Saturday, June 23, 2012

Other Things My Parents Did & U.S. Torture of Animals, Murder of James River

Oh I don't know, a lot of things recently.

I bought Pepperidge Farm pastry sheets for making vegan cabbage rolls (like egg rolls but without egg or meat).  I didn't feel like making the pastry from scratch so I got this and it said 2 sheets.  Then on the same day I happened to open up the package, not telling anyone, and baking them, I went to the house later and my Dad said, "Don't forget about the sheets" and my Mom had washed 2 sheets.

I also had some idea that I was going to plant tomatoes by this trellis thing with a lattice design.  I kept resisting it because I knew it was a good place or expected, and I wanted to do something different.  So instead of getting a cherry tomato plant, I had an early girl tomato, which I planted elsewhere and then I put beans by the trellis.  Then I saw this cherry pie with lattice that my mom had in the freezer when she was moving things around and thought I bet she predicted or thought I might plant the tomato there (which is what I kept thinking about, all the time, but didn't do).

They both can predict when I sit or rise, generally, and when I will hiccup or cought or sneeze before I do.  I have no clue I'm going to sneeze later and they do?  It is so weird.  If I make a sound with my throat, they even know this beforehand. 

Here's a cool thing for animal lovers--I'm pretty sure they read animal thoughts or at least can predict their actions. 

I kept trying to find out, casually, if my parents thought animals had thoughts like people or how it was different and if people could know the minds of animals.  They said how should they know.  Later though, I don't know about thoughts, but they showed me they know what our pets will do before they do it.  They can predict the next thing the dog will do, if he yawns, my Mom or Dad can yawn first.  If he opens his mouth wide and does something different, they can imitate this before he does it.

(by the way, now that I'm writing about this some U.S. group decided to start burning me with technology, a little before 9 p.m.)

If the dog makes a motion or goes somewhere, they know.  They don't show off (my parents) at all.  If anything, probably most of their lives they never revealed most of what they can do.

The problem is that all of us have been tortured and other groups have hated/feared or tried to ruin us because of these gifts.  I think they've been torturing my parents so long that while they are still incredibly good, they are probably not 100% maybe, only because sometimes they are brutally tortured and your body can't take that.  I mean, assaulted on the outside, and inside.  And, for example, the attack to MY head?

When I had some scientific group probing the back of my head that one Sunday, repeatedly, it was extremely painful and sharp jabs and it was very obvious to be technology. I got such an enormous welt, a huge bump from it.  I wasn't sure what part of my brain they were trying to ruin, but then while taking medical terminology and getting an anatomy book this last term, I found out, they targeted the part of the brain that processes vision.  Vision, and imagination.

They specifically targeted in on the part of my brain that they want to destroy.  Which is no different from targeting my brain to be ruined by huge overdose of Haldol.

Any political dissident or innocent person imprisoned and injected with Haldol, will tell you the same thing--it's done to ruin your mind.  Russia is always mentioned, but there are many countries that do this, so it's not just been done by Russia.  I think I read the U.S. is the country that manufactures the drug and sells it.

If you don't believe me, do a web search with "political dissident", "Haldol"; or "spy, Haldol" or "political prisoner, Haldol."  Governments use Haldol as a weapon against people whose speech or actions they want to punish.  They and other scientists know that Haldol is one of the strongest drugs and one which PERMANENTLY alters the brain.  It doesn't matter if you get it as an "anti-metic" for being sick in the hospital (and no one will do that unless it's an excuse to ruin you), or for "mental illness", they use it to punish people they don't like, who they feel threatened by, because of their SPEECH usually.  People who articulate and think well and then broadcast things, or who "talk" or try to "protest" or use freedom of speech, get assaulted with Haldol because it is their mind that the government group (fringe or not) is afraid of.  There is no better revenge, to them, to try to ruin, rearrange, and disorder the mind of someone who knows their brain is the best thing they have going for them.

For me, it was my brain and my singing voice.  And both have been targeted and assaulted to be destroyed and minimized here, by state-sanctioned groups that work within the government.

