Sunday, June 24, 2012

U.S. Murder Of James River & Torture Of Oliver Robert Guy

The United States is not just guilty of repeated rape and sexual assault of a mother by their employees--they killed and tortured both of my children.

Then they wanted me to work for them.

Oliver Robert Guy Garrett was brutally tortured, beyond what almost any child could take.  He suffered an incredible amount of pain, and then was forced to suffer emotional pain when they took away his only comfort: his mother, me.

Then in Washington D.C., this country knew I was pregnant.  They began assaulting me again, where I lived in a high-rise in Arlington, Virginia.  After this, they murdered my unborn baby.  He was over 3 months old and fully developed without flaw.  His heart was normal and everything about him was normal and without defect.

The United States deliberately tortured him, and then they murdered him.

Murder of an unborn child, causing any unborn child to die that is wanted, is a felony.  It is called murder and is separate from assault on a mother.

I am really tired of hearing hours and hours about ONE man who died in "Fast and Furious" because he suddenly got shot, and nothing about YEARS of torturing a U.S. family in their own country, with the FBI's full consent, knowledge, and approval.

That's not said without sympathy to the parents who lost their son to this Fast and Furious thing.  But if they and others can understand, their situation and that small incident is small-scale compared to what the U.S. has done and is still doing to my family.

The only reason there is any media attention at all, is because instead of featuring a child, like Oliver, standing there, they like the photo of the military man with another man across his back.  This appeals to men mainly, especially men in military or police or FBI.  So someone looked at that, and found out someone got killed by mistake in a plan gone wrong, and they have a huge congressional hearing over it and make an enormous incident out of it, while they ignore continued torture to an entire family that is living.

If you want "murder" because torture isn't enough, I can claim all of it.  After killing James River, they then threw me into a psych ward and tortured me, and that's after they illegally terminated my rights too.

My guess, is that Chris Dabney is FBI if he's not CIA.  He grew up in Virginia, made trips there a lot, and my impression was that he knew a lot of military people and embassy people and he stalked me when I went towards the FBI Headquarters one day.   For 9-11, the day of respect or mourning for 9-11, he came to work later with a crease around his head from wearing a baseball cap.  His treatment of the day was like that of a U.S. government employee.

He is the one who said, while having sex with me the first time, "Here's another one in the hole."  Another what?  Another U.S. government employee.

They killed my son to do him a favor and it was murder.  Because the only person who knew where I was going that day, or to what hospital, was working for the CIA as an employee, the odds are that the U.S. group responsible for managing the hit of murder on James River, was the CIA and DOE or DOD.  I am sure the FBI already knew what was coming.

Alvaro Pardo was protecting those same individuals--the same black men who worked for the CIA.  He tried to interfere, and others who worked as government employees for Maryland, tried to interfere when I went to the MD courthouse to correct the defamatory accusation that I held a knife against this Nigerian woman who works for the U.S. CIA.  Her sons work as "guards" on the property for the CIA in Virginia and I've had to check again to find out which branch.  Her complaint against me was deliberately written to make herself sound like she was partly illiterate and uneducated, but it was only to cover for the CIA, for the fact that she was a professional who was paid by them, and whose sons were paid by them.  She went back and forth from Nigeria where she worked as a head police officer there, and received miliant training, most likely from Mossad.  Mossad is the main group that was then training Nigerians how to fight in combat, for a military coup or self-defense.

It was the branch that was closest to the hospital were James River was murdered by a planned assassination from the CIA and U.S. government.

Alvaro Pardo worked for the U.S., having first worked for the FBI, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, while he was still in Colombia.  He moved to the U.S. because of his kids and because the U.S. wanted him to work for them here.

I had people telling me to "sleep with the enemy" or treat my relationship like "sleeping with the enemy" one time.  How did I know my "Enemy" is my own country.

After they murdered James River, my freedom of travel was still obstructed by the U.S.  They had me in Washington D.C. and wanted me to stay there.  They kicked me out of work for them knowing I had nothing to go to Wenatchee with, and knowing I was in the middle of a high-risk pregnancy.

After they used their CIA employed Nigerians to assault me in the back, and tip someone off at the CIA as to where I went for an examination, they murdered James River.  None of the prenatal public agencies and hospitals would see me for prenatal care even though I qualified and all my cells phones started being tampered with by the NSA and FCC again.  It was the same thing as in Wenatchee, and this time it was happening in Arlington, VA with a view to The Pentagon.

