Wednesday, June 27, 2012

God Kill Traitors Who Torture U.S. Citizens In The U.S.

May God kill the traitors who torture U.S. citizens on U.S. soil.

May they be hunted out, hunted down, discovered, and uncovered.

May they be killed by any means.

May those who kill them be protected and defended by right to defense and other extraordinary remedy rights including finding out who they are, and picking them off.

May they not be allowed to rise from the ground, and may they not be merely punished or put in jail, or made to suffer a short time of duress.

God grant my prayer that all traitors of The Constitution which absolutely protects each and every citizen from torture and murder in their own country, on account of their citizenship, be killed.

May the children of these traitors, men and women, be discovered and killed.  May no child be harmed except those children who have torturers for fathers and mothers, who violate all the laws with impunity.

You do not run from these kinds of people.  You kill them, and make sure they are dead before you leave.

God bless each and every person who kills those who torture my family and who stop at nothing.

And God curse any President that does not intervene and Bless any President who does intervene.

If you have a President that is "removed" from this, then this is not a man who should be President.  This should be forefront of the agenda.  If you allow torture in your own country, against your citizens, you violate the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and every law and code and moral obligation that this country demands of its officers.

Anyone who is in the FBI with knowlege of these things should be removed immediately.

The fact that this is happening to my family is a thermometer for the health of this nation and its government and people.  In a country that stands for what it claims to stand for, unborn babies aren't tortured and murdered by their own government, and the parents aren't sent to mental hospitals by the FBI, to be tortured and drugged.  Citizens are not tortured, period.  There is no provision for torture of ones own citizens, anywhere in this country and any President or officer who chooses to put this in the background proves this country is not in the Forefront.  Any claim of torture by Department of Defense, military, Department of Energy, or FBI or police or any other group, is either taken seriously or this country means nothing.

My son and I should be on the top of the President's agenda for the very fact that if he does not make torture and kidnappings of U.S. citizens a priority to deal with, he is undermining the authority and respect of this country.  Any incident of this nature, no matter how small, should be dealt with immediately.  If you don't deal with it, it is going to deal with you and this country is over.

God bless those who have access to things I do not, who are also able to effectively remove those in charge of orders or actions to torture my family members and those of others.  God please give them courage and the cover they need.  One Bradley in Virginia jail is a form of intimidation and warning to others.  100 Bradleys storming a center, are an intimidation to those who think they are the Wizard of Oz.  God bless anyone who destroys and ruins the properties, vehicles, houses, and livestock and pets of those who are illegally torturing citizens.

God bless all those who kill any person who knows about these activities, who is free enough to speak up (without being under pressure or threat of death themself) who stands by and allows it to continue.

I don't care what religion, or non-religion they are.  I don't care how old they are.  I don't care what gender they are.  Regardless of who is contributing, they need to be killed.

If there is any way to get evidence to the public, that would help protect others who are willing to kill off these people who are traitors to the country and what it stands for (supposedly), that would be good.  I would put it online and send it to as many people as you possibly can, because no media is going to show it first, and clearly the FBI are predominantly corrupt and not trustworthy.  I would put the information online.

Documents, photos of documents, photos of stolen items, photos of stolen items and where they're being stored, audio of confessions and admissions, audio of instructions to harm, audio of orders.  videotapes of sign language, because that's what the FBI is using now, and it's what the CIA and military use as well, get the signing recorded and documented.

If there is any possible way to put this evidence online, you will have to do it yourself.  No one from wikileaks is going to do it for you.  They'll send you to jail first.  Is that not crazy?  they will send to jail someone who lawfully and morally exposes illegal, unlawful, and immoral acts that shame an entire nation.

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