The people most likely to be "punished" and assaulted with torture or mind-altering or destroying chemicals and substances, are actual or "perceived": spies, psychics, activists, protesters, organizers, and any kind of intelligence, or journalist.  Journalists are targeted to punish their attempt to write and tell the truth as they see it.  Journalists write, and therefore they think.  They put their throughts out there to an audience, and this is what someone who gives them "Haldol" is going for.  Destruction of powerful thinking that some group feels threatened by.

So my parents are not journalists and do not publicize things, but because they're gifted in other ways, they are controlled or groups seek control, and seek to trump and override any influence they might have.

You could have this innocent person, who prays about things and sees visions even.  They might foresee something and mention this in sincerity.  If another group doesn't like this, and feels others could be influenced by that vision, they get their own to try to "out-predict" the others.  So, for example, a group of 4 is praying.  They decide, "Whoever goes to ___ store on this day is going to be our leader" (not how we do things, but in general).  Some other group is already tapping into what they pray about and see might happen.  Let's say this one woman says, "It's going to be dresda in a yellow cardigan" or "ruby in a blue silk shirt" or "dibbie in red rayon strapless tank top".  If more than one person is seeing it is possibly dibbie, the other group that hates dibbie's guts is going to try to counter this.  So they might send in their own "dibbie".  which one is it?  the other group's "dibbie" got to the store first.  with everyone watching, she matched what the vision or impression was.  Let's say it's a harder test then.  "this person will talk about a baseball game on this day" or "this person will wear their hair in two pigtails."  when maybe that person never wears pigtails and they're wondering if there will be a sign.  Well, someone talks to someone and suggests pigtails that day or instead, they say, it wasn't about pigtails it was about pigs in a blanket.  What if this one person is the one who is literally going to talk about a baseball game?  what if she keeps getting shut up?  maybe they cut her off and interrupt to keep her from saying what needs to be said. so they tried to interject that way.  Or, if it's that she has curly hair one day, and that is the absolute end-deciding factor, after all these other "signs"...if it's a big enough deal, don't we have scientists now that control the weather?  so it rains, and seeing the rain, she doesn't curl her hair.  it could be any man, or woman, or even a little kid, or several little kids, and if someone wants to block or obstruct them because they want to change the outcome, there are a lot of people who are not "prophets" or don't care about God or the spiritual realm, and are just dishonest.  If enough can't be ruined by out-thinking, out-plotting, out-predicting, torture is a given.  Don't you think?  Some of these people will use their abilities so seemingly honestly, you trust them.  They're "christians" or "whatever" they are--they're good hindus, like you.  I mean, whatver the faith, you name it.  So they gain your trust by being so accurate and right, and peaceful-seeming, and even give a few points credit to the adversary.  So you think, "This person is telling the truth--they have no bad motive, and I don't even think they hate the other person, they are only telling the truth."  Well all of a sudden, it's the perfect Machivellian set-up for the dishonest psychic.  They take one opportunity, to use a big lie and stretch it to the fullest limits.  "That person, whose mind I read so well, as you know, is thinking about doing x, y, and z, and if we don't do something, we are in trouble."  Or, you could have an entire group of dishonest psychics or "prophets" who all group up and all seem honest and truthful, and they are all working out the same lie.  How can so many of them be, wicked?  they're such spiritual people.  Or they seem okay, not perfect at all, but at least about "these things", honest.  and they're always right.  Well, the entire group can have others working with them to orchestrate things the way they want, for the outcome they want, and then they can even make a few stand-alone honest people look like liars, incompetent, or foolish.  The amount of "power" involved, in being able to claim you can read minds or foretell thoughts or actions, or anything like this, is one of few things the U.S. government will kill and torture their own citizens over.

It's incredible, massive, power.  This is the same kind of "power", in importance, as "nuclear power".  Nuclear power can influence and affect thousands of lives, and because it has such an effect, rich and powerful groups coordinate together to try to control it.  They try to control who has access, who makes it, how it's distributed, who gets food to eat if they're involved, who is free to leave the country or not, which countries they allow to make it, how much...

