Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Continued Torture

There is still continued torture while I am attempting to do my terminology.

It's the heart-affecting torture and earlier it was something else as well.

I had my connection disconnected again to force me from sitting to do homework.  It disconnected me from my work at about 11:45 p.m. last night, right before I was about to send a peer review of a paper to another student, to complete part of a grade requirement.  Then my connection continued to stay down even when I was trying to sit at the table to do medical terminology.

I was forced to stand the entire time and this entire hour I've been standing, I've been tortured.

I was being disconnected before I wrote about the FBI and then after I wrote about the FBI's collusion with U.S. military, to protect criminals, then I was being punished by being tortured by DOD/DOE energy.

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