Saturday, June 23, 2012

Seizures & Dizzy Spells (Assault in U.S.)/TORTURE NOW

It didn't start with torture of me and my son in East Wenatchee (prior to that, Wenatchee).

Looking back, torture and experimentation of my family, by attacking us on a physical level, began at least since 1992.

It may be that other things happened which were "non-physical", and related to government in some way, but attacking us to have physical reactions didn't occur in all of our pets and in our family members until 1992. 

I do think there is a case I could make for being assaulted in another way, as a child, by U.S. government however.  I haven't gotten into that and don't wish to do so at this time.  But it would prove the U.S. has been using and abusing kids, on a generational level, in my family.

I want my son returned.

Also, I believe that my Dad remembers forms of abuse that can be connected to the U.S. government when he was a kid too.

As of 5:25 p.m. upon making this post thus far, I have then been tortured with my teeth targeted.  Earlier today I was tortured through microwave while standing at the computer, and with the energy that creates  a suction or your sternum to concave.  After I asked my Mom about her dizzy spells (refered to in the last post),  she then went upstairs and was drying her hair and then dropped something and came downstairs and her eyes were blackened. 

This is the second time she's been drying her hair using an electric hairdryer, and dropped it out of the blue.  It's not like she drops things all the time.  It's like a shock from something that causes her to drop an item she's using and then it clatters to the floor.

It's happened several times actually, but mainly connected with the hair dryer.

This post is really just to help point out parts of the last post.

To explain better, sometimes I write spontaneously and a thought or idea develops which needs it's own subject line.  So instead of going back and editing everything to be perfect, I sometimes make it stand out with a new post with a new title.

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