Thursday, June 28, 2012

Puppy Dog

I saw a puppy dog in the mind's eye right before I fell asleep last night.  I don't know whose puppy it was because I saw it like I was that person in bed, and this puppy nose nudged me.  It was a little nose, and seemed like a new puppy to me. 

Well, the puppy nose didn't nudge ME, I saw it as I had my eyes closed about to sleep, going over to a hand or something and pushing at it with its nose.  If I saw from eye level of that person, they were lying down because the puppy nose was at that level, eye level and it was on the ground or a surface.

Then I saw a collection of other things after that, movement and things and something stood out but I fell asleep.  I only remember the puppy nose now.  It was solid black I think, or very dark brown.  I saw more solid black.

It was maybe the beginning of a dream or something but felt more like an impression which I wasn't trying to have but had anyway.  When I think I sometimes see something, I don't know why it's often as if I am looking through the eyes of another person. 

A few times it seemed I was there but invisible, but then when things happen in front of me, I realize it's more like I'm seeing supernaturally what someone else is viewing in the natural.

This puppy nose was close to that persons face because I saw it nuzzle in and nudge so close up, and at eye level to the person.  But I didn't see anything around it in that moment or really even the dog, just the nose.  An idea that it was a puppy for some reason but not seeing the dog, and then it was a little puppy nose.  I went to bed at about 12:15-12:30 a.m. last night and it happened probably between 12:20-12:45 ? a.m.

And now I'm being tortured with technology targeting my teeth.  Starting at 3:35 as I continue to write this post.  Why torture me over this post? 

I don't have health insurance.  I'm not getting health insurance.  I'm not going to the hospital to be experimented on again and used for research.  This is CIA.  Why should I be tortured all of a sudden, unless someone in the CIA and Pentagon feel threatened by my writing this.  And why feel threatened at all unless they're worried about a supplanter.

They killed one already.  James River.  You assholes torture me and my son Oliver, use my parents for research and murdered an unborn child in his own country.  Whatever your personal insecurity issues are, you need psychological help and you need to be killed as soon as someone gets their hands on you to finish you off for good.

God bless those who kill the people responsible for torturing U.S. citizens in the U.S.

They are still torturing me and only toned it down after turning it up consistently higher and higher to create increasing pain in the metal in my teeth and neck on one side of my body specifically.

And no, I do not have to obtain health insurance and yes, I think the law is illegal.

Health insurance for everyone is great if it's really about their health.  Health insurance, in place to pay off research scientists and doctors who expect to profit when you get hurt and are in pain from torture and military experiments, is illegal. 

You're a nice person.  You break your foot.  You don't have insurance.  Well that is a cost to the system, and it would be much better if you had insurance.  Then your wife gets breast cancer.  If you'd had health insurance, they could have caught it faster through routine check-ups and saved her life.

What if you're a nice person.  You get tortured out of revenge motives from some people in the FBI and Department of Justice who don't want to deal with you anymore.  They inject you with a toxin.  When it's painful enough, they expect you to show up at the ER so they can collect their samples.  It's not hard to have the right doctors there if the doctors are on-call and tipped off to be present, or the lab technician is, at the same time they anticipate pain. 

If they are torturing U.S. citizens and trying to pass it off as "research", how do they do research without data collection?  They can try to get you to run to the ER and give them the opportunity, or they try to make you marry someone who will keep tabs on you for the military experiment, or they can get you to sign up for health insurance to make sure that every time they force you to ER or for a CT of your brain (which has nothing to do with CPS), or any other thing, the doctors and clinics will be paid for it.

I just read in a physical health book that the cost of health issues is rising because of "Native Americans, Black African Americans, and inner city poor."  If these are some of the groups that get dumped on, and used for experiments of all kinds, then doesn't it make sense they should have health coverage just like the illegal immigrants have health coverage at the federal clinic in Wenatchee where their kids get vaccinated with experimental vaccinations?  You can even get discount healthcare for other things, if only you'll agree to also have a vasectomy.

Federalizing healthcare is a high ideal and for the most part, an excellent idea.  On the downside, the scale isn't normal.  I went to this thrift store recently and it was a lamp with a fixed scale.  All the weights were on one side, and there was nothing in the other pan.  I moved a weight over and the scale didn't change.  It was fixed. 

It's a great lamp for a Judge. 

Some people don't want health insurance for good reasons.  Not only that, it's one more way of tracking a person through a system and ruining them.  Here is the order:

1.  Birth certificate.
2.  Social Security
3.  Federal healthcare.

You are now hooked into the system as a welfare recipient.  If you have enough money, I guess you buy your own and if you don't, they try to force you onto welfare and make it easy for them to steal your kids and claim that there is an obligatory relationship between the citizen and state.

The problem is, why should doctors and hospitals and scientists get richer, when the justice department has weakened the system?  We already had evidence of Nazis in the U.S., and now we're being forced to pay the Nazi's with our money.

Oh wait.  Let me guess. 

The Queen had puppies.  So one of the puppies was staying at someone's house and it sounded too close to my viewing this so Middletons people (or other UK-US people) put out a hit to target me while I wrote this post, to torture me for writing about it, and then to elicit my reaction to make me sound nuts.

Because sounding nuts and getting a reaction is the best way to reduce any potential threat.  Like I'm a threat.  Well some powerful group in this country believes I am.

1 comment:

  1. You are hallucinating puppies.
    Schizophrenic Cameo.
