Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Love Ya": Stephanie Maiers, Robin Bechtold, Karin from Canada

Stephanie Maiers had 2 bags full of my notes and letters to her for years until after she visited Robin Bechtold in California.  These were letters I mailed and sent to her from jr. high until after high school, extending to my nanny work.  The letters all disappeared and no reason for the disappearance was ever given to me.

I signed my notes and letters with:  "Love ya!" or "Love ya, Cameo".

Love ya.

Hundreds of letters and notes, signed with "Love ya".  Sometimes just "Love, Cameo" or maybe "Love always, Cameo", but lots of times with just "Love ya".

And then that's how I signed my emails to Christa Schneider, years of emails to her, up to the point of Oliver's torture.

This is a major, major Department of Justice corruption "issue".  It involves old friends I had thought were "friends" who got greedy.  Greedy enough they chose to ignore torture in order to keep padding their own wallets with money and power.  It involves police, and jail systems.  It involves the FBI, and CIA, and the Middletons, and it also involves the Department of Justice and Canada.  I have "friends" that sold out to the highest bidder, and traded "love ya" and loyalty for power and knew my son and I were tortured all along.  It involves Australia.  It definitely involves the Catholic church, but they basically just got a foot in by marrying into friends I used to have, or trying to influence others through joint FBI-Middleton-Department of Justice people.

The link I got from a cousin that looked like Stephanie Maiers and Karin, on a Canadian Pharmacy ad, brought some things to my mind.  Most likely, since I never talk to this cousin, she had no idea what would come to mind.

But there was this ad, about Canadian Pharmacy and with women who look like Stephanie Maiers and Karin, and the tagline:  "Worldwide distributors".

I thought about it later, about distributors.  Drugs.  And possibly more than that--my own personal belongings.  Who else would be stealing all of my things and then sending them across the Atlantic?

I can think of specific motives why some of these people would be involved and how they're connected, and yes, it definitely connects and includes the FBI and Department of Justice.

I was being targeted before Stephanie's wedding shower, but my son and I were outright tortured after going there, after I discovered Karin's connection to Schneider.  They're all connected.

When Robin Bechtold was still going to college in California, or trying to work there, in Los Angeles (where Middleton flies to now), Stephanie Maiers went to visit him.  He already knew Stephanie because she came to visit me in 1991 or 1992, right before someone tried to kill me by running me off of the road.  She had felt bad because she felt I spent all my time with Robin instead of her when she had gone to see me specifically.  Everyone knew about it.  Everyone knew she was mad about it, and that it had hurt her feelings but I didn't know how big of a deal it was to her.  She later apparently wanted to get revenge on me over the incident.

She was already close to Karin at that time.  Karin's parents were Canadian citizens who moved to Moses Lake when we were moving away.  Karin is also Canadian.  Then her Dad or husband somehow ended up working for the NY FBI.

About 1-2 years before I met Raul Bujanda and Armando Garza, the FBI agents, I had told Stephanie maybe she could fly out to see Robin Bechtold.  After the first time that Stephanie felt snubbed by me, in high school, I later tried to make it up to her but I don't think it worked out.  By that time, she had been to culinary school in NY, Karin had been hooked up to the FBI, and Robin was into the L.A. scene.

So when I invited Robin to go with me to Moses Lake, this was when I was about 21-23 years old or so and still a virgin, and I didn't drink at all.  When Robin and Stephanie got together, they drank the entire time, starting in the middle of the day.  They went through bottle after bottle of wine and champagne and vodka and hard liquor drinks.  Then Robin spent some free time with Pamp, meeting her Dad, while I stayed behind with Stacey Maiers, who was the only other person besides me that didn't drink.

We then attended a wedding on a cliff overlooking the lake, and Robin was so drunk he danced with everyone like they were all old friends.  As it turned out, Robin and Stephanie had more in common with eachother than I did with either of them anymore.  They were both substance abusers.

