Saturday, June 23, 2012

Killing Lincoln Book, Poison, Cat Electrocution

What you've all been dying to know--my opinion.

I have no idea.  I read one chapter randomly and then started at the beginning and then skimmed through some math books.  I thought there was some kind of energy to the book before I read it, not from my Dad, but something else, another person's energy on it.  To me it seemed weighed down.  I flipped through the pages a few times, to get through the weighed down feeling and then I prayed to open to a section God might want me to read about first.

Guess what it was?


So I am not the only person the U.S. secret government's assassins (Middletons) have tried to kill. 

I was right at the part about "fruit".  Poisoned fruit.  It was the first thing I opened to, the section about how Abraham Lincoln was sent "baskets of fruit", many of which contained poisoned fruit in attempts to kill him.

(I think I won't eat the dried plums I got from the food bank a few months ago.  And maybe I'll throw out the rest of those lemons)  He had so many people sending him baskets of fruit that was poisoned, and other poisoned food attempts, he waited, even back then, and had every single thing that went into his mouth tested before he took a bite. 

After I read about the poisoned fruit, I then went to the beginning of Chapter 21 and read it.  Then I read the start of the book but fell asleep wondering if I could see any impressions of Yulena Yuchenko (whatever her last name is).  Yulena had nothing to do with the book, I read other things first, and then my mind drifted to Marilyn Monroe and her assassination and then I wondered if I could see anything about anyone in the world and wanted to see if I could see anything about Yulena (no particular reason) but I was knocked out with the sleep dust of Sleep Fairies.

In other words, I conked out and fell asleep mid-thought.

I thought about Marilyn Monroe because I think she was assasinated, now that I know about her start to fame.  Everyone always wonders, but I think it was more than randomly being with President JFK (who was also assassinated).  She was dragged into government work from her youth.

I think they did to her mother, exactly what this country has done to me.
 They locked her mother up in a mental hospital and then took her daughter. After they got what they wanted, "Norma Jean aka Marilyn Monroe", they most likely had Norma abused and programmed by the foster parents she lived with. Who was her guardian when they locked up her mom?

Daddy U.S.A.  Her "guardians" were Mommy & Daddy Country.  She was a ward of California State, and more importantly, a government child at that point.  She was right in with the feds.

They saw something they wanted, and they wanted her and the only way to get her was to call her mother unfit, psychologically crazy, or mentally ill.  Then they took Norma, programmed her, and next thing you know, she's being "discovered" by the same government that put her mother in the psych ward.  She gets put through all the steps and eventually meets the President, but it's not like she was just this movie star that "knew the mob" or "got too close to the President".  She was U.S.A. government fodder from the day they most likely illegally locked her mother up.

They did the exact same thing with me and Oliver.  The methods have scarcely changed, except now, the U.S.A. uses torture on their citizens too.  Then, the U.S. allowed me to poisoned and assaulted repeatedly and the FBI barricaded their doors, laughed at me, mocked me to others, promoted women who are not even U.S. citizens (Kate Middleton), and got in on the torture and assault action.

I have been poisoned, and drugged and medicated without my consent, along with being tortured.

I'm still waiting for that check.

My compensation check.  I'm also waiting for my son to be returned and I won't ever give that up.  As long as the U.S. defames me, tries to keep me out of an honest livlihood, and continues to allow lies and crimes against me to build; as long as they keep my son from me, I have nothing but the truth to talk about, even when it's ugly.  I don't have to talk at all, or harp, or continue to expose what has been done, but as long as my name is smeared, and we're tortured, what else?

Anyone who actually cares about this country would put a stop to this and have it investigated and return my son to me.

Anyone who just cares about themselves and making me sound bad and who puts the reputation of the U.S. at risk just for the sake of keeping me and my son down, is arrogant.  They will not know anything about being a "living sacrifice".  People who ARE living sacrifices, by the way, don't talk about it at weddings and try to encourage others to be "living sacrifices".  They are already being sacrificed and wouldn't wish it on their worst enemy.  No one, while being tortured, says to others, "come on you guys!  I exhort you to be living sacrifices!  acceptable and pleasing to GOD!"

God is not pleased.

