Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tortured On Property Again (while doing homework)

First of all, this laptop has no problem connecting to the wi-fi from my table inside my house.  It worked fine and the signal is all 5 bars when I sit at my table.

Then, someone keeps disconnecting it even though the signal is fine from there.  I am about 100 feet from the main wi-fi router.  I'm right next to it and there is no problem with connection.

However, some group insists on disconnecting my connection unless I am standing up at the window, and then if they want me outside where they can get a better look at me, or want someone to have a better look, they disconnect me unless I'm sitting outside of my house on the porch. 

There is about a 1 foot distance difference from the porch and the inside of my house.

When I first bought this laptop, I sat at my table and for about 1 full week, I was able to work indoors, at the table.  Then, after this, someone repeatedly disconnected me.  Most of the time, the laptop was even still showing a strong signal to the wi-fi, of between 3-5 bars.  It was being disconnected anyway.  This has continued for over 1 month, forcing me then, to stand the entire time I need to be on the computer, when the way I work best is indoors at a table, or outdoors at a table, and I am not going to work outdoors when some obnoxious neighbor is jacking up his motorcycle with no muffler and riding it around for hours.  If he's not riding his non-muffler motorcycle around this property, he turns on music that has the pulse of a heartbeat.  He is 100% military as well, and sits outside doing all kinds of bizarre psychic prediction crap, and no I am not kidding.

He slams doors right before my door slams, presses buzzers loudly at the time my microwave dinger is going off, and every single thing I do, he literally attempts to make some noise over first. 

There is nothing wrong with the signal strength of our wi-fi and nothing wrong with this laptop.  Instead, it's someone tampering with my ability to study.  If they know I study best at a table, then they try to ruin this and disconnect me repeatedly to force me to stand.  If they have an opportunity to force me outside to hear their friend's obnoxious motorcycle or heartbeat palpitation music at the highest level of decibels, they do that.

And the last few times I've tried to study, they also start torturing me on top of everything else, by using military technology and laser to target me, that affects my heart and ability to focus. 

They disconnect my laptop even when it shows it's still "connected" to the wifi with a strong signal, but have it disconnect other ways.  It doesn't matter what, they ruin my ability to study deliberately and torture me and my family as well.

When I sit outside, as I like to do, it's at will, not because I'm forced to be out here because someone shuts off my connection, and I'm not going to be studying outside if this neighbor is blasting his obnoxious heartthrob music or jacking up his non-muffler motorcycle and running it for hours.

There was no one besides me on our property and it has nothing to do with our wifi.

I just went up and checked.  He's U.S. Military.  Not only that, he tried to cover up a trail that leads down to our property which is full of garbage from neighborhood kids whose parents set them up.  There is a clear-cut path, a footpath, that goes from that part of our property, down onto our property.  At the top he or his friend put some dried grass as if putting that at the top means none of these bratty kids have been onto the property.  I passed his house and next door to him was a vehicle with U.S. Army plates.

He claimed he just moved in and if that's so, if I calculate the approximate time he's been there, it's about 1 month or a little less, because that's when this guy started up his heartthrob music and started sitting outdoors making psychic prediction noises to imitate anything and everything I did or was going to do.

So if I'm right about our little stalker on the hill, sent by the U.S. military, if I go by when he started doing his noise stuff, he's been there less than 1 month.  I guess anyone could check the property record.  Before him, was someone else that was doing something.  I was right next to that house when it was seemingly vacant (or not) and there was some kind of military energy coming from it, from that house across our property over to a barn on the other side.   If it was vacant, and I am not sure, but if it was this Winter, the house next to it has a vehicle in their driveway sporting U.S. Army veteran plates and it's other mocking kids on the other side of that, kids who have grouped up on an adult's property to mock my Dad (further description below).  Both houses had this vibrating energy that hurt your heart just to stand there, and then it was coming from the John Breuers property too, which is facing another direction.  It was emanating from 3 separate directions, with our property right in the middle.

Nice neighbors.  Real nice.

Out of 3 different directions where this energy was coming from, the one open side, is occupied by neighbors with kids that are trained to do U.S. military research, and when I visited them, they admitted their family was connected to 20 yr. career (and less) military personnel.  Those kids have a larger son who I met who does this kind of thing and he was around me last time I was at Safeway getting water.  When he and his friend stood near me, I felt torture from some kind of military device, with some kind of energy from it.  The exact same thing happened when I visited them at their house.  At the Safeway, there was nothing affecting me until he and his friends came over and stood near me to look at things to buy.  So that makes for 4 different directions from where I have personally detected illegal use of military (or other) technology, with our property being right in the center.  It's pretty much surrounding us.  I've always been nice to these kids, but someone seems to be employing them to commit crimes for them.  I also noticed they had written on their doorframe:  "We like you Patty."  "We Like You Patty?"  What is she?  Hitler?  heil hitler?  If they have "We Like You Patty" written on their door, when they live next to us but down a private driveway, it means she visits them and they know her.  Which means, kids that have access to technology used to torture my family, know and "like" Patty, the same woman I reported to police for taking my mother away and bringing her back with black eyes and in a state of shock when I tried to make a UN claim against state-sponsored terrorism and torture and forced labor of my family.  "WE like you Patty!"  ???!!!!  What a statement, right on the door.  Heil Hitler.

(Reflection:  Um, so, on that day my mother and I were tortured driving to Coos Bay and back, where my mother was attempting to close a house she sold, with financing through the British Susan Hayes, when everything was being held up until she phoned someone and said, "Okay, let's walk", who was she talking to?  All of a sudden, those magic words stopped our being tortured by the military.  She usually "walks" with Patty, you know, the abductor who takes her to "Michaels" to buy Mykal Holt fake fabric flowers and a bunch of green corncob holders.  I thought the voice on the other end sounded like Debbie, her boss, but she doesn't walk with Debbie.  She walks with Patty, or rather, Patty "takes" her on regular "walks").  WE like you Patty!  Okay Patty!  Let's WALK!  Does Patty know Barbara Greenman?  Ooooh, I'll bet she does.  Greenman.

Not only that, there is another house with a yellow-cream colored shed or garage next to the entrance to a larger property and it's at that house where a bunch of kids have gathered before, with adults encouraging them, to mock my Dad while he cuts wood.  They were there and didn't expect me to be there and someone must have told them to stop when the adults found out I was there, because they knew I'd write about it.

My parents live right in the center of a black site operation for the U.S. government.  And when they don't do what they're told to do, or someone who has a religious hate agenda doesn't me or what I say, we get tortured, from any one of 4 different directions.  It makes for an almost perfect + sign, or cross sign, if you draw it out and that's not including other potential sites that are doing the same thing, and not including overhead use of technology either.

At all four places I mentioned, there were discrete (not discreet, discrete) places on the property where this technology was extremely strong and emanating from. No, no one in my family is mentally ill or imagining things and my parents have to lie.

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