When later Stephanie's boyfriend cheated on her I said maybe go see Robin in L.A. and try to forget about it.  Robin was always asking about her and then got her email and phone number and they were connected.  It was the most bizarre thing because when she got back, everything changed.  She was very vague about what they did, which was fine, but all she said was he smoked a lot of pot.  That's nothing new, because his previous girlfriend that he was then mourning over also complained about his weed habit.  He was working as a bartender by the time Stephanie went to visit him in L.A.

I noticed my clothing and jewelry began to disappear right after Stephanie visited me in high school and felt offended.  It was right after her visit, that my things began to be stolen from me.  I know at least one thing was stolen from my mother right before we left Moses Lake, when Karin's Canadian-Middleton connected family moved in and that was Grace Louis' diary.  This was the diary of my mother's great-grandmother who was Scottish and had some other connections.  That diary disappeared and then I didn't notice anything of mine missing until after Stephanie Maiers was offended.

That same year, Shara Lerman moved to town with her family, and she was Jewish and Robin dated her on the side but thought no one knew about it.  He was extremely secretive about Shara but I never knew why. 

So then, Stephanie was already a chef at the Flying Fish in Seattle, WA and Robin was working as a bartender in L.A. and had finished law school and they got together. 

Shortly after this, Stephanie moved to Australia.  Australia is where Robin Bechtold chose to visit and made a point of going into debt over.  He was already in debt from private college but was so anxious to go to Australia, specifically, he overcharged all of his credit cards just to do it.  Once he was in Australia, which was when he was still in college at Claremont McKenna, he spent almost a summer there and made contacts.

Robin had his contacts in Australia and then after Stephanie visited Robin in L.A., she made plans to go to Australia.  She didn't tell me it had anything to do with Robin or people he knew there, I first found out from her mother and then she went.

In the meantime, Joy, Stephanie's sister or half-sister, talked to me and told me her Dad, Pamp Maiers had got a contract from the Department of Justice to build Washington State's biggest penitentiary ever.  It was an enormous contract.  I believe it was for Walla Walla, Washington--wherever the biggest prison in Washington is, which is, I think, Walla Walla.  It was an enormous contract because the State was planning to rebuild or build a whole new prison and they decided to give the contract to the Maiers.  The entire project for construction was with them and all the foundation and concrete work, construction, everything.  Because it was a federal prison, feds were involved as well as the State of Washington.  FBI.  Department of Justice...State of Washington.  Anyone that has anything to do with prisons and security was involved.  Joy told me not to tell anyone because it was confidential because of security and prison stuff, and I didn't tell anyone except ONE woman.

Christa Schneider of course.

I didn't think about the fact that she was leaking everything I said and did to others and had been personally responsible for ruining my lawsuits later, and I didn't think about how her Dad was a prosecuting attorney for the Department of Justice.

I just said, "Don't tell anyone, but..." when she was nosing in to find out how I was doing.  So this was about 1 year before I later found out she's connected to Karin with the FBI, and Stephanie, and then all these people, and the FBI and DOJ, then punished my family and TORTURED my son.  I'm not even to the Middleton's part yet.

Joy had told me not to say anything about the prison project because, she said, "Well the FBI is involved and everything and they have to do background checks on all our people and we were told to keep it quiet."  Basically, the FBI told them to keep it quiet.

At this time, Robin Bechtold's brother Nathan was a Washington State cop.  He would have already known about my call in to law enforcement in Portland, Oregon, before any of this.  I made the call about Robin trying to buy oxycontin pills from me and there was no way his brother didn't find out, which is most likely why their mother Janet was so pleased to find me subsequently, as she described it, "Homeless".

I became "homeless" after I was later obstructed from traveling and from college and lawsuits, with the help of police and FBI in both Washington and Oregon.  Funny how both Stephanie and Karin and Robin all have Washington and Oregon cop and FBI connections.  And throw in Christa with the Department of Justice.

After Stephanie visited Robin, whose brother is a cop, their Dad (Pamp Maiers) got a deal with the FBI to build a prison.  I had not thought it would be a big deal if I told Christa Schneider about and that was the only person I told.

1 year later, they were all getting revenge on me, and taking me and my son and torturing us.  Then Karin's people were waiting at the Canadian border to throw us back.

