Monday, June 11, 2012

Torture Tonight/WA Judicial Report/ Elsevier

I wasn't being tortured by military technology earlier today but I am tonight.

From the time I began writing my one post of the day, about one hour later, I was tortured.  It was also after I responded to an email from EOU's St. Germain where she tried to degrade me by including a disability person into a correspondence when I didn't ask for that, and said only that it is impossible to complete assignments where she tells a student to email another student, if she doesn't give the email address.

Instead of addressing her fault, where she penalized me by cutting off half of my points, she tried to make it into my problem and use disability offices to try to humiliate me.

It had nothing to do with disability.  It had to do with the fact that she is the professor and she can't expect students to get assignments in on time if she doesn't give them the materials they need.  If she's telling me to email my paper to her friend, and that's the assignment, by a certain date, fine, but she didn't give me the email address.

So then she goes to disability offices and she doesn't have a right to discuss anything to do with me without my permission,

She used disability offices as a cover for herself.  Not unlike what the FBI has done, repeatedly.

I can't do any homework tonight.

Now that the Elsevier program is working again, I can't do anything with it because I'm being targeted by U.S. military technology which includes the DOE.  It's the burning thing they do while using the lithium battery for a marker.  It's basically like combination laser burn and then the technology they use to cause vibrating throughout the whole laptop.

My Dad had his laptop set off to the side today, and no wonder.

Basically, we all get tortured whenever I try to take up the Judicial Criminal report.

Someone in the Military doesn't like it.

For one thing, Bill O'Reilly always gets passive-aggressive on his show whenever I'm trying to do something with it.  I could seriously point out who is connected to who from OR to WA to Canada to NM and then to DC. 

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