.  It is no different from the conduct of Judge Hotchkiss, who agreed with the AG (whose son-in-law is Captain of the Wenatchee police department), trying to BAN the making of any evidence of abuse or torture of a child.

From what I have heard, the kids who were taken, were target-age for abuse, just like the program chooses. I think only a few of the kids were a little bit older, and they sent them to Eastern Hospital, a psychiatric ward, where I read the older children said they had been traumatized.  I know exactly what kind of crap goes on in those psych wards.  They tried to kill me in the one they sent me to for "evaluaton" and the entire time, they were using the opportunity for research and experimentation.  What they did to me in that psych ward they repeated at the Knoxville federal detention site where I was held for research.

What this means, if it true, is that this tragedy of parents and kids, might be an even worse story than anyone ever imagined.  Instead of being a horrific story of false arrest and injustice, there is possibly, somewhere, evidence that this was done deliberately.  That would mean intentional crimes committed by the government and false imprisonment for the sake of abducting children.

The kids would have a very hard time believing this or having the idea cross their minds.  Trying to think of anything that happened to them, though, that might point to police, FBI, military, CIA, government activity or research of any kind would be extremely valuable.  Being put under observation, even in a psych ward, hypnotized, or brainwashed,...any of these things could help prove it was not just a hate crime but an ongoing conspiracy to exploit children.  The only reason they go after more Protestant kids now is maybe because they can't stomach doing this to Catholic kids.  Priests abusing kids is more of a personal problem of Priests and their leaders, but the state getting involved points to something else.

Some of the younger kids would be too young to remember.

One of my son's ears is permanently sticking out and it's not because that's how he was born.  Some of the things they did to my son are unbelievable.  My son started coming to visits to me after I had made a blogpost about elf ears and one of my mother's ears sticking out more than the other.  But my son had one ear extremely bright red and you could tell someone had been pulling on it with force.  I know my son's physique like the back of my hand.

I examined every part of him, as a loving mother does.  When I first broke up with my fiance, his ear was not like that.  Someone started doing this to him, torturing him, after I broke up with Alvaro Pardo.

I tried to touch it and my son jerked away and flinched like he was going to be hurt.  Someone literally pulled on his ear so much, and all the time, that it is now permanently that way and I noticed in his birthday photos.  This is one of the extremely grotesque things that this country did to my son, and wanted me to see.  They knew I would tell my mother and father too.

The police in Wenatchee and the Judges and CPS is hand-picked to cover up torture of children in Wenatchee and Leavenworth area.  And I am realizing this has gone back many decades to at least the 1950s when MK-Ultra programs first reared their heads in the area.  It's right next to one of two major nuclear plants in the U.S.  The people in that area are not just farmers, and migrants.  They are deep undercover agents.  You don't have a nuclear plant with a bunch of sick scientists, military, CIA and FBI counter-intelligence around.  Anywhere you find a major nuke site, you can be sure the combination I just mentioned is nearby.  So you have to first think about how this is made possible.  Where it seems unlikely or an outlandish idea, you look at the evidence and then at the environment.  The environment in Wenatchee is exactly what they need for getting away with high crimes.

If someone went back to investigate and interview the Wenatchee Sex Ring excuse, with an even more critical eye, they might find there is even more to the story than first blew up for the public in the mainstream media.  In fact, I think this is the very reason Innocence Project is handling the cases now.  It looks like they're doing "good" when really, they're just trying to squeeze a few people out while keeping the cap on liability and evidence.  I would take a very hard look at who has been working on these cases.  I think the results would be surprising.

It's like the lawyers who do pro bono work for Guantanamo prisoners.  Sure, a few probably have the best intentions to really give the best name to American justice and defense that they can, but there are plenty of others who go in just to be the first in line to glean more evidence for the prosecution.  If not that, make convenient 'errors' as favors to the prosecution that they know will harm their client but will be rewarding, personally.

Not everyone who says, "Lord, Lord" is good.  Remember what Jesus said?  "...And yet one of you is a Devil."  Even the demons know the name of Jesus and Judas betrayed the Christ with a devoted kiss.

What I think, is that it is not yet proven, but extremely possible, that a huge Class Action against the U.S. government for conspiracy to traffick and torture children is possible.

Here is my other offer of evidence to consider:  The Senator for Washington who writes her own blog and claims she is against CPS.  It looks like talk to me.  It's like more talk for a cover.  She makes a big point of attacking CPS and says there should be a class action and claims to be an advocate for parents and kids.  She is not.  I wrote to her offices and she ignored me.  And then I found out, her husband is career-military.  She and her husband are tied into the U.S. military and she is also tied into the federal government in D.C.

The woman in Georgia?  That woman was the real thing.  And she is dead.  The Senator in Georgia was 100% authentic.  She not only fought for children and their parents, she had no problem exposing the highest levels of corruption in Georgia and at federal levels.  She called CPS a business of selling children and trafficking them for prostitution, research programs, and other things.  Then she went international.  She had no ties to the U.S, military.  As a result of her hard work, she lost the next election, and she and her husband were made to suffer in other ways.  All of a sudden, she and her husband are dead.  The "FBI are investigating".  Right.  Like the apple falls far from the tree.  The FBI is not going to do anything but make a show of investigating because they have a hand in protecting the criminals involved in CPS and goverment research operations.  If anything, a member of the FBI killed them and told them to draft the suicide note in their presence.  Who better to kill them?  The FBI WILL NOT INVESTIGATE THE MURDER OF THE GEORGIA SENATOR AND HER HUSBAND. 

Their so-called investigation now is going to go nowhere.

The Senator in Washington, who has a conflict of interest with her direct link to the military, is a liar.  The last time I checked, her blog featured her standing proudly next to some U.S. fighter jet.  She cares more about her PR with the government than the citizens but she'll give lip talk to them just to keep being elected. 

The ONLY person with any kind of political clout at all, who was sincerely fighting the good fight was the Georgia woman.  I have not heard of one other person, in the entire U.S., that has made exposing CPS their focus, and that's too bad, because when Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me" they really can't get too far with the FBI holding their hand to introduce them to the next child molestor and hypnotist. And some radical Catholic's excuse of abducting kids to "show them salvation" is an excuse for crime.  That goes for Mormons, Jews, and anyone else who tries to justify harming rights of parents for some self-righteous religious excuse.

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