It seems like some of my personal belongings were going to California and then getting heisted to Middletons in the UK from there.  Of course the FBI are involved because they have personal connections to all of these people. 

So all of a sudden, Stephanie's Dad gets a big-deal FBI-U.S. federal/national security contract and then Stephanie is moving to Australia, where Robin so desperately wanted to spend time.  She ended up working there and her Mom told me she was homesick but that she told Stephanie to tough it out.  Right after the "She's homesick" call, she got engaged to this Campbell guy.  An Australian. 

After she was engaged, I was still in college and involved in lawsuits to clear my reputation.  I had already told Christa about the prison contract.  All of a sudden, I was wanting to be a lawyer for the FBI and I was meeting FBI agents who said they wanted me to work for them. All it was, was a way to get into my house.  They violated my repeated demands of "no" and broke in anyway.  The FBI doesn't have that information in the internal record.

Then, once they were in, Bujanda was scouring my place over and spent the most time in the kitchen staring at my counter where I had a list of jails in Oregon. I think just Oregon but maybe WA.  I later wondered if he thought it had something to do with the prison contract that was such a secret, but it didn't.  I was taking a class called Juvenile Justice, which was a required class.  We had a short list to choose from and this was the only one that fit my schedule and since I was into law, I thought it might be interesting.  Law, and I guess, kids...I'd also taken Literature for Children.  The list was there, and I'd made a few phone calls to the jails because it had come to my attention that perhaps inmates were never given the ability to access law libraries or to decent public defense.  So I was putting together a questionaire to send out to random inmates to find out what the "situation" was, from an investigative journalism stand-point, and aspect of social justice.

This disgusting country went from giving me a federally and state-cleared pass to work at a Juvenile Detention center, to torturing my family and stealing my son from me, and defaming me.

So I had a list of jails and prisons on my counter, and I saw Bujanda looking at it.  It had to do with Juvenile Justice but was also an extension of my interest in civil rights and my interest in becoming a lawyer.

I was then sexually abused by them, after they broke into my house knowing I said no and was intoxicated.  The person who didn't want me to say anything about them was Robin Bechtold.  So why not?  Robin worked for the FBI?

I then had a Judge issuing a false suspension of my license, and FBI blocking my freedom of travel.  I was forced out of my housing then, college, and everything and then Janet Bechtold was gloating and saying, with this "poor pitiful you" voice, "Oh, so you're homeless now."  I said, "I'm not homeless, I'm having to commute from Washington." 

That came to an abrupt end when I was then forced out of traveling.  Maybe the Bechtolds know Judge Warren.

Next thing, I was pregnant.  I was thrown in jail on false charges and the next time I saw "old friends", it was when Stacey Maiers sent me an email from her workplace, The Department of Education in Washington D.C., where a Catholic man was asking her to convert to Catholicism and marry him.

I got the invitation through The Department of Education.  Which is hysterical when you think about how the federal government forced me out of college in the first place. 

Stacey said Stephanie kept saying to invite me.  None of them had even talked to me practically, after Stephanie and Robin hooked up in L.A., before Australia.  I was being raped, assaulted by FBI, chased after by Colombian and Mexican and other drug lords, having my vehicles zapped and drained of battery power, and they're all having fun.  All the time that these things were going on, I never once asked my "rich" or money-connected friend for assistance in any way.  I went through all kinds of things, including false arrest, and didn't ask for anything.

All I cared about, then, was my son, and trying to get back into college, start a daycare so I could educate my son highly as I wanted, along with a few other kids, keeping it small, and take classes at night and still get that law degree.  And possibly, travel.  I had wanted to travel even before my son was 2, because they travel free, but it wasn't possible because I was a "displaced worker".

I never "dated online" and the idea was atrocious to me.  My mother signed me up once and I never wrote to anyone.  Then, after I had my son I thought it might at least be interesting or entertaining to see what turned up if I signed up.  I think it was mainly for fun, because I listed myself as "Welfare Queen" but maybe it was slightly with the possibility of corresponding with someone.  I wouldn't have brought anyone over and the location range was national.  I think I did this before I went to the wedding shower but maybe it was after--it was for my birthday.