The next thing they did was try to block me from courthouses and distract me from nailing the Nigerian woman and her CIA associates for crimes against me.  I got a job again, on my own, because I never had a problem getting work and I wasn't mentally ill, and Alvaro came in and was a set-up by the U.S. again.   He tried to keep me from contesting the court matter, to do a favor for the CIA and Department of State. He already had admitted to ties and contacts with the FBI as well.  I got the computer from the CIA contract worker, because Alvaro was CIA and Department of State. 

Both the FBI Headquarters and CIA wanted me to marry him.  This is after they used him against me, to keep me from figthing a wrongful "restraining order".  After the Nigerian woman lied and claimed I held a knife, when I didn't, then Mykal Holt, who traveled to Brazil all the time, lied and claimed the same thing--that I held a knife.

Mykal Holt is Jewish.  Nigerian police were being trained, by Mossad.  The Jewish Intelligence.  There is no doubt at all that the Nigerian woman who assaulted me at her house, who worked with the top police there, was connected to Mossad.  That means she and her sons are linked to Mossad and to the CIA of the U.S.

I was pregnant by Chris Dabney, whose Jewish girlfriend and community were pissed at me about it.  He met her after knowing me and I still lived at his house.  He said he was Catholic.  His comment about "Another one in the hole" and his actions pretty much led me to conlude he is most likely Virginia CIA or FBI.

The Jewish lawyers and law firms that later took my case for my son smeared me because they hated me as much as the Catholics.  They wanted to punish me.  First they had their Jewish man rape me, after I worked for a Jewish boss.  Then they defamed me through their Jewish editor at Willamette Week.  They then made fun of me and ostracized me in their communities.  Then Russian-Jews followed me around in Maryland, after I was assaulted by Nigerians with contacts to Mossad and CIA. 

Then they hated me for being pregnant.  His Jewish girlfriend most likely worked for the Department of Justice already.  She was almost graduated with a degree in computer video gaming.  She was a computer major who went to, I think, Georgetown.  She was always meeting Chris after getting off the train from Virginia.  It is very possible she also worked for the CIA.

At the party for Alvaro, for his birthday in D.C. or Maryland, where I caught him kissing another woman behind my back but in front of everyone, there were Americans, Latinos/Hispanics, British with British accents, and Jews.  The Jews made fun of me.  I still remember, while I was dancing, how they made fun of me.

The U.S. had one of their psychologists check me out at different times during their "operation" of using me and continuing to hold my son from me as bait.

This country has always known what happened to me and my son is crime. They tortured us and still do.  They could have returned my son to me at any time.  Instead, they withheld my son from me, to give them leverage for using my parents and most specifically, for using me.  They stole from me, and then wanted ME to do something for THEM.  Oliver Robert Guy Garrett is and was always a hostage in his own country.  They used him to get to me, and then wanted me to do favors for them.

All that the Department of State had to do, and FBI had to do, was bring out the evidence, admit torture, and return my son to me.  Instead, they kept my son from me, making themselves the "guardian", and then committed extortion by attempting to bribe me into doing favors for them just to get Oliver back.  After I didn't do what they wanted, they deliberately took away all housing, refused to pay unemployment, terminated my parental rights, and tortured me and my son worse and then told everyone I was mentally ill.  They also put in jail again, on at 3 more false charges, and then later assaulted me with Haldol and broke my hand.

Alvaro's sons are being raised by his cousin, if you ask me.  And his daughter, in Colombia, is who knows who's kid in actuality.  Alvaro introduced me to 2 boys in Maryland, who were watched by his cousin Alberto and they might be Alberto's kids, but something told me it wasn't just the CIA and FBI and his mistresses who wanted him back in D.C.  He wanted to be next to his sons.  He was always saying he wanted "more sons".  "I want to have more sons".  I repeatedly told him sons was for boys, and he had a girl so she was a "daughter".  Most likely, his sons were here in the U.S. and his daughter was still in Colombia.

For all I know, his daughter wasn't even his own kid and he was just going to bring her to the U.S. for someone else who wanted her here.  That's how the CIA and Department of State and FBI "work".  They torture U.S. citizens, and hold kids like Oliver hostage, so they can use them for leverage and bait to get other things they want.

