Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bad Vibe, Pardo, and Australia

Whatever has been going on the last several nights, is most likely having to do with my son.  Something has been going on between 6-9 p.m. or so for several nights, and I can only imagine it has to do with my son Oliver.

Also, whatever went down today, almost all day, probably needs to be reversed, because all it was was a bad feeling.

I had a bad feeling from the start today and sure enough, someone had torture planned.  Then, apparently my parents had to work something out with someone to connect to a city line for water after a pipe burst, and whatever happened, must have been thrilling because they seemed really happy tonight.

How about God damn Alvaro Pardo.

Do you know what's really strange?  He does all these things, and the FBI and Department of State steal from ME to cover for HIM. 

By the way, I think you have a CIA/FBI problem in Australia.  What happened?  too much of the heroin industry was going to Afghanistan?  Is that why Australians in Seattle were tailing me around everywhere?  What was it?  British or Australian with the big eyeball tatoo?  Then Osama bin Ladin's eye gets shot out, on purpose?  and then I move to Coquille and the local police department here has all these stuffed animal eyeball dolls.  That's not normal.  I was tortured in Bainbridge with some guy from Australia at the desk leaving work that day, the same day the blond woman was targeting me while watching for my response from her Mac.

What about the investigation of the women at the Irish pub who ruined my singing voice?

The FBI in Seattle doesn't want to handle it because it's an FBI agents daughter?  The FBI was 3 blocks away from me, and then they blocked me from reporting this.

So why would the FBI later AGAIN try to smear me in Nashville, unless someone in Washington D.C. had his kid over there, or dating the people who did this to me, or he is covering for another Seattle employee's kids?

I know for a fact that one middle-aged man knows, because I saw him nodding or winking with approval when I was leaving after blogging a fast post about what had just happened and giving the physical description of these women.  How did these women know to leave when I identified their location publicly?  they scuttled out of there with their heads down, trying not to be noticed and they got tipped off immediately after I blogged about them.

This FBI can't check credit card receipts and watch people anymore?  Why block me from your own offices unless you personally are involved with those who did this.  I was blogging about a metallic taste and shortly after that, my voice was ruined.

It happened then. 

The FBI and Washington State waited until they had a psychologist diagnose me as nuts, and then they gave the go-ahead to have me tortured and assaulted to the point of losing my singing voice.  After I stayed in the apartment of this man who I had suspected was CIA or Canadian.  Not everyone can pull off a good heroin addict act and still be in intel.  He asked me where the metal was in my neck and what it was made of and after that, it was "melted" or something was affected by my ingestion of a poisoned cigarette.  The only other thing I had was a shot of espresso and I outlined both places.  He had a Bible opened to Kings II and snapped at me when I went to look.  He was too smart not to be a spy.  The Canadian embassy was several blocks away but close enough, and the FBI was an equal distance the other direction.  I didn't think a thing, except for the fact that he asked about the metal and where it was and what it was made of and then after I told him, my voice was deliberately ruined.

I thought CIA but since he talked about "them" and WWII, I figured maybe he's from a different country.  Then he kicked me out, like anyone needed to do that unless they hoped to have me in the open to be drugged and lose their voice.  He's the one who said, "You don't want to know."  I don't want to know what?  I don't want to know that my parents are sets of twins and tortured in this country?  that this country has worse things planned for me? that they've used me for SPORT like I'm part of a fox hunt?  and made fun of me and made MONEY off of this amusement of torturing me and following me and getting a reaction?

What don't I want to know?  I mean, how big is it?  Kate Middleton is sleeping with Obama on the side?  I cleaned out his entire bathroom to do something nice since he let me stay there when I had no place to go and right after he probes me about the metal in my neck, I have this targeted and my voice is permanently ruined and then I'm meeting some Australian asshole at a coffee place in Bainbridge who knows I'm being tortured while a blond with a ponytail smirks from her laptop to watch my reaction.

What kind of sickos does the CIA employ anyway?  or is that still FBI?  because I used to think FBI only did one thing, like take care of crime in their own country, but no, apparently they go out of the country and live too, and do "counter-surveillance".    This man was either CIA or Canadian and then all these horrid Australians were around me.

Is that like, Campbells back-up men? 

It doesn't look very good for the Maiers when one minute they are inviting me to their wedding shower with the Australian and the next, I'm being tortured and my son is tortured.  And then they don't answer my calls?  I didn't tell them what was going on, so why not answer my phone call? No response to my emailing?  Why not respond?

The Maiers and their Australian friend are most likely dealing drugs to Middleton and distributing my personal belongings to them as well.  Why was Robin so interested in Australia?  He went into huge debt over it, and was determined to go.  He needed to set up drug contacts there? so that later when me and my son are tortured, he's got the FBI and Australia and the Maiers and Middletons all looking out for him?  Why wouldn't Robin want to keep Garza and Bujanda (FBI) out of it unless he is connected to them.  Robin is most likely an FBI employee himself, if he's not just a dealer.  Maybe the FBI solicited him to be an undercover lawyer for them.  Which would be hilarious since that's what I was trying to do.

But that's right.  He finally feels like now he's better than me.  He said he used to think I was "better" than him but now he doesn't anymore.

Fascinating insight.  For my part, I never thought about it that way--ever.  I had no idea I was in competition with a man's own ego.  So now what's the deal?  He marries a Chinese woman and she gets her mafia to harm my parents for fun?  Does she know the guy at the DOE?   You know, the Chinese one who heads the Department of Energy and reports to the President.  Or does she know the Chinese who were waiting for my mother one day as she went to work, to open the door and find a dragonfly buzzing around as they parked outside the door?  Do the Bechtolds send over Chinese "enforcers" when they don't like what I say about Robin?  I know that when they were in town,the Irish cop around was keeping a lookout for the house.

I went to visit him in Texas and his law firm refered to me as "pal".  Then I talked to him on the phone and it was his big chance to divorce connection to me.  I'm not the fucking criminal, and I'm the one being tortured with my son, and yet the FBI is playing footsie with ThEM.

These people are linked to 2 things:  substance abuse, attempts to distribute and sell illegal substances, and tight contacts with the FBI and Department of Justice.  They are not being tortured.  They don't CARE if Oliver is.

When Robin Bechtold or Karin or any of these people know what torture feels like, they might change their minds.  If Laughlin and Fowler knew how it felt, they might change their mind.  How about 3 months of what was done to my son Oliver to a few FBI agents who have ruined my life?  How long do they hold up?  Do they feel like commiting suicide?

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