The same is true of those with unusual gifts.  They are hunted down, corned, and if they don't freely work, or sell what they have, they are tortured and controlled to do it.  Because of the power of this gift, usually, there are a lot of groups around controlling income, food, education, travel...and they're constantly illegally monitored and watched.   If it looks like something might come to pass, that is good for these people, and yet new people are in power and hate them, they will make sure they're used in nothing less than slave labor, and tortured, and kept down while the other group is not tortured, is free to do whatever they want, and reaps benefits of dishonest psychics.  They might even work with them and be good at what they do, but use their skills for getting inside innocent citizens heads and trying to dismantle them.


Just like nuclear bombs.  They might be the nicest people, but if their gifts are working against another group's efforts, they see these innocent people as a threat, like having a bomb. 

When people talk about "leaks" about this or that, it's hard to know where the leak really is, because a lot more people are practicing PSI.   How do you prove someone leaked something if they stole the information by psychically reading it from the minds-eye?  There are people who can see a document, and read it, and they can be miles away.  Not very many of even the best ones can do this, but it's possible.  Different people are better at different things.  One might be able to visualize a person in such clarity it's like what they're talking about is from a hidden camera but there is no hidden camera.  (then again, there are plenty of those around anymore).

Some of the basic things are "remote-viewing" or predicting things or being able to foresee the future.  Some people can send and receive things from eachother, picking up on one another's thoughts.

Very few have even rarer or less common gifts, like being able to read entire memos from a great distance.  Someone might be able to read thoughts of animals, however it is they think.  Someone else doesn't read thoughts but can control the way an insect moves and where it goes.  Some can move objects from one place to another.  Someone can get a little Chinese or asian girl to shoot a rubberband out from a stick, like a slingshot, and another kid is picking up on and able to see what she does (I guess that's more common).  There might be even other things no one hears about.  I can't imagine what, because I think that covers all the bases, and I think most of these gifts have been around since the dawning of time, and people just used them or ignored them in different ways.

But possibly, there is, I don't know?  flying?  Most of us have seen levitation or heard of it, but does anyone currently have the ability to fly through the air without any aircraft or helps?  Just their body?  I mean, can someone zoom around, not on a "broomstick", but like superman?  Maybe it's extremely, extremely, rare, but maybe it's the reason we have stories about "witches on broomsticks" or "superman".  Mostly, I'm sure it's imaginative ideas, but if people can levitate, maybe there have been only a few, who really flew with just their bodies, through the air.  We hear about Elijah and Enoch, taken up into the clouds, and religious people ascending in the sky, but maybe there have been people who flew and still lived on the earth.  Got up one morning, flew through the yard and landed.  Decided, "I'd better do this at night, or I'm going to get killed or locked up for research."  Night fliers.  Maybe, just maybe, 1 or 2 people in the last several hundred years, in the entire earth, really was able to fly and they still lived on earth.

Just don't try jumping with a cape on as an adult.  I mean, don't read this post and then take LSD either.  Not a good idea.

If all these other things can be done though, that are extraordinary, I am sure, I personally believe it might be true that someone, at some time, was able to fly.

All this to say, yeah, my parents do some things, not in the most extreme side, like this, but a very high caliber side, and others are gifted as well.  Not all of these people "hear from God", even if a bunch in a big group all say God told them all the very same thing.  If it comes to pass, what were the outliers?  any?  or not?  And, to give credit, if someone is wrong, mistakes happen sometimes or things are imperfect or slightly different at times.  It would be hard to tell.

I do know one thing--I am sympathetic to the idea that the U.S. wants to "keep up" with other countries.

Not my son.

Not Oliver, not me, and again, I repeat, not my son.  I also think it is time to quit torturing any of us when I think my parents, if anything, try very hard to do the right or best thing.  I think they are conscientous.

