Sunday, June 10, 2012

Torture After Writing EOU's Tonia St. Germain

Immediately after I started writing my response to Tonia St. Germain, who is with EOU, I was then being tortured.

This is not the first time that I've been tortured after correspondence with her. 

When I was getting my books for her class, the entire time, references to U.S. military kept coming up in association with her name and her books.

I have no idea why, because she has never indicated she's with any kind of U.S. military group, and all her books that she selected are from London publishers.

All of this information about military came up with her name in a word search, and then with even the books she chose, with Amazon or someone who was giving search results, giving information about U.S. military prices and how cheaply it could be bought from various U.S. military bases.  I didn't know they teach "gender" courses in the U.S. military.

She gave me 1/2 credit for an assignment where I was dependent upon someone else to give me their work and take my work.  She didn't even give me the email address for the person I had to submit my assignment to.  Then, after she forced me into a partnership with this person, she has given me 1/2 credit for their failure to hold up their own half.  Not only that, the only other person in the whole class, because it was just ME, and this other woman, is someone she probably even knows personally.

St. Germain teaches women's studies classes, and gender courses.  The other student is a director for "Women's Resource Center" at EOU.  It's not like they don't know eachother.  EOU's gender department is small, and apparently, the gender program closes and puts St. Germain out of a job even.  So when it's that small, there is no way, these two women don't know eachother.

Both of them are faculty and employees of EOU.  And they have both attempted to affect my grade and hinder my work.

I really cannot believe the experience I had at EOU.  It was the biggest disaster ever, and malicious all the way through.

I couldn't even complete any of the tests for one of the courses, for medical terminology and then found out this nice "sounding" professor, Laustsen, Henrietta Laustsen, is or is not maybe so nice.  Between the Elsevier online technical problems every single time I tried to sign on, the professor finally tells me I'm not registered in her class.  So she tells me to register.  I did that at the very beginning.  Then, Elsevier tells me SHE, the EOU professor, has always had the controls to switching me in or out of programs and that she has the ability to switch me back to the one I signed up for, so I can see the tests to complete them.  I mean, maybe it's not Laustsen at all, and maybe it's entirely Elsevier, but if it's not the professor, why was she telling me to keep spinning my wheels with Elsevier when she knew all along that she was able to correct the problem.

From the moment I told her I didn't have any tests showing up, she knew I was in a different program and she knew she had the power to switch me back over.  Instead, these people made me waste days--I mean, weeks worth of hours, back and forth, getting nowhere.

It totally affected my work and impacted what I was able to turn in.

Again, I do not recommend Eastern Oregon University to ANYONE.

They are low-level to start with and that's how they stayed.  Low.

One of their biggest failures was trying to infuse harassment to keep me from getting work done.  They took my money and did everything humanely possible, to try to have me fail.

Out of 4 instructors, only 1 did not show any sign of possibly attempting to ruin my grade.  As for that class, that's the one where no, the professor didn't do anything odd to affect and ruin my grade, but I was refused receipt of my class book for the first 2/3 of the entire term.  I was not able to even look at the book for the class until 2/3 past the term and then the book arrived.  We ordered that Business Law book 3 times, and it didn't show up until a couple of weeks were left of class.  So it's not his fault, but it wasn't my fault either, and it affects my grade and transcript.

The entire term was one where I should have been getting my same Bs and As throughout and instead, I was harassed, given financial aid late, harassed over financial aid, interrupted by Cascio constantly, given incorrect information about registration for classes in the beginning, delaying my ability to take courses, and then most of the professors were bona fide assholes and deliberately obstructed my ability to take the class.  By this, I mean, they were telling me to email people and not giving me email address; telling me to complete assignments without any examples of what the hell a "collage paper" is; telling me they were giving me extra credit and now, oh, they're not; insulting me and making disaparaging comments about me, to me; telling me they never "got" a paper I sent to them or that now they changed their mind and it needs to be sent to them a different way, when they knew I had to get  a new computer and hoped my paper wasn't saved when I had to turn in a bad laptop...

They were just disgusting.

On top of all that, the EOU "blackboard" and program for letting me even view anything online wasn't working for the first month or more of the term.  EOU's site constantly sent back the message, "EOU is not responding" (try later).

They did all of these horrible things, which I haven't had anyone try to do while in college before, and then my family was tortured and I was being tortured at the same time.

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