Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Doctors Who Give Kids Anti-Psychotics Should Lose License

I was watching the ads for Risperdone, an anti-psychotic given to children, and it talked about kids developing breasts from it.

Any doctor who gives a child an anti-psychotic should instantly lose their license.

There is no such thing a child "paranoid-schitzophrenia".  Medicating a kid is basically a crime--and any doctor that gives a child such a thing should lose their license and instantly be suspected of using children for medical research.

Those kids given Risperedone were probably children of poorer parents, whose kids were used as guinea pigs to test out drugs for rich pharmaceutical companies and the military.

Paranoid-schitzophrenia, for the most part, even for adults is a fabricated construction used as a cover for illegal research.  It was only a while ago that women were sterilized for "hysteria" and had their uteruses removed. Why?  Because these women were bucking the system and asking for women's rights and challenging men.  So they were punished with the removal of their wombs.  The medical lable they were given for a "authorative" excuse was "hysteria".  So supposedly the hysteria was corrected with a hysterectomy.

They did this with "disorders of masturbation" and "homosexual" "disorders", putting these people in jails, mental hospital jails, for things that others made up to suit themselves.

No child has "paranoid schitzophrenia" and no child is "psychotic".  Giving any child that kind of drug is an immediate warning flag about what kind of "doctor" they are and who is funded their under-the-table salary.

I saw kids in Mexico who were severely disabled, and going there again I might have a sharper eye, but none of them were given drugs like that, to my knowledge.  They were the most disabled of the disabled and some banged their heads against a wall even, but they weren't mentally ill.  They were unable to speak for themselves.  It had nothing to do with "mental illness".

So why is it even legal for doctors to give kids drugs like this or even for their parents to consent to it?  This one woman, a total wash-out of a "mother", had her own child sent to be experimented on.  I talked to her through the YMCA before I was then punished for criticizing her and others, and sent to a pysch ward for no reason.

She sat there and told me to talk about my "feelings", not crime, or the FBI, or the government.  She didn't want facts, she wanted something else.  Then, when I had this list of questions for her, to see if she would be a good "fit" for a counselor, I asked her if she thought experimentation of humans was ethical.  Then I asked if she thought non-consensual experimentation was ethical.  She said no and then she went on to say that she'd put her own child onto drugs for "research".

I said, "How did your child consent to that?"

The woman was a total hypocrite and the same kind of person that sent their kid to be experimented on, was assigned to me, when I've been used for illegal research without my consent, including being drugged and medicated without my consent by the U.S. through the Post Pub and my fiance Alvaro Pardo.  After they non-consensually and secretly drugged me, they then punished me for insulting others who have no spine and sent me to be assaulted out in the open.

CPS has no interest in rounding up doctors that use kids for illegal research which ruins their minds.  They have no interest in rounding up parents that consent to this or finding out if they were coerced.  CPS is a liason for The Devil and nothing more.

They torture kids, they traffick kids, and they get paid to lie and conceal crimes against children.

Children has NO rights with Child Protective Services.  The children stolen by CPS are deliberately creating Norma Jeans, getting set up to work for the government, being abused for private parties, or to punish activist parents. 

If there is one government program that needs to be cut, and have it's head chopped off and then be pulled up by the roots, every single last ugly root, it's "Child Protective Services".  That entire organization is a lie.

Who was Norma Jean's first job with?  A plant owned by the Department of Defense--the U.S. military.  Do you think it was an accident that her mother was kidnapped and locked away from her kid in a mental ward, while Norma was tossed around between 12 different foster homes? 

It's true that a lot of people worked for such places during the war, but her story is a classic MK-Ultra story, even if that's not the name they gave it then.

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