Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Knoxville & Washington D.C. FBI Federal Injections (Illegal)

I was just thinking, while doing some medical terminology about tests, it is possible that the injection I received illegally at the federal site in Knoxville, TN was an illegal TB shot.

It might have been something else, but it's possible that they put me in their federal holding and injected me with that.

I say this because while I was in Knoxville, TN, I do NOT have "TB" at all, nor do I have signs or symptoms of it.  I never have.  I got shots for everything when I went overseas too.

But there were people constantly hounding me to go to their local clinic and get a shot for TB, or actually, to be tested for it.  I thought it was invasive and I already knew I didn't have it.  But the people who kept insisting were directly connected to the Knoxville police.

I was not injected with anything there for "disorderly conduct" but they added a charge of "disorderly conduct" just to make themselves look better after they illegally used me for experimental research.  I was taken to the jail for one charge and one charge only:  "making 'improper' 911 call".

I was told this is why I was arrested and I was booked on that charge.  However, when they released me, they had added something new to it, "disorderly conduct" and there was no such thing. 

I was never disorderly.  Ever.  And the uniformed women who were police officers, knew this and they assaulted me when I was stark naked, leaving a door open, and I had nothing on me.  I wasn't fighting anyone or anything.  This one cop was pissed about my bra and so infuriated, she first got red with rage and then started to cry.  She had fricking TEARS in her eyes, she hated me so much.  I think she hated the idea that anyone she knew was connected to me.  Then she and her friend broke the bones in my hand and injected me with a substance, and I developed a hard welt there, which lasted for over 30 days/1 full month.

There was no doctor, no nurse, and they weren't giving me a "tranquilizer" either.

Whatever they did, they did it illegally, in violation of the law, and then they used me for research, holding me in a clear plexiglass room afterwards. 

I paid a fee to them, just to avoid being unlawfully arrested on a warrant for failure to appear or pay a fine. 

But I cannot wait to sue them.

Tennessee is a God-forsaken state.  There may be some decent people in the suburbs, but the state's police and regulatory persons are entirely and totally corrupt, and they have access to the 2nd largest nuclear plant in the United States.

Why in the world are criminals in charge of this?  Is this who supports the Pentagon going after others in other countries?  One of the biggest terrorist sites is Knoxville.

They're so cowardly, on top of it, their FBI offices are the ONLY one which did not respond, at all, to my most recent request for FOIA.  They got the mail, because all of my requests were sent certified and tracked.  They just chose not to respond.

However, what the FBI did through both Nashville and Knoxville offices there, was also tied to D.C. FBI Headquarters.  They called Washington D.C. first and got instructions from THEM and it was after this that I was illegally thrown into a psych ward.  I know they talked to Washington D.C. FBI Headquarters, because the FBI agent Diane Harsha told me this and then told me to go to the Vanderbilt Hospital.

The FBI apparently can't take "no" for an answer.  If I didn't want to marry their man, they decided to defame me further, and assault me, and they literally tried to kill me.

After Harsha contacted the D.C. FBI, I then went back to the offices and tried to talk to someone else and it was a black woman and they told me they refused to take any report from me.  Then they again told me to go to Vanderbilt hospital and "then" go back to them.  Their lure was to say if I first went to Vanderbilt and had a blood test, THEN, they would consider my complaint.

"Go to a doctor".

This is the same smut that Portland FBI gave me very recently as well.

Mueller and the entire D.C. Headquarters, should be sued out of all they have.  They are 100% corrupt and criminal.  They don't even investigate crimes anymore--they commit them.

For this Portland FBI woman to suggest I see a doctor or go to DHS (Department of Health Services), it was very close to being a threat and form of intimidation.  I asked them to investigate judicial felonies that there is good evidence for, and I was told to go to DHS.  They knew the last time I was told to go to a medical facility, I was taken to a psych ward and assaulted with the FBI's encouragement.  So telling me to go to DHS was like saying, "You want us to investigate our buddy-judges?  why don't you go to the psych ward now so we can assault you again for asking."  The same people threatened my parents when I was then in Texas, after TN, asking them if they wanted me to have a "spinal tap" done next.  You know, paralysis.  That was what they suggested after I obtained an X-ray that proved my hand bones had been broken by Knoxville FBI and police.  I had not even gone to the Texas hospital (Baylor) for any symptom that had anything to do with spinal tap.  I specifically narrowed my complaint to just my hand and that was it, and then they wrote up this thing about how they'd consulted someone over me, a "guardian" and/or "patient" to do a spinal tap next. I don't have a guardian and no one discussed this with me and they had no basis for even writing this into my chart.  It's all FBI collusion and it goes to Washington D.C.

(I just checked TB stuff and I didn't test positive, not according to the descriptions if that's what it was.  You get a kind of blister thing and that's not what happened.  I had a hard circular area, with a tiny puncture mark in the center and it was slightly raised and white around the puncture and then red.  Then it stayed hard as a bump, like a vaccination bump, for 1 full month and was present when I was back in Oregon)


  1. you can't successfully sue ANYONE

    You are living in a TRAILER PARK
    in rural OR
    You are a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic and borderline personality.
    You are floridly psychotic/delusional/paranoid.

    you have even chosen to go to see doctors and have them write that you ARE schizophrenic when you need government $$ social security disability for schizophrenia.

    You are a compulsive liar. You are enormously self-absorbed.

    YOu have no son. YOu have no life.
    There's no way that you will ever graduate from college-- ever. YOu just wait and see. You will never, ever get off your schizoass and actually EARN $. You will keep claiming your not mentally defective in this blog, but when you want disability money, you will voluntarily go to doctors and tell them that you ARE schizophrenic.

    .... UGH!!
