Sunday, June 10, 2012

John Breuer

The man with 600 acres of property next to our property, who may also be the one who has the house where the people from Pennsylvania were always visiting, is possibly John Breuer but I'm not sure.  It's called 600 High Acres. 

Which is hilarious because PA plates are there and the first time I saw that I thought of Laura Laughlin, who is from PA. 

If so, his is the house where there were all these bizarre out-buildings (with things reeking of gasoline and big warehouses with no windows and Queen-sized mattresses outside of the warehouses, and the "therapy" sign marking their house.

Some woman riding past me on some motorcycle blasting Celine Dion's "Titanic" song, knew who I was.  She stopped and said, "Is it all coming back to you now???" and then puts on this crazy grin and takes off down the road playing Canadian songs.  Everytime she knew I within hearing distance, she was blasting "My Heart Will Go On".

There are people coming out of that driveway that are straight up government.  And then this one house is where the SUV with Pennsylvania plates is always going to.

People have gone onto this property and thrown all kinds of trash, including whole tires and automotive parts, into ravines for our property, and into the stream, and there are trails where people have clearly been going to, to make a path, which is totally creepy because they can stay hidden in the trees and brush and still be on our property.

There is a group of kids who are atrocioius and it's only a reflection of their parents.  They are constantly harassing my Dad.  Constantly. It's basically like their Moms and Dads get their kids to do things for them and hope then they won't get in trouble for it.  Some of the parents have been just raising criminals in their own children, to harass other adults and do their dirty work for them.

By the way, the girls I reported who sexually harass my Dad, Mehaylie and Grace, on the occasion where Grace was doing it most, and they were both doing something to my Dad under the table and then changed their expressions and positions everytime I came around the corner...Grace and this adult woman "Dotty" were going on and on about newborn babies dying because they're blue.  I think her last name is Steele.  Rick and Dotty Steele.

Right to my Dad's face and in front of me.  They know my parents first baby died 3 days after he was born, from lack of oxygen and kept turning blue, and these people literally mocked and harassed my Dad, at a "church" home-group over it.  It wasn't just sexual harassment, it included mocking the death of a child of my parents by a grown woman.  This, by the way, is just a few things I witnessed that they must have thought was not "too bad" on their scale of atrocities they've committed.  I mean, to them, this degrading and cruel treatment was maybe scale of 1 on a scale with 10 being the worst thing they've done.  I looked at my Dad and he said nothing.  Some huge guy named "Sparky" was there that night and maybe they thought they could do additional harm.  He was sitting at the same table where my Dad was being harassed.  Not only Grace, but Dotty were going on and on about how sad it was when babies died and they turned blue first, if they couldn't breathe....

It was CRAZY.  These people here ARE CRAZY.  And this is coming from govt. connected people.  It's totally black operation hostage and degrading treatment stuff.  The FBI backs it and they know it's 100% illegal.

What I have witnessed is really incredible.  Some of these people are so ready for jail, they don't even know the train is coming.

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