Thursday, June 28, 2012

Garden Progress

The garden is coming along.  If I used more water I'd have bigger plants.  Since I'm conserving water at night, I might add more to the garden during the day if it's not a rainy day.

Every single thing I planted has come up except for that first border of lavendar but something else might have happened to it, I don't know.  After I put them in the ground, at night, I let the rain water them but with the other seeds, I dipped my hand into a bucket of water and drizzled them by hand, each little "pod".  I used about a handful of water (or less bc it would leak out) to soak each spot after I planted.

So far, every single thing is growing but I got a late start this year.  At least it's encouraging in some ways. 

My starts are also doing okay.

In general, I think maybe aspirating the soil with the knife helped get oxygen to the plants.  I was thinking, you don't want to expose them to the sun too early (like negatives in a darkroom) but maybe they need a little air with the soil we have here.

I used a knife to slide into sections with just the blade and then with the fine tip I poked at the soil a tiny bit and stirred some parts lightly.

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