I went to this wedding shower and Joy picked me up.  She was nice on the way there and then vicious and mean on the way back and was yelling at me for "leaking" the prison construction. 

When I met Stephanie again, at the shower, she was changed.  I had met her before this, once, when I was still in Oregon, and thought she had changed a little, but it was moreso at the shower.

She had gone from this best friend who I laughed hysterically with, and had hours of fun with, never thinking about money, to very money-conscious.  I had never felt looked down on as a kid, for not being from a family that was rich, not by her.  I suppose they sort of laughed at me when I bought a $10 bottle of Evian facial spritzer with the $10 I had to buy something with at Nordstrom.  And I remember the salewomen looking down on me at Nordstrom in Seattle, when I was a kid.  They could tell, just by the threads of my clothes, whether I came from money or not.  I literally still remember the difference in how I was treated by them, compared to how Stephanie was treated, but I didn't care.  I just noticed.  With Stephanie, we played lots of video games, laughed a lot, looked at cooking magazines, cooked, watched lots of maranthon movies and old-fashioned movies, had sleepovers and popcorn, swam in the pool...I never felt inferior or that anyone was meteing. 

Later, I met her in Seattle and if she wasn't trying to insult me, she just thought I was inferior already.  She constantly made snubbing remarks about food, as if I only liked plain food and had no taste for anything remotely complicated.  She basically treated me like poor white trash.  She was for sundried tomato cream cheese on garlic bagel and then turned to me and said, "You just want yours plain with regular cream cheese right?"  Later, at the wedding party, I was literally steered around the expensive wine to drink the cheaper wine.  As if, what's the point, it was wasted on me and I couldn't tell the difference.  It was even for a toast, and I usually didn't drink wine, but we were all toasting and they wanted me to drink the cheaper wine.  Stephanie literally cornered me after one of her friends tried to give me a different kind.  They were pouring one thing for everyone and wanted to switch to the cheap bottle for me.  It was CRAZY.  I believe it was something like pink champagne and they wanted me to drink the chardonnay or white wine that wasn't even champagne at all.  And this was after some of them were on their second glass.  Usually, I didn't drink, but since I was there, I had a few sips of white wine and then was "trying" to toast with the champagne but they wanted to give me the 7-up with the spit in it.  They were even trying to "guide" me to try the most basic hoeur d'erves.  Another person mocking my scarf around my waist, flipping it up to say, "What's THAT?"  I replied, (It's a scarf, I decided to wear it as a sash).  Then, we went to a place later for pallela and I wasn't supposed to like it because it was too sophisticated for me.  All it was was risotto with mushrooms.  One older woman with an accent even went out of her to deliberately insult me at the shower by making sure I noticed she was staring at me and then going to fetch her purse, still staring at me, as if I was the thief and not her foul dirty dozen.  Then, Stephanie and her sisters hadn't wanted me to visit their Dad, almost like they were jealous of the idea, which I thought was very weird.  Their Dad was in the hospital in critical care, having almost died, and I wanted to visit and it was like if he smiled at me it made some of them jealous.  We weren't even close--I mean, why care? but they did.  Almost as if I was a threat to their funding, when I had zero to do with that. 

After my son and I were tortured and he was kidnapped from me, I tried to call their house and no one ever answered the phone.  Ever.  From the point of the shower-on, no one would talk to me.

So Robin was upset I reported the FBI guys, and then I was blocked from freedom of travel and forced out of college.  I had my son, went to the wedding shower, and found out Karin and Christa knew eachother (but of course!).

I hadn't even thought about how I was the one who told Christa years earlier about the Maier's contract to build the prison.  So if I told Christa and she was the only person, she then shared this with someone who told Karin and the Maiers and FBI about it.  And then Karin was showing up to match what I told Christa I was going to wear.  Like I said..coincidence?


I never met the man she married from Australia.  I think his first name was Allen or Alan but I don't remember, and his last name was Campbell. 

