Wednesday, June 13, 2012

(UPDATED) Garden, Department of State crimes, & Documentation & Oliver Planning

I was thinking that if I'm selling produce to others, and being certified organic, I might start a scrapbook.  Not a scrapbook in normal sense, but I thought today maybe I should save my seed packets so I'm able to show what's from organic or non-GMO and what's from regular seed. Just keeping a small but regular log of things.  We'll see.

On the other hand, I am not sure what to do about the courts with regard to my son.

I still have to file with UN but I just started feeling sick to my stomach thinking about the gross emotional trauma he has been through.  If others were not torturing him, and they were at least part of the time, some of the time he may have been self-harming out of agony of being separated from me.

I really will never forgive this country for that.  Ever.

It's not something I should forgive, can forgive, or that God would ever ask me to forgive.  God doesn't forgive everything.  I believe in almost all cases, as a christian, we are to forgive, but I don't believe there is forgiveness for what has been done to my son.

It's one thing when someone doesn't know what they're doing, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do", or to forgive many things even. But how is there forgiveness for people who knew what they were doing and did it anyway and who still, to this day, refuse to correct what they've done?

The fact that this country has done nothing to resolve crimes against my son and his kidnapping and our torture means there is no forgiveness for them.  It's not as if they don't know what they're doing, or what they've done.  They know.  It is their duty to turn over evidence and to investigate and prosecute and return my son.

My son's situation is not a "civil case", it's a criminal case.

At no time should the FBI or anyone be telling me to jump through hoops, when it's not my duty or within my control to investigate crimes.  When crimes are committed by the state and are state-sponsored, either the United States cleans it's own you-know-what, or I take it to an international forum for them to inspect their you-know-what.

I don't care if there is no "signed declaration".  They signed the Geneva Treaty and they violated it.  They tortured my son and then they do nothing.  Canada did just as much and they DID sign a declaration.  Many of their officials, at least on the border side of B.C., were informed ahead of time and knew what was going on.

For me to even think I would get anywhere, going to the 9th circuit and asking for appeal, is ludicrous.

The FBI refuses to even investigate Judges for committing crimes, FELONIES, so if the FBI lets Judges get away with this, what faith would any reasonable person have in the system?  None.  There is zero faith in the justice system for the very reason the FBI claims they investigate "public corruption."  They've been liars.  They write a big theme about public corruption and go after Edwards for having a baby in a liason but they don't investigate judicial felony and torture of little kids?

What are they?  The sex police?  Oh wait, only if they're not the ones having sex.

How about less "sex police" and more "torture control"?

How about less kidnapping of children from innocent mothers, and then assaulting the mothers to cover their own crimes? 

Was I really supposed to think, at any time, that after Judge after Judge intimidated me and kept evidence out of the record, and after the state was allowed to use corrupt law firms to cover them, was I supposed to think, oh yeah, if I keep trying in the totally WRONG track of justice, I might get somewhere?

It's not CIVIL.  It is NOT a matter that is MY responsibility.

It is the FBI's SWORN DUTY to prosecute and investigate public corruption and one would think, military and DOE felonies committed to torture kids and mothers.  The track of justice is not with the courts when the FBI has allowed the courts to be so over-run with weeds, you can't even find the original cornerstone.

Where is it?  Did they let someone buy it from them?

If the FBI refuses to investigate, they are guilty of aiding and abetting crimes and are liable to be sued themselves.  Putting up a bunch of "authority" stamped paperwork, signed by Judges, doesn't validate invalid orders and illegal actions.  They stole a child, and committed crimes to extort him from me, and then tortured me and asked me to marry their friend.

I did enough research to find out these things:  If a child is pursued across country borders, it is not just local authorities and Judges and the "state" that gets involved.

The Department of State is required to be involved.
The FBI is required to be involved.
If military has an interest, they will also be involved but in a more discreet way.

The Department of State and FBI consulted and talked with Canada, along with the local people, and the Attorney General of Spokane in Washington, which is overseen by the Attorney General's offices in Seattle.

