Sunday, June 24, 2012

Music Stopping and Starting (and Middleton)

I have music stopping and starting again.

It doesn't matter which laptop I've had, or how good the connection, someone is always tampering with my music.

I've played Sweet Baby James by James Taylor and then Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" and that one keeps stopping and starting and then it was just stopping in the middle and not going forward.

Why is it always about the middle?

I was tortured and lost my singing voice to Kate, Ursilla's Operator.  Or Carol, Ursilla's operator.  It is crazy enough that one son is tortured and the other murdered.

It's even crazier, that this country supports the Middletons AT ALL.  Actually, I guess not everyone does, just some kind of intelligence group and the FBI.

Go figure.  I'm sure all of England is really comfortable with that.  I wonder who, in London, has serious dirt on them.

I know Kate is not a good person.  I am not just saying that either.  It's not just her mom, or her dad, it's her, on her own, in her own right.  In her own right, she is not good.  And she has had people spying on my family for her, and doing horrible things to my son and to the rest of us.  That includes William now, because he married her.  So I say, when he ejaculates, he can start thinking about Oliver.  The kid his wife tortures by proxy.

What is really crazy, is that if William was doing a "cocaine bust" in Colombia, with military and FBI around, and Middletons are in the coke business and the FBI gives info to Kate about me, it means someone in the mix is seriously corrupt.  I am not even sure if it's just FBI that the Middletons work for, but I'm positive they work for FBI.  I have wondered if they also work for the CIA, at least one of them in some capacity.  There is really strange pro-Kate stuff right around CIA groups, in Virginia.  The colleges that CIA recruits out of, pander and pay homage to her, and no one does this if she's not connected to them.

What's sick, is that she acts like she's into children's charity for cancer in the UK and then she's involved with torturing my son in the U.S.

I'm not saying these things just to be "a hater" either.  I don't think she's very pretty, I don't think she's unique, independent, or smart, or anything special at all.  She's an administrator and that's it.  She's an administrator who isn't artistic who studied art history because she can't create art herself.  She supposedly was bullied sometimes as a kid, but instead of being a more sympathetic and kind person, it made her vicious, shallow, and coniving, secretive enough to do whatever it takes to get her nerd's revenge.  She would never be with William if it wasn't for her parents and his position.  And, she turned out to be cruel--that's what she became.  So no, it's not that I'm jealous.  It's that my son and family have been tortured and then I find out later, she's like the wicked witch.

I have every right to speak up, when I'm thrown into psych wards and told to "kneel" and handprinted by people trying to pander to them.  If the bad things had not happened, I would not be interested in her even enough to write about her.  But because she's been copying me for decades, and then turns out to be the cruel witch-bitch from Hell, who possibly is spawning babies as U.S. citizens through surrogates, I'm not excited.

My attempt to keep William separate from her and not blame her isn't working anymore. He's as guilty as she is. The two became one, and the one entity is a bad mess.

I care about my son, Oliver.  That's it.

Her butt is flatter than a pancake by the way.  Maybe now she can get implants.

I think I'm in the mood for Sir Mix-a-Lot, not Sir Camelot
(my posse's on broadway, and I'm going to say my personal posse is on capitol hill in seattle, wa.  forget it.  the torture teamsters? no way)

Buttermilk Biscuits:

Okay.  Can I say, "THIS IS AN AWESOME song."  This is high art, right here.

In the middle of the song, at 2:06 and then again 2:08, so good, and then those cow bells, with the hoo hoo hick.  The timing is shocking.  I mean, the placement of the effects, at the time he includes them, is perfect.

Felt sad playing these though, so switched to Smiths:
There is a light that never goes out.

I had a good interpretive dance come on for this song, not sure why but it was the first time I've danced in awhile.  I like singing this one too.  Maybe sometime I'll do my own version and sing it publicly.  I like this video done with all the guys on bikes, esp. under the "lad's club" sign with those bikes and the bike basket.    Also, like the focus on the bike part of the pedal.  Ha.  Just thought, first seeing it, so punk.  English punk and something I like.  Then after several times, thought, oh, the gay guys in america must also love this.  Smiths makes me think of Will Wagler I guess, and also just good music.  I like them a lot myself.  I like the British old punk and new wave music, as well as U.S. 80s.  Such good music.

The song light that never goes out has, I think, a double entendre.  In British Old english, "to die" is to well...part of sex.  Shakespeare.  It's both to die, as in be killed, but I think also, underlying this, to die in the old english discreet way.  It's throughout older British lit.--it was a commonly used figure of speech.  "to die".  It's a specific part of the sex act. 

The idea for dance with this song that I used without thinking, at one point, was sort of a doll-motion.  Like one of those very old fashioned or antique dolls that is wind up.  With a very small, abrupt movement, like a figure on a christmas display, but very small movements.  Sort of like a music box doll, but with more abrupt movements than the smooth music box figures.


Here's the asshole reading my diary.  And then I'm the guy, sickened from finding out about it, and getting on a tractor to go plow a field and play a drum with the cows.  Had to laugh at the typewriter in his bathtub. That's like me with the laptop in the tub.

Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now by The Smiths:

(none of the other videos were available?  I tried playing about 10 versions and all were removed or not available.  I love this song though)  "why do I give time to people who don't care if I live or if I die?" 

I am now trying to play videos that were playing earlier and they're just not playing right now.