Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Cartology Maps Stolen (description)

Prior to 1997, aside from my World Factbook that I used almost every day, to read about different countries and pray for them, I was into maps.

I had a couple of full-size world maps stolen from me. I also had a yearly calendar which had a different antique map for each month.

I believe the first one was stolen in 1996 sometime.  I remember I tried to find a replacement to the one I had that I liked and all they had was bright primary colored maps and pastel maps, not the bisque, cream, brown, tan, black maps I liked.  I had one that was of the current world but in those colors, which made it look more antique.

I remember, for whatever reason, even back then, wondering why I was being stalked over the map thing. Someone did not want me to have the wall map I wanted.  After it was stolen from me, I thought this was odd.  And then wherever I went, even if it was to Powell's Bookstore, I tried to find the one I wanted and they only had the other basic ones.

So I was never able to replace my full-size wall map of the current world that was in neutral colors.

My best friend Monica had a world wall map at a different time than I did, but hers was standard colors.  I had one that was a modern world map but done in antique map colors.

It was rolled up and I bought it and unrolled it and put it on my wall.  Then it was stolen.  After this, I could not find another modern world map in those colors, and that's what I liked.  I didn't want an outdated antique map on my wall just for looks, and I didn't want a gaudy pastel or primary colored modern map just for practicality.  I wanted a practical modern world map that was also nice looking.

I remember being followed around and watched at college bookstores, where I looked for another one, and at the bookstores, and at kid's discovery stores.  No one had the replacement map.  I know I was looking for this around 1998 and also again in 2000-2002.

I finally went ahead and got a full size pastel one, which was like what my best friend Monica had.  I had thumb tacks in it for places I was thinking about.  It was held on my wall at St. Johns with thumb tacks because even though I didn't use nails which would crack the wall beneath, thumb tacks were fine point enough to hold something up.  So I had my map of the world held up that way.

I then also got a full year calendar of antique cartography, with different antique world maps for each month of the year, all in the neutral colors and in latin and old english.

I never found out who stole my original modern world map though and I had always wondered why it was such a big deal to someone, to steal this and then try to prevent me from replacing it.

This is a link I got from a cousin.  If you click on "about us" at the bottom there is a full sized world map in pastel colors.  That's what I forced to have when my original modern map in neutral/antique colors was stolen from me.

If anyone suddenly showed up with a new map around that time, a full-size paper wall map of the modern world, done in white, cream, dark brown, tan, and black and sort of neutral colors, it might even have belonged to me.  It was stolen from me when I lived in Oregon.

Which is sort of weird then, when later my fiance Alvaro is holding up rolled up papers in tubes and then unrolling them on a table in Maryland of  "architecture".

What happened to my original map.

Oh yeah, I THINK we have an FBI around here, but I'm not sure.  They might be Mafia now.  They just kept the old name.  The map was stolen before 1997 and I didn't sell it.  It was stolen. 

The first things stolen from me in Oregon were my jewelry and clothing and I remember this first happening in high school when we lived in Sherwood, Oregon, which is around the same time our dogs started having "dizzy spells" along with my mother, and falling off the deck, and I was targeted to be assassinated on the way home from a boyfriend's house.

Theft of my personal property and small incidents of torturing our pets and family members turned into bigger things, and then, what do I find out after all these years???

It's the FBI?????? and CIA????  My own country has been trying to kill me off and is responsible for torturing Oliver Garrett?  And then, MY things are showing up on Kate Middleton in the UK, as replicas?  The Middletons have always been involved.  Don't tell me a modern world map in neutral colors showed up in HER room one day.

I didn't want a pastel colored map because my decor was not pastels.  I created art with "pastels" (the medium), I didn't decorate in pastels (pastel colors).


  1. You need a spanking, Cameo.

  2. You are disrespectful and disgusting to make that kind of a comment when my family is tortured
