Friday, June 29, 2012

My Photo Response To Will's Photo

.  Hmm.  Well, I need my other laptop back bc this one doesn't take decent photos.  The other notebook, my little Acer, had the webcam removed when I got it back from the computer shop and I still have to go back and ask them to add it back.   So I used this one.  I am taking photos of my son's homework today so was already in the mood.

I ended up braiding my hair differently for some reason.  Usually I braid it simply, all the way around in a circle but I french braided it back and forth and then wound it in the back and then there was this bare spot so I had a piece of fern in a vase in my bathroom and I plucked it out and put it there to cover the spot. I did crownbraiding and french and regular and then at the end there was a bare spot and a circle.  Instead of pinning the circle of hair away, I left it (you can barely see it on the right side of my head, but I left it thinking of my son) and the fern feather went next to it).  I didn't know how it turned out until the end because I didn't check the back and just kept braiding.  I went across to the right then flipped the braid to go left and braided-in that way then back the other way and kept going until I had a little strand left, to wind around.  It was a surprise 'do.  Then I thought I would take photos for my son.  And then I took more, laughing and thinking about Will's photo.

I sort of liked how my hair turned out, with sort of a feather underneath the braid idea and then when I stuck the fern there I thought, it is sort of like, and I already had dressed, and was wearing my torn jeans which I tried to stitch up with thread (it has blue, green and tan thread).  Anyway.  I took them very fast and have a ton.  Maybe that means I'm a ham or maybe it means I'm an extrovert.  Anyway, I'll put them up and then take most of them down.  I'll put up the bad and the good ones.

I'll put up 2 from my lab that I did for science the other day too (we have to include this and I'll show the two that I included, maybe at the end).

(I have to figure out how to upload with it might take a minute)
(I don't eat honey but I saved what I had left when I went vegan, bc it made me think of my son)
I am debating on whether to upload a couple of copies of Oliver's work to prove someone at his school has been manipulating him. It's not the Avilas. I am not sure, but it is possible that now if the State (and my enemies) who took my son after torturing him, think the option for my getting him back is out, they're trying to go after Avila's now. Saying he's skinny or something after the State tortures him, and takes him from his mother. I'm going to put his homework response from me together and then I'll think about it. My son needs to be returned to me. I did not sign up to be "drafted" and my son is not government property. He is mine, belongs to me, and was tortured with me and then kidnapped from me while several U.S. government agencies were aware that we were tortured. They had no legal grounds to take my son, at any time. They violated interntaional law and continue to violate domestic law. They torture me to prevent my ability to even appeal or enter evidence into court. That makes the courts worthless. It means the court and justice system in the U.S. is good-for-nothing and that obstruction of justice is occuring at high govt. levels, to prevent me from even finding any remedy. This is why I filed for habeas corpus. Then they ruined my habeas corpus and didn't notify the people required by law. I have to be here, trapped, because college is my only income and then I have U.S. coordinated persons and malicious groups trying to obstruct college. The minute they force me out of court, they quit torturing me so it looks like there's nothing wrong, when I'm in college. So if I try to get Oliver back or go to the courts or Judicial Commission, I'm tortured. If I drop it, they quit most of the torture. Then they commit extortion on top of this? If I can't access the COURTS and am blocked from appeal because of torture and crime, that is FBI responsiblity. Instead of doing their job, they slandered me themselves, many of them, and someone with a lot of control has ruined and tampered with the internal file and has been calling shots. I hope Alvaro Pardo and his entire group get what they deserve. They know what is going on, the Colombians do, and what have they done for Oliver? Did any of them speak up? Not ONE of them has made a formal report or exposed the U.S. for torturing my son and this means they are accessories. I don't need an accessory around my neck, like Alvaro. I also don't need some kind of FBI accessory to crime or a military one. I'm really not into accessories. The U.S. "investigates" liasons between federal workers and Colombian women in Colombia, and have done nothing to return the illegal torture of my family and kidnapping of my son.

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