Anyway, back to the book itself, I noticed how Lincoln is in the front and then in the background are shadowy figures, well, sometime I'll bring up Morton's salt.  Sounds cryptic, but I wrote that to remind myself sometime.

When I got to my place, I set the book down, happenstance, on this shelf and then saw it was right next to the Lincoln penny with my oldest brothers birthdate on it.  The one that was killed by the U.S.  I had a receipt for Italian food next to it, random, and a U.S. Lady Liberty face from a stamp thing, and a "zotz" wrapper from Zotz candy, and then set down the book and it was next to Zotz which was by water and next to the Lincoln penny with Gannon Garrett's birthday.  Gannon Garrett died as a victim of the United States.  The Zotz wrapper has a little lightening bolt on it. 

There was a receipt with potatoes and oil and Welch juice (which my son was throwing up from at visits with me) next to the book before I picked it up to read it.  Not where I could see, but I pulled it out to look at it, from another spot.

So, seeing "Killing Lincoln" next to the Lincoln penny that represents Gannon Garrett, who died while living in Monitor, next to the river, was interesting.  Because according to my research, this is when the U.S. was testing laser and other energy weapons.

I took my hair pins out and had them there too for a minute and wondered seriously, what kinds of pins and implants has this country put in my family.  They're all over our business, and try to control everything we do.

The Zotz wrapper stood out to me because our cat had just been electrocuted at my parent's house.  I witnessed what "appeared" to be the electrocution of our cat.  Seriously.

The dog and the cat were in the house and all of a sudden we heard this terrific yowl from the cat.  My Mom didn't see it but heard it and told my Dad to check outside.  She said, "It's outside!" and that the cats were fighting.  I didn't say anything at first because I thought maybe there was something else going on outside too.  My Dad came in and said nothing there and then I said, "I saw it.  It was Smokey and it was in the house."  So I explained, "Scooter" (the dog) was eating dog food and then Smokey (the cat) was drinking water from the dog's dish.  All of a sudden, I saw Smokey sort of jump or get thrown up into the air and then he made that noise like he'd been hit.  Then he was back on the floor and it happened again, and he went into the air and contorted and was jerking around, and made that noise."

My Mom said, "Maybe it was one of his seizures?" and I said, "It didn't look like a seizure to me.  It looked like he was electrocuted."

I added, "I didn't see after that because then he was behind the kitchen bar and I don't remember if he yowled again, I just remember the first 2 times and I saw it."

My Dad said, "Maybe Scooter snapped at him for drinking from his water dish."  I said, "No, Scooter didn't seem to mind.  He was eating his food and the cat started to drink from the water dish and then all of a sudden, the cat went through the air, jerking and contorted, up off the ground, and was facing a different direction away from the dog.  Scooter started to go over to see what was happening and then it happened again, and the cat was in the air."

I said it looked way more like a cat being electrocuted than having a "seizure".

Here's the other thing...

I have already heard about Scooter, the dog, having "seizures".  The cat has them now too?  Since when do an unrelated cat and dog all have "seizures".  And what I saw was definitely not like a seizure.  It looked like an electrical shock had propelled the cat into the air and caused contortions and pain.

The cat went about a foot off of the ground, both times.

And then my Mom was showing my Dad something someone sent, I think, of a family that took in a lion cub and how it was playing with a bunny.

Smokey then looked upset and meowed and allowed us to pet him but looked like he didn't want to be touched either, and had his ears back still.  He had gone into an arch up in the air, from something that appeared to be an energy weapon of some kind.

I can say, I know for a fact, that what me and my son Oliver experienced in East Wenatchee, was not "seizures".  We were tortured and it was almost every single day, hardcore torture.

This made me think about how we lived in Sherwood, Oregon too, and how one of our dogs, or both, began having odd "dizzy spells" and plummeting off of the deck.  It wasn't really normal animal or pet behavior and it began happening in about 1995, from what I can remember.  Our dog Moonie fell off the deck so many times, she developed a huge tumor and finally died.  I don't remember how Tinsel died, the other dog, but they were both falling off the deck at the same time.  And this was when both dogs were Shelties, with good sense of balance and they knew to stay on the deck.  They never tried to jump off the deck, they were having these sudden "dizzy" spells and then falling off of the deck.