I personally think it's interesting, but torture makes it uninteresting, completely.  It makes it hate crime, torture, and murder.  My unborn child was murdered and both Oliver and I were almost murdered from the intensity of what was done.  I know things must have been horrific for some others as well.

I don't care if "China" is ahead in the psychic game, or what Russia is up to with that area, or the UK or any of the groups that have worked on this. Mossad included.  (someone just sneezed). Even the Vatican has their people, and even some Muslim groups too, understand it's not just about "witches" but can be able other gifts that God gives.  It all depends.

Maybe the U.S. is really behind in some way, that I don't know about.  Maybe they have horrible projections about what is around the corner.  This doesn't excuse hate crime, for being hate crime.  What started with me at least, was nothing but this.  The taking of my son then, is something I view as combining hate crimes into rationalization for torture and abuse for govt. interest.  At that point that it crossed over, I don't care what the rationale is--I do not "work" for this country in this capacity and my family shouldn't be tortured just because some other group wanted this.

Oliver's torture is not the work of the "Mob", even if they're involved, or "Mafia", even if they're involved.  Oliver's torture was sponsored, at some point, by the United States of America. 

I was not counted in, as part of this "program".

No one, no Mormon named Sible who works for the State, or Protestant who knows local police and AG, or Jew who works for Mossad and the UK, or Catholic who works at the White House, has a right to try to force me to give me son up for adoption, or try to force me to relocate so I can't sue on his behalf for his own damages from childbirth, and then commence torture.

What does "torture" and creating severe physical pain for a child and his mother DO for you?

All that has been done, from our pets and family, since 1992, up until full-blown torture of me and my son, and later my witnessing this of my parents, after 2002, is illegal.

I can prove the U.S. government was already violating the law since at least 1992 by practicing experimental torture and research on our animals/pets, and on certain family members at that time.

My mother and both of our only dogs, had repeated "dizzy spells" for no reason other than technology. I was almost killed in a car accident (not exactly research as much as a planned assassination attempt).

Now, our only pets have "seizures".

And I've been writing about what things have been done to me and that I've witnessed to my parents and my son. 

1.  The U.S. (include other countries where they work together) group responsible does not care about animals.  I have witnessed our pets being used and tortured by non-lethal or less-than-lethal energy targets.  After Tinsel and Moonie had repeated "dizzy spells" or passed out, or fell over edges, one died with a massive tumor.  I don't know what happened to Purrsilla, but my mother was devastated when she died.  She was a Persian cat we got from the pound.  No one knows how old she was because that's where we got her.  Once she swallowed a bunch of fishing line and had to have a surgery, but then she died, around the same time our dogs were falling off the deck.  1 Swan was killed at our pond as well, but no one knows why, and then the 2nd Swan disappeared.  The main thing, is that the dogs were not related dogs, and they both were being targeted to be hit.

2.  The U.S. does not care about the unborn.  I believe some U.S. group killed my parents first baby boy.  I think they classified it as research or did it to keep my Dad and Mom 'in-line' better or to intimidate them to keep them under their thumb.  My unborn baby, James River, was murdered.  It was not a problem with the pregnancy.  He was murdered.


All of Washington D.C. knows exactly that this is the truth.  The United States MURDERED my child.  Torture, honestly, is almost worse, and they've done this to Oliver.  But then they MURDERED James River.

The FBI is so on top of it.  The FBI threw the mother of a baby they MURDERED into a mental ward to inject her with Haldol to cover for THEM.  It's not assault, and it wasn't just torture.  It was murder.  U.S. law supposedly has separate counts for acts against the mother and acts against an unborn.  My baby was wanted, and was 3 months old and healthy and normal.  His name was James River.

James River was murdered by his own country, in the heart of Washington D.C. and Maryland.  Then they wanted me to bleed to death.  First I was tortured, while pregnant, in the same way my son Oliver was tortured, and then, James was murdered in Maryland.  M for MURDER.  Where was my asshole fiance from?  Maryland.  Then he picked up his work in Washington D.C. again, and Virginia.

