Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Torture Today & Suspicious Woman

I believe my parents were tortured today.  Possibly it's punishment for my writing to the FBI and their way of having an agency retaliate for them.  And possibly it's for sharing the link my cousin sent me about the Canadian Pharmacy.

In my email to the FBI I asked them which matter they were going to investigate?  All of the ones that are in their jurisdiction? or one? and to let me know because then I can go from there.

All day today, after I took a walk at the track, I was targeted on one side of my head, and it wasn't was use of weapons.  I believe it happened to my parents too.  This was done to me, on the right top of my head, repeatedly while I was at the laptop trying to do homework. Right now it's ionizing weaponry affecting my heart and burning.  The jabbing on the head was the same kind that induced swelling to the back of my head on the one Sunday.  That same technology was used again today but only after I went for a walk.  I waved to some kid with my left hand bc I held keys in the other, and then after this, I was targeted.  The woman there had 2 boys.

There was another woman there at the start who I had a bad vibe from.  She had red hair, and was middle aged and not unattractive.  She had a shirt on with different colors and was leaving as I walked up.  There were 4 other mid-age women on the track and then a younger woman sitting with 2 boys under age 4.

The red-haired woman walked past me saying, pointedly, "Hi" but I said nothing back to her because I saw her eyes first and already saw she didn't like me.  Why should I say "Hi" in return, to a woman who isn't saying "hi" to be nice but only with her own odd motives?  She had hatred in her eyes.  I saw what was behind her eyes and I had my sunglasses on, and then she changed her expression deliberately, as if to conceal how she really felt about me.  So she said "Hi" and I smiled and said nothing else.  Then, later, in the course of my walk, one of the little boys looked at me and said "Hi" and I waved with my left hand but didn't say anything as their mother was talking to them.

I was tortured after all of this.

What was the red-head there for?  I felt she was trying to spec me out, and I already saw she didn't like me. 

If I had not seen hate, I would have said "Hi" in return bitch.

So I go around the track and she's gone but one of the 2 cars has changed position, and been moved.  I have no idea if that woman did this or not or where she went next.

Don't judge me, and don't judge my motives, or why I do what I do.  You don't know why it is that I might choose to do something, or not do something, based on what I see behind the surface, even if I'm not always able to know or ascertain correctly.  I knew about her.  As the saying goes, which I recently wrote down, "Why do I spend time with people who don't care if I live or if I die?"

I smiled, and that was my courtesy, despite seeing the hate.

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