I started wondering if he really even had a daughter, and asked to hear her, so he called her up and she sounded like yes, she was his daughter, or knew him as her "Poppi" at least.  Who knows.  Maybe William of Wales had a kid when HE worked with the FBI in Colombia and then it's a big secret and Alvaro was her guardian and to escort her into the U.S.  Or maybe the Colombian woman at the courthouse marrying the mean and sinister James "Bond" from the UK, was acting as a mule for someone else's kid.

They all protect their own kids, and do NOTHING for Oliver.

Like President-hopeful Edward.  I personally don't think it's that big of a deal to lie about having a mistress and a kid, in the career sense.  It's not honest, but how it affects ones actual job, I don't think it has anything to do with that.  Maybe he lied to protect his identity so he wasn't harmed.  He had a friend lying for him and claiming parentage on his kid's behalf.  Why should he be prosecuted for anything?  This is what the CIA does ALL THE TIME and so does the FBI and so does the Department of State.

What they proved to me, is that they're arrogant self-centered pigs who think their own kids are "special" and that Oliver, my son, is nothing more than their ticket.

They don't want their own kids to be tortured, or identified, but they TORTURE MY son?  and MURDER my other son?  and then they punish ME for not helping THEM?

What does this country need?  Riots?  Do they need people knocking down the U.S. White House picket fence and the gates at all the embassies, and spitting all over the steps of the Supreme Court before the Judges get there?  Are others going to start singling out the children of corrupt U.S. officials and law enforcement and start picking them off?  Is the mafia the CIA hires and that the Department of Justice uses, going to turn around and start killing off the very people that they were hired by, to torture others?

Torturing citizens and not returning children is what happens before there is a 100% breakdown of the government.  The next thing, is riots and then you have "revolutions" or "devolution" in any form, because you're not doing your fucking JOB, and you're TORTURING some parents and kids and paying special FAVORS to other parents and kids.

The most ironic thing, is that Alvaro was always talking about "Revolution" and look at what they were doing.  They were playing cover-up games for the CIA.

They had this psychologist go out to visit me and he "screened" me, asking me all these questions and saying why was I with a guy from Colombia, and on and on, and saying there was something wrong with me if I was staying with him.  Then I rebuffed him and instead of being mad, I saw his expression.  It was exactly what he wanted.  He was some U.S. government asshole psychologist who wanted to test me and report back to his fucking group.  These people were constantly manipulating me, trying to read me, getting feedback, and even sending out psychologists who pretended they wanted one thing when really they wanted the opposite.  They wanted an excuse to say I freely consented to being held hostage by the U.S.

All of them knew I wasn't mentally ill.

Richmond, Virginia is the CIA branch that the Nigerian people worked for.  There is something in Maryland too.

They were responsible for the murder of my son.  The National Directorate of Intelligence was also responsible.

The U.S. is responsible for concealing evidence of crimes and for sponsoring the continuation of crimes.  They have always been in the wrong, they have always known it, and they know my son Oliver was tortured with me and is stolen property.  He was stolen from his rightful mother by the U.S. government.

Oliver continues to be a hostage in the United States.  The entire "adoption" and case is a fraud to conceal crimes that the CIA, FBI, and Department of Justice and even Mossad already know about.

All of those groups have evidence which proves my innocence and yet they have hidden it from the public and use this to keep torturing me, and to keep my son from me.

The U.S. had their whole "Arab Springs" campaign while my son and I were tortured.  How come no one is talking about "Arab Springs Revolution" anymore?  Don't need it as much now?  You TORTURE Oliver and then carry on a CIA "Arab Springs" and hostage negotiations for OTHER countries???!!!

Are you fucking WHACKED.


  1. The government necessarily intervened in your custody and care of your child because of your mental illness. Thankfully it appears your former son is in a loving home and away from your craziness. You should be happy for him. Perhaps some day if you take anti-psychotics you will realize that. In your current state of paranoia and psychosis, you will continue to weave sad pathetic conspiracy stories while ignoring that you are simply insane.

  2. How many times have these animals raped you? Did you go to the hospital for a rape kit?

  3. See my latest post. And yes I went to the hospital and there was clear evidence. The police refused to send it in to the FBI lab because the FBI had too many employees of their own that had raped me.

    The police covered for the police. According to international protocols, this is equivalent to torture on it's own, aside from use of military weapons.

    Repeated rape without police pressing charges is viewed as state-sponsored aiding and abetting,and when the rapists are federal employees, it's just state-sponsored gang rape and torture.

  4. to anonymous the gov:

    you're wrong.