This country wanted to set me up because they knew there might be evidence of a murder.  It wasn't like I aborted my child, or he died in the womb of natural causes.  He was murdered.

Why would Washington D.C. murder James?  Maybe because someone thought he was a kid from James Cartright, Pentagon man.  If they didn't have all the details, maybe they assumed and went for the kill.  Maybe Chris Dabney and his pals were just sick of me, hated my guts, and didn't want to pay for child support for James--very possible.  First they fired me from The Post Pub and THEN they murdered James.  River.  How funny, because I did not even process the fact, at the time, that the CIA is right on the James River.

They put a hit on my son as if I was carrying the next President or King of England.


Oh whatever you want Cameo, whatever you need Cameo, how can we work this out Cameo, maybe you can get your son back Cameo, how about 14 hours with a psychologist to clear your name Cameo?


This country is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and TREASON against LIFE.  The U.S. not only TORTURED Oliver Robert Guy Garrett, they MURDERED my next child.

And we're supposed to believe Gannon Garrett's death was an "accident" or he just had a "virus".  Why is it impossible to believe the U.S. put a hit on Gannon?  They clearly allowed some other group to MURDER one of my sons and TORTURE my other son.  Then we all get tortured so the U.S. can keep criminals who tortured him, happy.  We're keeping THEM happy.  God is really interested in the happiness of murderers and unrepentant torturers. 

If 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust and 60 million unborn babies are killed in the U.S., usually with consent from someone, what does that say about the qualms the U.S. has in murdering wanted unborn children?  This country was HAPPY and rejoiced over the murder and death of James River Garrett.  It was a planned, directed-target HIT on my child.  After seeing so many bloody people and bloody babies extracted from wombs, I guess the U.S. could care less, along with the entire Pentagon, The White House, FBI Headquarters, and CIA.  All of these agencies were 30 minutes away from my son when they murdered him.  God damn your own children and families to hell for what you've done in taking an innocent life.  His blood be over your graves.  His blood is leaking out from under Robert Mueller's door. Doesn't Mueller have rights to anything in my personal belongings?   Does Mueller get to wear my son's violently chipped out piece of tooth around his neck in a pendant about "Faith"? How about the "Directorate of Intelligence".

Where's the line up of White House criminals?  Department of Justice criminals?  Pentagon criminals who went so far as to allow a military helicopter up to my window in Arlington, VA which was at the same time we started being tortured by DOE-DOD long-range use of weapons.  Was Mossad part of it?  They complain so much about their 6 million, and my son was nothing but a score?  For who?  Their fucking Jewish BITCH?  The other one that Chris Dabney was fucking and started to live with?

The people who saw my unborn baby and who took him to the morgue, saw the evidence of murder.  Everyone knows he was MURDERED by the United States of America.  Who signed off on it?  Dabney?  James Cartright?  Bush  II? Obama? or the Pained Jewish Bitch.

3.  The U.S. tortures their own citizens, without ceasing.  The U.S. has been torturing my family members, on an increasing level.  In addition, they have done this bizarre thing of trying to act like I might work for them.  They abused me, refused to investigate hate crimes, obstructed justice and had me forced out of all possible income and livlihood and college, and then they knowingly allowed it to escalate from torturing pets and people in Sherwood, Oregon, to full-blown painful torture of me and my son and I don't know what happened to my parents or brother in the meantime.  I know my brother's wife was most likely connected to Mossad and/or the Army intelligence.  She didn't care if my son and I were tortured in East Wenatchee.  Her eyes only widened and then narrowed at the mention of "Mossad".  I am so glad my brother is not with her anymore.

There seems to be nothing I can say, that gets any of these people to kick out criminals from the White House, the Pentagon, the DOD, the DOE, and the Department of Justice.

The courts are pointless.

I can't go to the FBI, because most of them are corrupt and defamed me. They have blocked me and obstructed me before they ever started saying I was crazy.  Once they put it in their files, though all other corrupt agencies and police, took all liberties with me from that point on.  From that point, my life was ruined. 