Right after I figured out Karin the Canadian (with NY FBI attachments) and Christa with the Department of Justice were mocking me, the State of Washington went after me and my son Oliver.  Aren't these NICE PEOPLE???!!

I mean, why was the Canadian immigration man even trying to pretend?  He acted like it was a big deal if FBI were involved and he was already involved with them and most likely knew Karin's Dad.  And Karin's family knows the Middletons.  And that's aside from the British Jewish stuff that was going on in Oregon around me.

My son and I have been TORTURED.  That torture began, FT, all the time, after that wedding shower.  Of course the FBI and CIA know who I am.  The Department of Justice knows who I am.  I can point to a dozen different connections between me, my former "friends", and spies, and FBI in my own right, and then there's my parents who never included me in what they are able to do and have done, in having to work for the U.S.  They're gifted.  They are gifted in ways that the U.S. won't release them over, and tortures all of us over.

Then I "escape" to Washington D.C. and who comes after me?  A guy who knows all the Australians from the Australian embassy.  Who know Middleton, by the way, and who are directly connected to Los Angeles.  The owner of the pub, Bob, has the Post Pub based out of L.A., along with another business in L.A.

Remember?  The place that fired me when I was pregnant?

I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach while I was at that shower in Seattle for the U.S.-Australian Open.  I didn't know exactly why, but it wasn't just me..something else was going on behind the scenes that probably would have made me shudder.  And I am not sure who was getting bumped off just to celebrate.  Most likely, part of the bad vibe I got was some of the women there.  I think they were planning ways to take my son even then.

So anyway, you see the connection between FBI and Department of Justice and Canada is pretty clear.  Within that mix is Kate Middleton and the Middleton family.

It's like these people are both possibly drug-dealer and distributors, and intelligence.  None of them are being tortured.  But strange enough, we are?  How was what I wore in high school making its way to Kate Middleton unless it was through people who were close to me that stole from me?

My mother's skirt, that I've mentioned before, with the unusual print and which I wore to school, was stolen from my school locker, not my house.  I had several things stolen from the high school and I don't remember ever missing anything from my house at that time.  It was someone at Sherwood High School.

My mother's skirt with the print that I loved, that Kate Middleton is later featured wearing (or an exact copy of), was stolen from Sherwood High School.  My olive green shirred top was stolen there.  I had the necklace of metal and tiny green jade beads with a metal flowers and red stones, which hung to about sternum level on the chest, stolen from Sherwood High School.  They were stolen in 1992-1993.  There were only 2 places to steal:  the women's locker room of the high school and the lockers for the students.  I didn't misplace them because I still remember the shock of discovering my clothing and jewelry were being stolen.  The skirt was about knee length or a little shorter but I rolled up the waistband so it fell at mid-thigh.  I wore a turtleneck with it, tights, and flats.

Then, sometime after that I was having mini-seizure reactions of "drooling" to unknown triggers, and then my mother was having "dizzy spells" at the house, and vomiting, and both of our dogs were having"dizzy spells" and falling off the deck, and who knows what I don't know.

The only other old-time friend I had with any British connection was Geoff Rasmussen, who went to England with his wife in 2009 (I believe) and sometime after that she didn't want to talk to me anymore.  It was after I met the former Mormon woman in Seattle who asked me if I'd be a spy for the U.S. or England and I said I prefered England because at least I wouldn't have to worry about religious hate from Catholics as much.  Right after that, Geoff's wife wrote to me saying why don't you just move to England.?  (I don't want to move to England.  And I've learned more in the meantime...including, I didn't know who Kate was, until 2009 after my fiance left and I got curious.  I didn't even know she had a brother named "James" or I probably wouldn't have named my murdered unborn son "James".  I chose James because I thought, having seen the boy, that he looked like a James and it suited him and was classic like Oliver but a little different with River as his middle name).

The other person would be Kelly Halvorson, whose ex is British.  I've been out of touch with him for years, but I met him in 1993 when he worked as a Nanny.  I thought we hit it off well enough--chemistry enough to be friendly and have things to talk about, and we liked music. 

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