Thursday, June 28, 2012

Continued Torture (at night), Microsoft, and $$ Extortion

I was not fully asleep at 3 or so, so I noticed that at the same time the top of my head hurt again, while lying in bed, there was a loud sound of something else in my place affected by a sudden pressure.

So basically, I was assaulted with use of military technology again, and it was to target my head and was bad enough that another object near my head made this very loud noise at the exact same time.

Not only that, before I fell asleep I felt the same jabbing they've done to my head targeted over an ovary but it wasn't natural and was the same thing they use with my head.  As soon as I put my hand over it, not resting on my stomach but over, it quit.

Which I and my parents have known helps with the technology used to prode and prob through our heads. 

Also, this Toshiba laptop I have, after I wrote my post about how I hope those responsible for torture are killed, suddenly shut down my computer.

When I had to restart, it restarted with a hole in the computer monitor screen.  This is the same thing that happened to my other notebook, except with that one, you could literally see a laser shaped thing behind the monitor and with this, the black color of the monitor was black when it restarted except for this little hole that let in red light on the top right of the screen, and it's still there, even though the monitor changed color.

Also, I tried to log in to my student account and the computer people or someone involved with computers at either SWOCC or Microsoft, made it impossible for me to access my account.  So I had to go through all these steps and then when they reset it, the time was reset for "Munrovia".

Munrovia?  Nowhere on my computer would I select this time and this is for a SWOCC (Coos Bay) account through Microsoft.

Also, it appears my parents have a group attempting to extort money from them by coming up with tasks and jobs for them to do, which they know we don't need and are pointless, just to pay them.  They're not even letting me go to college unless my parents pay them money.

The Department of Education was blocking my access to go to college, by not processing the fact that I'd completed some things, until after my parents paid $3,500 for a well they already knew they didn't need and wasn't going to work.  They were forced to have some group dig a well, after another group deliberately broke a water line.

I know my parents already knew it wasn't going to work out or was not possible, and they made them pay this money and pretend like it was a solution anyway.

In addition to this, someone is extorting $100 a month (or more) from my parent's bank account, which is a small amount, but others are taking money from them in other ways too. 

I felt some of this extortion was taking place with freeloaders living in the rental part who weren't paying rent or only made it look like they were.

My Dad tried to look excited and put on a good act for how these guys gave him an estimate for a well, but I could tell neither he or my mom believed it was going to work or was a good idea and my mom mentioned salt water.  They already knew there was salt water in some places.  So someone told my Dad to look into it anyway.  I know they knew, but I will explain how I knew later.  They were basically forced into it, and to go along with a pretense of acting like it was going to maybe work, knowing all along they were going to get robbed and that it wasn't going to work.  But that was the way for this group to make their cash and waste their time and money without looking conspicuous.  And now after going out of their way to try this other thing they were forced to do, knowing it wouldn't work, they have to go back to the same thing as before and not have a well and connect to a city line and pay for that too.  That's on top of being humiliated when they already knew there wasn't freshwater and that it was salt water.

I guess they had to break the water line first and I know this was deliberate.  Then my Dad was watching all these people clear paths for bridges so the bridges didn't get jammed. 

Someone had wanted their little prediction of a pipe breaking to happen over the winter, at my house, with the cold freeze.  It didn't happen because I made sure water was running.  So they decided to break the water line to one of our houses during the last flood, and tried to make it look like it was the flood when they sawed it off.  They deliberately broke the line.

This is a huge expense and they knew it.  So while laughing about how they had broken the water line, next they wanted to extort money for a well they already knew wouldn't work, just for an excuse to basically launder money to them.  It was their way of pre-laundering to make their illegal extortion look legal.

They held all these other things up too, until this was paid.  Including processing of my Department of Education stuff, and then this came through after the money was paid and the well was "plugged up" again.

It's almost like some group does this horrific things to my family and then they want to re-enact "Satan's Parables" by forcing us to go through the motions of an analogy. 

Then right after they were forced to pay this $3,500 and the Department of Ed. processed this one part of my FAFSA, SWOCC (the college) sent me a bill for my tuition for $2,000 but I haven't even received my financial aid disbursement yet.

They sawed off our water line, put us in a bad position, forced us to dig a well we knew wouldn't work and they knew was pointless, just to give them an excuse to take money, and then wanted us to hook back up to the city line again.  And that's what my parents did supposedly, yesterday.

They said, "It's already settled."

I said, "Whatever happened today needs to be reversed.  I have a bad feeling about it."

