Monday, June 25, 2012

Department of Justice Fraud and Malicious Computer Hacking

I just sent an email to the Portland FBI field office, addressing their last email about sending them "details" about Judges.

I then went to "junk mail" and email from my cousin, who is not on a junk list and is in my contacts for regular Microsoft email, had a msg there.

She had sent it to my inbox and it was put into junk mail where I wouldn't see it. 

So then I tried to open it several times and it wouldn't allow me to read it because the Department of Justice computer people moved it several times.  They shifted me out of her email to an email for "".  Then I was shifted again, to a different email.  Then they moved her email from where it was in the junk inbox to a different location and I had to click to open it in a different location.

I was never allowed to read her email to me.

After this, they removed it from the box entirely and it was nowhere in any file.

It was not in my "deleted" box, or inbox, or junk box, or any folder. 

They just got rid of it.

She had sent me an email with a link to something about "farmaceia".  I was never able to open it because the Department of Justice computer people removed it permanently after first trying to mess around with me.

Then they left two links in the junk box highlighted as if I'd clicked on this other email when I hadn't--for "tel a secret" and "cruise deals".  Even though they moved me to "", that link is not even highlighted like I opened it or read that mail at all.

That is what this country has been about.

Torture, computer and communication obstruction, obstruction of justice, fraud, kidnapping and hostage taking of our children, murdering our kids after first torturing them, trying to get us to kill ourselves/commit suicide...certain FBI employees defaming me internally, then blocking my reports or investigation and encouraging others to rape and assault my family members, all of this.  They are not just into keeping me out reading my email.  They used telecommunication problems to make me sound crazy in E. wenatchee and then to keep me from getting prenatal care in Virginia.

Most likely, the group responsible for ruining my ability to even take an online medical terminology class was the Department of Justice and FBI.  That's who bugs our house.  Why would anyone else care?

Now the emails just showed up again, but one is different than what I had coming up.  And they're both at the top with 2 hours time difference between them, and then all these other emails sent in normal order.  They altered or deleted one of them.

I had to write to ask her to resend them.  They put 2 of them in the normal box, when I didn't move them there or click on anything and I had already checked and they weren't sent there, and they also put a highlighted one for "" there but did nothing with all the other emails they opened up instead, and there were more than this one and the cruise one and other one.

This is what has been happening to me since about 2002, with computer problems.  I had to write to a college and explain how it was even made impossible for me to fill out a student loan FAFSA for over 7 years, whether I went to the library, tried from laptops, tried to have it downloaded from online, asked to have one mailed...I was blocked.

One email that I finally got and opened, is for a Canadian pharmacy that "ships to all destinations, worldwide" with some woman wrapped in a flag that looks like someone I used to know. She sent the "cialis + viagra" section.  Sort of funny. And another.  It looks like Karin and Stephanie on the Canadian Pharmacy ad. 

They're people who insult your intelligence and collude with the CIA and Department of State (canadians I met, who also know Alvaro).  They drugged me.  It's not like the U.S. and Canada dpn't have partnerships and work together.  They both abused and exploited me and my son and violated international law--this means they are both states with torture and abuse to cover-up. 

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