Not only were our 2 dogs having dizzy spells, which led to their deaths, my Mom was too.  I didn't see it happen to my Dad, and at that time, it never happened to me, but I witnessed what was happening to our dogs.  I was clueless, but looking back, my parents seemed to be even more distressed about it.  One time I was so scared when Moonie went off the deck, I was afraid to look and yelled for a family member.

So it's just "fascinating" how our pets have "dizzy" spells and "seizures".  Quite remarkable.  From everything that I can think back on, the pet dizzy stuff and falling things began in 1995.

Prior to this, someone was running over every cat or kitten I ever owned and I guess we lived next to a "busy" road but my parents were too distraught seeing my distress, to allow me to have another kitten after some point.  I played with all of the litters of puppies too, but my thing, as a kid, was kittens.  I was going to get a big dog when I had my house in St. Johns, or a smaller dog with a loud bark, after the house was broken into and we were held hostage, but I ended up selling the house and after this, never felt it was fair to own a dog until I was settled down.  Or a cat either, so I've had no pets since then. 

My Mom was having her "dizzy spells" the same time, at the same house and location as our 2 dogs were, in Sherwood, Oregon.  She called it "vertigo" and had to go to a doctor where it was diagnosed as this.  She had to bend over with her head pointed to the side, or dropped down to face the floor, and even had to walk around this way, just to keep from getting sicker.

I just checked with my Mom, and she said it only happened one time and the doctor couldn't prescribe anything except an anti-nausea medication.  She said they called it "a viral infection in your ear".  Or inner ear.  So I said, "How did they know it was a viral infection?" and she didn't know.  And I said, "They didn't give you anything for it?" and she said only the anti-naseau medication.

So then I said, "No, I remember it didn't just happen one time."  It happened several times.  It was just that one time was longer than the other times.  The time she went to the doctor, it lasted for 10 days, she said today.  But the other times, it wasn't as long, but she was having "bouts" of it, and I assumed it was some new "thing" or disorder my Mom had.

It was more than one time.

So our dogs fell from the deck with "dizzy" spells, and my Mom was having "dizzy spells" and vomiting.  This was happening sometime between 1994-1997. I think it was mainly around 1995, but I guess the doctor's records in Sherwood would show exact dates.  Things then got worse by 2001 or right before my parents had to move from Sherwood.  I think they were told to leave.  I wasn't living there so I don't know.  I just remember when I was still living there and the dizzy dogs and my Mom vomiting and having dizzy spells.  I don't think she ever passed out, but maybe was close.

Basically, it's starting to look like my family and our family pets have been singled out for torture in this country since at least 1994. 

The first time I had someone try to bump me off was while I was driving at night and was run off the road to drive up a guy-wire of a telephone pole.  That same year, I was having "drooling" and odd episodes that didn't run in the family, and only while at the Sherwood High School, around adults from the school.  My own seizure-like symptoms showed up right before, or around the time, our dogs were having "dizzy spells" at the house and falling off the deck.

Then it was my Mom too.  Probably, worse things happened to my Dad that I don't even know about.

I then had "migraines" being artificially triggered to put me out of commission at work in 1997, and then this escalated into chronic bronchitis from some odd bacteria I was getting every time I went from WA to OR or the reverse, and then it escalated, along with the vandalism violence to my property, into torture of me and my son, and our kitten.

The kitten was contorted and affected skeletally.

After this, I found out the dog is afraid of an English accent, over here, and my Mom has a knife scar on her face, and I finally try to contact the UN and we're all punished with torture all Winter, and my parents are kidnapped in what appeared to be extraordinary rendition.  Coming back to the house, then, blasted.  This is after I witnessed my son tortured and brought to visits to rub it, bc the state workers knew and wanted me to feel powerless.

Then it's not just the dog that has seizures, our cat apparently has seizures too.  ?

And aside from the "seizures" and whatever triggers those, I witnessed what looked like electrocution yesterday, of the cat.

But, oh yeah, we're fine.

I want to know something.  Is Alvaro Pardo still dancing the salsa down in Washington D.C. while I'm getting "Social Security Disability" mail from Baltimore, Maryland?

This country had better return my son and deal with their criminals and their state-sanctioned torture of citizens.

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