I said it would be better to find an environmental way to collect water than go to the city line.  I said why can't we collect rainwater through some way that stores it and purifies it and they said it would take a huge tank and I said well then get a huge tank.  Or there is most likely other ways to store it.

It's a problem that was created deliberately and like I said, intended to be some kind of sick Satanic Parable for a group that wants another reason to take our money and laugh about it.  My parents are not stupid and neither am I.

I'm not stupid enough to have my blood drawn until I have my financial aid disbursed either. 

They wanted my parents to seriously dig a well and pay off money, before they even allowed me to take classes--what's the plan? "plug it up" after 2 weeks of wasting my time telling me I can take classes? or was it just a payment to get me into college without problems from the Dept. of Ed to begin with?

I have to do a blood test for a class I'm taking but I'm not doing it until financial aid is disbursed.  I have the option to wait and I'm waiting.  I turned in a blood pressure test and a few other things, ahead of time, but waiting on the rest.  My title for the bp was "BP For Cameo Taken 6/27/12."  It was 106/71 with an ambient pulse of 56.  My mother's was almost the same and she's twice my age.  If my ambient pulse was 56 (and it's medical standard) than my resting pulse (before I got out of bed this morning) of 60 is strange.  Why would my early evening pulse rate be lower then than when I've been lying in bed.  My resting pulse must be lower than 60 then, if it was 56 later in the day when I was up walking around.
I just looked at sanctions against Iran out of curiosity, wondering about it.  Just wondering because over a week ago or more was when someone started saying we needed water or that all someone was drinking was salt water.

From the article I read, they've forced Iranians to sell whole carts of gold or money to barter or trade for food.  Like that's not taking advantage of a situation.

My Dad was listening to something against Obama today, sent to him by someone else.  He agreed with me you can make anyone sound bad by taking a lot of clips from something and putting it together.  Taking anything out of context, leads potential to make any President look bad.  At some point while listening to it though, the bad feeling left for a moment.  I don't know if it was the christian behind putting it all together, the fact that it was about how you can make anyone sound bad while putting things together, or if it was something about hearing his voice (heard it before--presidents and no big deal) or about the Muslim topic, but when  I was hearing it, for only a few minutes, the bad feeling went away.  The parts I was shocked by was some clip where he says "his muslim faith" and I said, "That sounds shocking but he said he was before he was christian and maybe that was before and we don't know what context either." My Dad said he was never christian, in his opinion.  But he agreed with me about how you can take anything out of context. Then there was this part about how he didn't bow to the Queen but did to Saudi, and I thought why not one but the other.  The part I heard that I agreed with, was the part that my Dad scoffed at, about Persian civilization.  He made an eloquent speech about Persia's (Irans) contributions and I agree because I think they're art and writing is very beautiful.  I'm not Muslim, and don't agree with all of that--I mean, I'm christian and believe what I believe, but I agree about the gifts of Iran.  They have good architecture, good food, a beautiful appearing script, and supposedly good poetry.  I wonder how Pakistan is doing since their flooding because this probably made them more suspectible to invasions and demands by the U.S.

After this video was over, the bad feeling was back.  It's been every single night from about 5 or 6-9 p.m. and then stops and then on Sunday it was off and on all day, in waves.  I told my parents it seemed like there were half good people in town and half bad and I wasn't sure which was which but there was an up and down vibe.  No, not Sunday, Saturday.  Sad and heavy and bad and then the opposite.  Sunday actually felt like okay energy most of the day and I wondered if my son was having a good day.

I heard later that he was conspicuously good in church that day and "not a live wire".  Maybe he wasn't a "live wire" because he wasn't being immediately tortured, I don't know.

Then last night I tried watching a move with my family but off and on vibe and then I felt better after checking something online and not responding.  Then I stood for most of the movie bc I was cold and standing by the heater.  I kept checking to see if it was on bc I felt cold.  But off and on vibe.

I don't mean bad vibe like how I felt before the car crash, but along those lines and more sad or struggle and heavy.  I have noticed feeling this way over my son or brother or parents or sometimes over someone who is feeling sick or recovering.  Sometimes a very bad feeling right before a mass murder and then I find out later and wonder if that was it.

There is some point, each night when it stops.  I'm still up, and nothing has changed with me.  But someone either stopped being tortured, or fell asleep, or something shifted and the heavy feeling lifts.  One day I asked my Dad to find out about my son, several days ago and told him the feeling I had.  I think he just prayed for me instead bc I could feel his prayers after he went upstairs.  and the bad feeling left.

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