Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Psalm 17: God Is My Counselor & Advisor

This is the Psalm I read this morning.

It's about making God your advisor and counselor.

If God is my counselor and advisor, it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks about what class I take and any obstruction by any party, to block me from doing anything I feel God would want me to do, will backfire.

If God needs to have me document corruption by videotaping it, that's fine.  I won't be videotaping myself, but I have no problem videotaping the kind of thing that happens online to prevent me from getting anything done.

It points to monopolistic activity and hate crime and it is costing me money.  That means, if caught, anyone interfering can be sued.  Even if they are not sued, they can evidence of what is happening put online.

I had some woman call me yesterday from ITT from the Portland campus.  I already made it clear I was taking classes online for awhile.  I'm not interested in fixing someone else's computer problems and I'm not interested in being pushed out of normal classes I choose for myself because of abnormal hate crime issues.

First I'm driven out of college through corrupt police, Judges, and FBI, who put an illegal suspension on my car and then blocked me from any kind of freedom of travel.  Then, I get back in and I have haters trying to drive me out by tampering with everything I do online.

Someone could say a rigged test is a clear sign there will be problems from the online group that supports the test, or that some other group is involved.  I really do not care.  I have no interest in letting someone push me around when there are means for proving criminal obstruction.

Then the police drive past me, like they don't know what destruction of evidence and criminal obstruction is about.  It was police in Wenatchee that stole my videocamera and deleted and erased evidence I had against their pals with CPS and Anne Crane and Sue, the visitation monitor.  They didn't want evidence of my son's torture and their refusal to do anything but lie to backfire on them.

They stole my videocamera and deleted visitation evidence that was legal, AFTER Wenatchee cops knew my son was tortured by the state "guardians" and knew I could sue them for failure to protect innocent children.  Afterall, these are the same cops that had a rape evidence kit for me and refused to send it to a lab to be analysed.  This proves their pattern of conduct is to take evidence of crimes, and destroy that evidence, hide it, and refuse to prosecute with it.

They take little sessions and lectures from the FBI, who, guess what???  go to Arlington, Virginia and take tips from the CIA and military.  They train FBI to be assholes and then pass it along to cops.  Quantico, Virginia.  It's where almost all of the FBI S.S.A.s end up at some point, sitting next to the CIA and military for lessons on how to collude against citizens.

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