So the Department of State is the group that, in the interest of "diplomacy" considerations, negotiates with FBI, CIA, Pentagon...they cover a broad base.  There is NO possible way this country did not know exactly what happened to me and my son.  They knew, they know, and they continue to conceal crimes and evidence of crime.  Instead of coming forth with evidence, they tried to have me do them a favor and marry their man.  It had nothing to do with "doing the right thing"--they did it out of selfish interests and motive.

I had someone in Washington D.C. tell me to contact the Department of State and I thought, "Why?"  They told me to get in touch with Hillary Clinton.  When I asked why, confused, I was told, after a long pause, "Well, she's interested in women's rights."


If Hillary Clinton is so interested in "women's rights" then why did she personally sponsor a bill, signed into effect by the Department of State on MY birthday, to make it easier for the U.S. to cross international lines to get kids?"

Hillary Clinton tried to hook me up with Alvaro Pardo, and the FBI always knew about it and knew who he was.  When I didn't marry him, the next thing she did was sign a bill, that closed the "loophole" that was violated when I was harassed and pursued into another country without any legal authority of the United States to do so.  And then she signed this new bill into effect on MY birthday, October 22.

It wasn't a mistake.  They have always known about crime against Oliver Garrett and they have always been aware of my innocence.  She most likely allowed these things to happen out of revenge for my comments and blog about her and her husband refusing to be honest to the American people.  If Hillary and Bill are going to lie about Monica Lewinsky, why wouldn't she lie about torture to Oliver Garrett.

When I was first in Washington D.C., it never crossed my mind that I had 1 year to pursue a Hague Treaty violation claim against the U.S. for illegal kidnapping of Oliver Garrett and collusion to put me under false arrest.  I had no idea.  I also didn't know, then, and for several years, that The Department of State ALWAYS is involved in international disputes involving children.  I didn't know this until after my rights to visit my own son were terminated.  Terminated, when Eastern Federal court in Spokane, Washington (where the AG responsible was) feloniously refused to keep a filed Motion for Preliminary Injunction in the court record.

Whitewater rafting anyone?

What was Mykal Holt?  She was a member of the Methodist church, like Hillary, and did overseas work like parties of the Department of State frequently do.  She stole from me, lied about me, and colluded with Alvaro to take photos of my things and go through my things and tried to seduce him. With Clinton's blessing she stole my cedar Hope Chest and involved 3 different police cars and officers to go through all of my belongings and then kicked me out without the legal notice.

Who did I end up staying with after one Department of State contact illegally kicked me out?  Another Department of State contact, and one connected to Canada, who then stole all of my remaining photos, clothes, and belongings, and gave them to Middletons.

What a patriot Clinton is.  Look at her body language during the footage of the killing of Osama bin Ladin.  She was stupid enough to have herself filmed, leaning forward, concealing a smirk on her face as she watched.  What kind of heinous criminal smirks while watching a bloody assasination?  The same kind of "woman" that smirks when little boys are tortured.

5 years after my son Oliver was tortured, kidnapped, and assaulted, I realize why someone told me to look up Hilary Clinton.

She was already, at that time, heading The Department of State.

I wasn't told to look her up or contact her because she's "pro-women's rights".  I was told to look her up because they knew she was responsible.

Clinton knows exactly who is responsible for torturing me and my son.

Instead of coming clean and asking for investigation, they've concealed crimes to suit themselves and then allowed FBI to assault me and be their "muscle" against me.  What about "women's rights" while I was forced out of housing and onto the streets to be tortured by police, without my son?  I believe that happened after I was visited by members of The Department of State from Seattle, one who was going to Colombia.  They drove all the way from their Department of State office branch in Seattle, to have a look at me in Wenatchee, Washington.

That was before I was poisoned and tortured to lose my singing voice, and before someone decided to slice off a chunk of my son's face, and then keep the photos out of the court record while CPS state workers lied about it.

Real nice "Department of State" and FBI people.

These people trash the entire justice system and then I'm supposed to think, after they force me out of having an documentation to appeal on, that I'm going to get my son back through the same system they've used to conceal their crimes?  It is not civil, and it's not my duty to take it to court.  It is a criminal case of public corruption and torture and either you fuckers deal with it, or you pay for your mistake.