The FBI has proven they don't, and don't want to investigate crimes.  They told me to send in a report about Judges after I already had and then claimed they needed more details.  This, while mocking me about how they don't investigate child rape, murders of children, child kidnappings under color of law, or child torture.  They tried to call all of these gross abuses against a child, "a child custody matter."

The courts have nothing to do with any of this.  They have no control or ability to investigate, protect me or my family from torture, or to return my son to me.  The U.S. has made it impossible for me to even try, increasing the levels of torture about 600% whenever I make the slightest attempt to access the court system.  No one is able to access the courts when they're tortured. 

FBI and CIA do nothing.  Pentagon and DOE continue with approval from White House.  Courts are powerless.

Basically, there is not one single thing any citizen can do in the country of America, to protect their own child.  This country allows people to beat up my parents, and uses their own muscle to do it.  They allow my children to be tortured and murdered, just as they did this to my parents.  They force my parents to keep working for them while they torture them.  They forced me to work for them in TN.  They used me in Washington D.C. at The Post Pub.

They torture animals and pets,
murder unborn children without consent (not being a consented-to abortion),
allow murder of other unborn children who can clearly feel pain of being aborted and murdered,
and they torture the own citizens who are supposed to be protected, for YEARS, and then mock attempts of the victims to get help, cut off communications, cut off financial aid for college for arbitrary reasons, and continue to use people for slave labor.

Not one rape or sexual assault I've experienced was touched by the U.S. and that is ON record.  So why would they care about torture?

That IS, according to the UN, torture itself.  It's also considered to be "state-sponsored" and country-supported rape and torture when police know and refuse to investigate, block investigations and discourage them, and refuse to send rape kits to the lab.

If the U.S. was raping me, with their own fucking federally paid rapists, what do you think they do to little kids they take away from parents?  They rape those kids themselves.

To my face, they called me mentally ill and denigrated me.

To my son's face, they told him HE did all these things to himself, in the presence of other adults. 

Have fun getting off you fucking ejaculatory assholes Alvaro, and Mueller, and William of Wales.  Have fun with your wife the next time you "Mormons" that protected the abuse of a little boy, start the strip tease in the bedroom, and the Catholics can keep protecting themselves and trying to blame everyone else for all their crimes while they pay the Jews to hide their shit for them.


  1. what the fuck is a "dibbie"???

  2. Cameo, have you heard of Frances Farmer?
    <-- Marilyn Monroe: A young Norma Jean, caught up in the web of drugs and film industry pressures, turned to psychiatry to alleviate her problems. One of Marilyn's psychiatrists was Dr Marianne Kris, who received Monroe five days a week for therapy. After a particularly nasty session, Kris committed Marilyn Monroe to a mental institution where she was locked in a padded cell for two days. Monroe pounded the door hysterically until her hands bled. After her release, she fired Kris.
    Dr Ralph Greenson was Monroe's psychiatrist in the final years. Still ensuring the actress remained on her barbiturates, on 4th August 1962, after a six-hour therapy session with Greenson, Marilyn Monroe was found by her housekeeper Eunice Murray, naked and sprawled across her silk sheets. Death had been delivered from Greenson's barbiturate bottle on her nightstand at the age of 36.
    <-- Vivien Leigh: Hollywood actress Vivienne Leigh's hysterical outbursts were well known in the industry. After filming of Elephant Walk in Ceylon was constantly interrupted by Leigh's frequent losses of control, wanderings in the night and hallucinations, now widely believed to be caused by a combination of her TB medication and heavy drinking, her husband, film legend Laurence Olivier, became concerned for her mental well-being and repeatedly pleaded with the actress to 'seek help'.

