Monday, June 11, 2012

Stalker (Family Surname of Theives)

I found out today we have "Stalkers" in the family and that they are the bad English and Scottish bunch that have tried to ruin my family on my mother's side.  Greedy wenches. 

Their 'crest' is green and yellow and the name is from England and Scotland.

I know Granny told me this before but I forgot about it until my mother mentioned the name when I asked.

Grandma Connie was my great-grandmother, the mother of Granny and wife of first, a "Stalker", and then next, "Henry" Breigenzter from Luxembourg.  Granny and her sister Waverly are daughters of the Luxembourg man.

The Stalkers, probably alive and well in Wenatchee, fit their names.

I know this is true because while Granny always got along with Loch and her half-brothers, the Stalkers got nasty and their wives were mean wenches when her mother passed away.  Granny was the one who took care of her--they did nothing, the rest of the lot.  They wanted to have nothing to do with taking care of their own mother, but the moment she died, they went after the whole booty and inheritance.  There were all of these heirlooms and antiques and furniture that dated way, way, back.  I mean, things brought to the country from other countries on ships, and hundreds of years old. 

I used to ask Granny what happened and she said they tried to take everything.  They were so cruel and mean about it, vicious even, that she said she was trying to be a good christian at the time, and thought in doing this, not to fight over anything.  The only thing she set her foot down on was the grandfather clock. Everything else, almost everything, was stolen by the Stalkers.

The Stalkers lived in Chelan.  (Pronounced "Shell-Anne").  Shell-ANNE basically. 

She said huge amounts of family photographs were taken by them.  They took a massive amount of family photos and geneaology and family history and documents.  Almost all of the family history was taken by them.  There were lots of photos that dated back hundred(s) of years, old photos from when photography first came up, and the Stalkers took it all.

With that kind of greed, I am guessing these are people who would take bribes from others long before loyalty to family.

I wonder who the Stalkers married to, in the Chelan/Wenatchee/Cashmere and other areas.  They had to have remarried and had children who married.  I wonder what their surnames are and who they are connected to.  Don't you want to know, just like me?
So Grandma Connie was first married to a Stalker, and then to a Breigentzer.  Grandma Grace Louis (formerly McQuaerie) was the one who was gored by a bull while crossing through a field.  She named one of her daughters "Queen".  I believe Queen was a daughter of Louis.  I think she was Grace's daughter.  Possibly her sister, but I think she had a daughter.

Then, I guess, maybe this is where my Aunt Locklyn got the idea to name one of her daughter Rani, which means "Queen" in another language.

My mother (Dicksie) says she doesn't remember what background Grandma Connie had but mainly Scottish she believes.  I said you don't remember? and she said she doesn't have a good memory, that it's my Dad who has the good memory.

My mother says she doesn't remember things that happened when she was a little girl.  She can't remember what happened.  I said how old were you when you first remember and she said she doesn't know and she doesn't remember most things.  Then she said, "It's your Dad that has the good memory."

I had said, "Well I remember some thing from when I was 6 or earlier, but then other things I don't remember, but I remember some things, don't remember anything?"

She said no.

She remembers Grandma Connie liked her and that she was generally grumpy and she remembers nothing else.

I think my parents are just victims of MK-Ultra.  Period.  And then on top of everything else, they had family jealousies and outsider jealousies to deal with.

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