I didn't do the Department of State and FBI the favor they wanted, so they sold me and my son out to the U.S. military and DOE, to be tortured.  Human trafficking is illegal Ms. Clinton.  So is torture and concealment of those who commit torture. 

Return my son Clinton.

Confess, quit encouraging Mueller to assault me, and allowing others Departments to torture my family and do your duty.

Your duty is to uphold the law.  You owe a duty to Oliver Garrett for knowing about his situation and doing nothing besides obscure the truth.  You owe it to me and him to call crime crime and quit passing it off as a "CPS case" when you know CPS is nothing but a shroud.

I don't think the Clintons are against Catholics or Jewish.  They'll work with whoever supports them.  They don't hold a grudge because of Lewinsky--they use Jewish to their will just as they'll use Biden to their will, or Kerry, or anyone else.

And I forgot.  One employer that is not registered with Social Security as having employed me, is based in Lake Oswego, Oregon.  I worked with Chris Schmidt there, for people that I later found driving through Wenatchee to harass me.  All the way from Lake Oswego, Oregon to Wenatchee, Washington with their little dog.  She used to comment on my clothing all the time, saying things like, "How can you afford these clothes?"  "Who buys your clothes for you? do your parents pay for all of your designer clothes?" she wanted to know all about my sources of income and out of all of my employers, I found almost all of them are registered with the Department of Social Security except this one.  What interest does an older woman from Lake Oswego have in driving all the way to Wenatchee to harass me?  She even paid me by check, and yet nothing with the SS?

She and her husband had an "enzyme" health store that gave evaluations to people in Lake Oswego and then they sold all kinds of different enzyme pills (things like protease, amylase, and combinations).  My coworker was Chris Schmidt (a woman).  Later, this woman who was always nosing into my business, was mocking me as she drove past, after I'd had my son.  I always thought this was strange and then remembered she has some kind of connection to Lake Oswego.  Apparently, the rich bitch doesn't pay her taxes because there is no record of her business with the Dept. of Social Security.  Her husband always seemed nice but I still remember being shocked to see her driving past me, often, and looking happy that I was down.  My bank was Wells Fargo then.  I told her my clothes didn't cost as much as they looked.  They were all designer vintage.  20s and 40s tailored vintage suits of good quality, which I wore with high heels from Nordstrom Rack,  along with silk scarves and I had a slim wallet and an alligator skin style handbag.  I paid about $5-8 for a suit and had tweed, wool, and cotton and all fitted.  But she wanted to know where my "money was coming from".  She was very happy to see me with nothing later.  Don't you wonder how the haters are connected?  I found her--Dr. Lori Hallquist.  She's connected to the U.S., Canada, England, and Singapore.  She also went to Malaysia in 2008, which is after I kept a correspondence with a man from England who lived in Malaysia.

What's odd is that I filled out a W-2 for them and they should be registered with SS.  The others did under-the-table stuff but I tried to go back and pay my share and then for one of them, they said I was self-employed but I wasn't.  With her, I filled out the W-2 just like Chris and everyone else that worked there and yet they're business is conveniently missing from Dept. of Social Security records.  Everyone else is there.  Not Lori Hallquist with her odd contacts though.  I still remember all of her questions and how she was always trying to get information about me and my family and source of income.  I just blew it off and forgot about it until I later found her repeatedly stalking me in Wenathcee, WA and clearly hating me and satisfied with seeing me down.  I remembered that and wondered what in the world was going on and who did she know.

I think it's time for Lori to pay her taxes, don't you?

Lori came to mind because while writing about being tortured and my son being illegally taken, I was also working on medical terminology and was on the section about "amylase and protease" and remembered Hallquist mocking me, repeatedly.  I would say she drove past me and made a point to follow me around, that I noticed, on at least 10 separate occasions.  I had no clue why she was doing this and why she acted like she hated me.

I worked for the Roses and then Hallquist.  After this, because Chris and I did everything from receiving orders to shipping and handling, to invoices for billing, to reception work, I was comfortable starting a very small book business and doing the s&h for it.
UPDATED 6/14/2012 at 9:11
By the way, I didn't imagine it was Lori Hallquist.  It wasn't just someone who "looked" like her--she was driving the same car she drove in Lake Oswego.

It was her, and she was stalking me.

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