    Vivien was persuaded to be flown to England for 'treatment' at the Netheren psychiatric hospital. Her treatments included being packed in ice, a diet of raw eggs and repeated electroshocks. While being treated on location as an outpatient in Warsaw, she performed with a splitting headache. Burn marks from the electroshock were visible on her head.
    Olivier finally divorced her in despair in 1960. Even though it was widely recognised that physical illnesses often produce psychiatric-like symptoms, Vivien Leigh's long-running tuberculosis was relegated in favour of her psychiatrists continuing to diagnose the Hollywood star with various mental disorders. On 7th July 1967, after her TB had spread untreated to both lungs, Leigh was found lying dead on the floor. Choking on her own liquid, she had drowned.

  3. <-- Ernest Hemingway: Believed to be another 'mentally tortured' genius, Pulitzer and Nobel Prize-winning author Ernest Hemingway was given over 20 electroshocks by his psychiatrists to cure him of his 'mental illness'. In July 1961, just two days after leaving the famous Mayo psychiatric clinic, Papa Hemingway put a shotgun barrel to his head and pulled the trigger. Frances Farmer: Hollywood starlet Frances Farmer was typical of many rebellious stars of her era who lived life in the fast lane. After starring in the prophetically named No Escape in 1943, she was involved in a drunken brawl and arrested. Frances was placed into the custody of psychiatrist Thomas H Leonard, who diagnosed her as "suffering from manic-depressive psychosis - probably the forerunner of a definite dementia praecox" - a diagnosis later described by doctors as 'pure gibberish'. Farmer was transferred to the screen actor's sanitarium at La Crescenta, California, where she was given at least 90 insulin shocks, finally escaping from the institution in terror. Her mother later signed a complaint against her and she was re-committed into custodial care in March 1944. At West Washington State hospital in Steilacoom, her psychiatrists gave her repeated ice baths and electroshock sessions in an effort to break her will. Mental health watchdog The Citizen's Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) reports: "Conditions [in Steilacoom] were barbaric. Both criminals and the mentally retarded were crowded together, their meals thrown on the floor to be fought over. Farmer was subjected to regular and continuous electroshock. In addition, she was prostituted to soldiers from the local military base and raped and abused by the orderlies. One of the most vivid recollections of some veterans of the institution would be the sight of Frances Farmer being held down by the orderlies and raped by drunken gangs of soldiers. She was also used as an experimental subject for drugs such as Thorazine, Stelazine, Mellaril and Proxilin." Frances Farmer died at the age of 57, broken, tortured and destitute. The movie Frances was made of her life in 1982, starring another leading Hollywood actress, Jessica Lange.

    It continues today….

  4. Many of the famous have owned up to needing drugs to get by. Singer Del Shannon (Charles Westover) thought the Prozac prescribed to him by his psychiatrist would “…help me over the hump I’m in.” His wife LeAnne “…watched him turn into somebody who was agitated, pacing, had trembling hands, insomnia and couldn’t function.” On 8th February 1990, after taking Prozac for just 15 days, Charles Westover shot himself in the head with a .22 calibre rifle.

    Princess Diana and Sarah Ferguson both admitted using the ‘liquid sunshine’ drug, Prozac, Diana becoming the subject of huge media speculation over her drug use. Royal author Andrew Morton’s controversial book, Diana: Her New Life, detailed her catastrophic mood-swings and alleged suicide attempt on board a royal flight, where she had attempted to slash her arms, smearing blood over the walls and seats before being restrained.7

    Lady Brocket, Libby Purves, Al Pacino, Roseanne Barr and Mariella Frostrup are a few among many who have been some-time users of Prozac. INXS pop-frontman Michael Hutchence died in November 1997 in an apparent hanging suicide. His song-writing partner, Andrew Farriss, attributed the death to Prozac and alcohol. The actor and comedian Chris Farley died aged 33 after a four-day alcohol and drug binge. Prozac was present in his blood. Don Simpson, co-producer of Hollywood blockbusters such as Beverly Hills Cop, Top Gun and Crimson Tide, died in 1996 aged 52. Police searching Simpson’s Bel Air estate in Los Angeles discovered thousands of tablets and pills lined up neatly in alphabetical order in his bedroom closet. They later discovered that Simpson had obtained over 15,000 psychiatric amphetamines, tranquillisers and sedatives from 15 doctors and 8 pharmacies. Steve Simmons, a senior investigator for the California Medical Board, stated:

