Friday, June 15, 2012

Videotape Evidence of Elsevier Testing Incorrectly

I took the first test, planning to take them all today, and again, the evaluation of my answers was incorrect.

I videorecorded it so I have evidence.

I got a 91% anyway, even with the errors of the site.

I taped while I took it, submitted it, and then the results/answers after.

At least 2 "missed" answers I got correct.  So that would make my score closer to 95% or so, not 91%.

One incorrectly calculated answer was for a "sign".  It said which of the following is a sign? and I answered with "fever" bc it was the only sign among "symptoms" (malaise, discomfort).   I answered with fever and then it said I hadn't picked an answer at all and counted against me.

The second incorrectly calculated answer was through their audio question.  You click on a word and you get an audio voice saying a word, then you have to answer in writing with how you think that word is spelled. The voice said "bronchoscopy" and then when I checked the answers, it said I had mispelled because the voice said "bronchospasm".  The voice never said "spasm".  So I answered correctly, but they had given me an incorrectly matched question and answer.

That is at least 2 answers I got right that this Elsevier program claimed I got wrong.

It was even worse before when I tried to take it. 

This is seriously why I had to go out and buy a videocamera.

Now I have to back it up and send the file to the professor. 

I walked over to my parents and told one of them about this and then as I was walking across the property I was targeted with torture to the metal in my teeth.  Severe torture, like the DOE/DOD did all winter, to all of us.  My Dad had been outside mowing the lawn and I wouldn't be surprised at all if they were doing this to him the entire time.

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