Tuesday, June 26, 2012

(U.S.-Canada) Drugged Again & Dad Tortured This Morning

I was possibly drugged/medicated without consent again, recently, about 2 weeks ago.

One possible thing is there was something wrong with ginko I got at this one store.  First she was out of stock a long time and then there was some guy watching me buy.  No big deal.  But when I used it, it didn't affect me the same way and instead of being energized, I was taking naps after using it.

I stopped using it and got a kind in capsule form at another store and the problem went away.  But then I went back to it and used it, and it's either that, or something in a pumpkin pie I made recently, or whatever drugs I was fumigated with again, about 2 weeks ago at my place.

My place reeked of those chemicals again, overnight--it's happened overnight every time it's happened, and I hadn't been cooking at all.

After that, right around finals week and then the whole week after, it was just sleeping, sleeping and more sleeping and no reason for me to feel that way--no depression any worse than ever, or anxiety, or anything.

I mainly noticed effects that were different from the last batch of ginko I got but possibly it's something else.  Not sure.  I know for a 100% fact that my place was reeking like "Belinda's cooking" as my Dad describes it again.  It's not "spices"--it's being fumigated with chemicals while I'm in my own house.

My parents don't have anything to do with it.

Then, this morning, a whole field of energy, of torture which makes your heart vibrate noticeably, happened and then I heard my Dad's truck door shut.  He then started up the truth.  The U.S. was stalking him and targeting him, some group within the U.S. obviously, and torturing him by use of technology before he had even turned the truck on.

He drove away, and this field of energy went with him.  And I know for sure it's not that my Dad is carrying something around or doing this. I have watched him and been around when they've done this to him, and I would guess it's almost every day.

When my place is fumigated with chemicals, every room stinks except for the bathroom and the bathroom is the only room that doesn't have a vent.  All the other rooms have a vent of some kind, except for the bathroom.  If I have the door shut to the bathroom, which I do usually, when I'm not using it, then I can go in there after being fumigated with chemicals and find there is no chemical smell at all. 

It is the only place in the whole house and this is always happening so I checked to see what was different and the only difference is that there's no vent.

The first time this started happening, a pastor who is 20 years military showed up at our house.  He has U.S. and Canada connections and worked in biochemical research for the Air Force for 20 years.  He arrived the very next day after a huge fumigation of my house occured, which medicated and drugged me as a result.  My entire house REEKED of chemicals.  It was so bad, part of the night I believe I had passed out from it and wasn't just sleeping and I have reasons for thinking this.  Then this guy arrived, and he has worked in the United States and in Canada, and the pastor right before him was Canadian.

This is the pastor for the Assembly of God church in town.  The current Assembly of God pastor in town is 20 years U.S. military in biochemistry research and worked in Chicago.  He's the one from Ohio who had a mexican commander from New Mexico as his last supervisor.  He has connections to Canada and the pastor who was right before him, was a Canadian citizen.

The pastor for the Seventh Day Adventist church is another pastor with experience drugging and medicating people and it's a "psychologist" the CIA sponsored when he was a kid from the Philippines.  He's been here, sent over from Portland, Oregon where the FBI know him, since 2006.  His work has been in VA (Veteran's Affairs) hospitals, for the FBI, and he worked next to a Catholic monastery that is part of Benedictine order, like Mt. Angel Abbey.

The "new" pastor for the Community Church my parents go to is also from Chicago and I don't believe he's a christian but just someone who was sponsored by a group to get docs to look like he was.  He's 20 years U.S. military Air Force and horrible, horrible things have happened to my parents since he's been here.

After my being fumigated again, which I didn't mention online, I was having to call up SWOCC and talk to my assigned advisor, the psychologist "Tim" about why my financial aid had a problem.  I spent days on this.

I think it's been worked out because I finally explained to the head person, Avena Singh, and she said she had to call the Department of Ed to clear it and then it should be fine.  But for days-or a whole week, I was distraught over this and the person I'm set up to talk to, if there's any problem like this, is Tim.

The pastor who was a Canadian citizen showed up in town over here, to work at the Assemblies of God, after my son and I were tortured and set up in Canadian by officials that colluded with the U.S. FBI and Department of State (and others) to do this to us.


  1. why are you not posting comments anymore?

  2. So somehow the conspirators have not only planted a doctor in your town in furtherance of the conspiracy but also a pastor? Wow. That's some crazy stuff going on in your head! If you don't shape up and get yourself some tasty meds you are going to end up the crazy old lady with 500 cats living in a dump somewhere. Get help, woman. It's out there. It's available. And you need it!

  3. to the "so somehow the conspirators..."

    Do you like it better here than in B.C.? If you want to find crazy with 500 cats in a dump you could go to Canada or instead, the NY FBI field offices.