    “Everybody understands how lethal street drugs like heroin are, but it takes a prescription overdose by someone famous like Don Simpson to drive home the fact that pharmaceutical medications are just as deadly.” 8

  5. How do Some People with Schizophrenia Thrive?

    about high functioning schizos

  6. Elyn Saks is a law professor at the University of Southern California, a Marshall scholar, and a graduate of Yale Law School. She also suffers from schizophrenia — an illness that many would assume makes her impressive resume an impossibility. In 2007, she published an acclaimed memoir of her struggle with the disease, “The Center Cannot Hold.” Her book is a frank and moving portrait of the experience of schizophrenia, but also a call for higher expectations — a plea that we allow people with schizophrenia to find their own limits. If anything, she says, her work as a scholar has helped her to cope with the disease. In September, she was awarded a MacArthur Foundation “genius” grant. She chatted with Mind Matters editor Gareth Cook.

  7. The only one who has committed murder is you. You had an abortion, so stop lying.

  8. I don't believe in abortion.

    I would have chosen death for myself over aborting my own child.

  9. To anonymous elyn,

    I'm really tired of EOU crap, so save it.

  10. anonymous how do some,

    What do you have to cover for.

  11. to many of the famous:

    I don't need your drugs and I don't want them.

    It's great for others and I don't look down on it, but I don't need it and have never needed any drugs aside from painkillers for extreme pain and valium for extreme anxiety on a couple of occasions.

    I've smeared blood on a building before. It means nothing about ones mental state. It indicates one thing--natural distress and a willingness to be symbolic about it. I was tortured at the Coast Hotel in Wenatchee until I was spitting up blood. I took that blood and smeared it on the windows. I never thought of Diana--she never crossed my mind. I said, "Curse you Wenatchee for what you have done to me and my son; may our blood be upon your heads."

    You are someone who has no right to talk about things you have no understanding of.

  12. to many of the famous:

    I don't need your drugs and I don't want them.

    It's great for others and I don't look down on it, but I don't need it and have never needed any drugs aside from painkillers for extreme pain and valium for extreme anxiety on a couple of occasions.

    I've smeared blood on a building before. It means nothing about ones mental state. It indicates one thing--natural distress and a willingness to be symbolic about it. I was tortured at the Coast Hotel in Wenatchee until I was spitting up blood. I took that blood and smeared it on the windows. I never thought of Diana--she never crossed my mind. I said, "Curse you Wenatchee for what you have done to me and my son; may our blood be upon your heads."

    You are someone who has no right to talk about things you have no understanding of.

  13. Re Ernest Hemingway:

    Yes it continues today.

  14. Re: have you heard of frances farmer,

    No, not until reading of it here at your mention.

    I have been gang raped by federal employees. I made my posts about it today and yesterday.

    It was premeditated and instead of going after me all at once, they gave tips to eachother to target me individually.

    Then this country tortured me and my son and kidnapped my son from me, thinking they would use me for further sexual reasons, and most likely torture.

    This country has used my son for research and my parents are forced to work for the U.S. If my mother had ever signed a consent form to have me admitted someplace, you should see what they did to her when I tried to report torture to the UN; they had evidence of a knife scar to her face removed.

    They've tortured us and we are still being tortured. Marilyn Monroe was not only subjected to "psychiatry", her own mother was put in a hospital by the govt as an effort to steal Norma Jean and program her and assault her as a kid in foster homes, with the U.S. as her "guardian". Her first job was then for the U.S. on a military base and she married a military man. She was sold as a child slave and was always a slave to the United States. The government decided she was their personal government property. They killed her.

  15. About Dibbie,

    A name. A Debbie that gets Dibs. I don't know.

  16. About Dibbie,

    A name. A Debbie that gets Dibs. I don't know.

  17. About Dibbie,

    A name. A Debbie that gets Dibs. I don't know.
