Sunday, June 24, 2012

Part II: Seed Experiment

The main change that was noticeable in the seeds was color.  They all looked pretty much the same as the day before except for the ones in a higher solution of betaine HCl.  These ones went from being dark brown to a lighter sort of oak or non-stained cherry wood color.  Sort of medium reddish brown and the other ones stayed the same.  Also, the ones in apple cider vinegar, even though it was a dilute amount, slightly turned reddish brown.  I think it's possible then, that now the hull is more permeable but if nothing happens, I'll try it again with larger samples.

I potted them a few minutes ago to see how they do.

Also, I'm not sure what it means if the seed decides to float or sink.  They all had the same level of water but some sank and others floated to the top.

And I lost another one (accidentally poured it out with water) while transfering it outside, one of the stronger HCl diluted ones, so I have a total of 12 planted.

I shook all samples to see if it changed whether they floated or not but they stayed the same.

1.  Scarified:  both were on the side of the lid but when I shook it, both went to bottom.
2.  Normal:  both at bottom.
3.  High HCl:  1 bottom, 1 top.  Both lightened noticeably in color.  Lost bottom one in transfer.
4.  Low HCl:  both top floaters.
5.  Cider vinegar:  both bottom.  Very slight lightening in color, possibly not much lightening.
6.  CoQ10:  both bottom.
7.  Tea:  1 of them and floater.

I'm also guessing, based on how the cider vinegar slightly lightened the seed, since it's used on hair as a clarifier or to brighten, possibly betaine HCl would do something to hair color as well.  I wouldn't try it, but it might lighten hair.

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