Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Fettucini Has A Heartbeat and Department of State Loopholes

I'm going through medical terminology and finished the heart section and got out fettucine at the same time, then noticing later it says COR on it. I thought "Cor" like "heart" (coeur).  It's Timkyada pasta joy brand.

So then, I had water over it in the saucepan and it bubbled up and made a sound like a heart.  I kid you not.  Then, I turned off the hotplate because I was trying the energy efficient method they recommend and all of a sudden, from about 12:20-12:26 p.m., I was onto a different section and I looked back because I hear "beat-beat-beat-beat-beat" to the same approximate time as the ticking of my clock for seconds.  It was a regular beat and I thought, "What is...??" and lifted up the lid and there it is, bubble-bubble-bubble-bubble.

I had just put away my "follow your heart" vegenaise and I have a ground seed mixture on the table for mixing for a cheese sauce over the fettucine, combined in a "Cara mia artichoke heart" jar.

Very hearty.

It's ALIVE!  My fettucine is alive!

Um, the other weird thing that happened was last night.  I was thinking about Hilary Clinton's attempt to close a Department of State "loophole" on my birthday.  She did it after this country committed crimes and broke the law.  So I was then in the tub and relaxing and I looked down at one point, into the water, and what did I see?


A strang of my hair in a loophole, perfect, oval loophole.  And then I noticed, on my hand, right next to it, a small black thread or some small piece of grass or something that got in with me, very small, and in the water, over my hand, a matching loophole.  Same direction, same exact shape.

I thought, "She didn't close the loop and the loop wasn't closed when the U.S. illegally went after us when we were already out of the country."

Which means she can still be sued.  Closing the loop later doesn't mean it was closed before.  The United States illegally pursued and harassed me and my son, without authority, and then colluded with Canadians to falsely arrest me because they had no other avenue for taking my son.

Then, I watched as the smaller loop rose up from my hand and floated next to the other loophole, and turned to match the direction even more specifically, without breaking shape.

The United States needs to be sued.

What were they trying to do?  Uh-oh, we might get they have Alvaro Pardo get my hair cut to remove evidence of the fact they defamed me and I could prove with my hair I had never in my life taken drugs of any kind?  He kept saying, smirking, "You could go shorter" and wanted it short as possible.  Then, he's telling me later I'd have citizenship to Colombia, as if that's a safe place.  Thanks.  I'm held hostage in this country, and then I really want to get dumped by the Department of State, into Colombia, where they'd get their guys to kidnap me and kill me.  That would certaintly eliminate U.S. liability and worry about being sued by me, or discovered for torturing their own citizens and illegally colluding to kidnap them and falsely arrest me to do it.  Gross, gross defamation, and that's after years of obstruction of justice and encouraging Judges to commit felonies against me.  What a plan!  Alvaro wasn't wanting my hair cut because he thought it would look better.  The entire time, he was nervous and anxious to have me do it, and get it done.  Then he kept smirking like Evil Madman at the woman who cut my hair.

They were cutting off evidence.

This country supported him, and had some kind of soft heart idea about his kids (boys and girl) but cared nothing about my son except for using him as a pawn.

I had already told CPS and the State, and everyone, that I was defamed by this country, as being mentally ill and a drug addict and I knew I could prove this was a lie with my hair.  The next thing that happens, is Alvaro is wanting me to cut it all off, with sweaty palms.  No one gets anxious and has sweaty palms, and is then smirking at the Colombian cutter after it's cut, unless they're doing a favor for the same criminals that defamed me and tortured us.

Like I am really going to marry THAT man.

Let's see....Oh yeah, and he tried to set me up to go to jail when I went to the Maryland courthouse to have a false CIA claim against me removed. 

Red flag.
Red flag.
Red flag.

He works for the United States!  Wow do I feel special now.  Look at what kinds of special offers will be made to me if only I agree to marry him.  They're ready to throw out the case against me, willing to allow me to collect my medical records, willing to work with the Department of Child and Family Services psychologists to give me a fair psychological evaluation lasting a normal 14 hours or more, to clear me, instead of slam-dunking me with a false claim after 1 hour with Krebs.  They were willing to protect my son.  And if I don't?  They torture my son and make sure I see it.

His comment about "etiquette" was to cover for the fact that he'd wanted me to just get my hair cut to elimate evidence for the State and the U.S.  There was never any plan or schedule or attempt to have me take "Colombian etiquette".  I knew when I was there, that he was having my hair cut to get rid of evidence I could use for defamation and wrongful harassment and abduction of a child.  Even a minor puff on a joint wouldn't have shown up on a hair analysis and I knew it, and others knew it.  My hair analysis would have come back totally clean, going back years, when I was being defamed by the FBI.

They later decided to "drop" their claim that I was a "drug addict" and instead said I was "harmful" to my son because they settled on "mentally ill" when I refused to marry the Department of State/FBI man.

This country is a liar.

Michelle Erickson, one of the social workers and a liar who defamed me in court, committed perjury, and had Judge Nakata covering for her illegally, said to me, "Our case against you is 'air-tight'."

No, it's not.  It was never air-tight and it's still not.  They tortured people and destroyed evidence and drugged me to try to get their way and if they want to go to their professional graves as liars, that is exactly what will happen.

Judge Alicia Nakata is a criminal.  I was tortured and dragged all around Tennessee until the 1 year statute for me to file an appeal of Erickson's claim against me was over.  The FBI has always been involved and this very same FBI has covered for Judge Nakata.  All of the criminal Judges got a cover from the Wenatchee FBI which means the FBI is corrupt and rotten.

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