Friday, June 29, 2012

Applicable Christianity (Program on Mind Control projects)

. This is a great program. I happened to turn to the christian station and this man is describing all the mind control projects that are going on right now. Which is important and relevant because the U.S. is torturing my family for hate crime and then tried to make it into a research thing. He's talking about how thoughts are being read by machines. He's talking about how scientists and militaries are already able to "read" thoughts by energy waves. Examples he gave are that in China, they have t.v.s now that will change stations without anyone pressing buttons but only by thought signals. Then he said the U.S. Army is doing the same thing, with using helmets and energy waves to transmit messages through thoughts. It's under the heading of "mind control" which sounds weird to some, but that's what it is. It's controlling the mind or using control of the mind to control information. Now he's talking about moral stuff, but first it was all about factual science. So he said these countries are applying their technologies on others to be the first in a global race of controlling people. He was saying they figured out if machines can read thoughts, and be able to pick up on brain waves, to read thoughts so that it causes technologies to operate. So they are trying now to figure out how to transfer human thoughts to a machine, like robots that have a kind of human consciousness. He added they have programs which will allow thoughts to send messages to machines across the nation and cause artificial limbs to operate. So he said they're trying to create the ultimate "soldiers". He listed different agendas on the table with these programs, and described some group in the U.S. called the Jasons. I think they are Dr. Chuck Missler, on his new series called "Angels", is what it is. From KHouse 1, is the name of the radio station. He said order through KHouse 1. And he's with koinaneia house and his name is Jeff. It said it's CSN radio, through Twin Falls, Idaho. So anyway, this group in the U.S. is "highly classified" and deals with this specific kind of project and they're called The Jasons or Adjacents but I think he said The Jasons. He said it's a group of 30-60 scientists and members and that the next "information age" is about the age of "hybrids". He said the Age of Hybrids is where countries are combining genetics, robotics, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence. He said, one of the objectives is: "unenforced lawlessness among privileged few." Other objectives are for self-replicating machines, and for transfer of consciousness. So he was saying they are all in a global arms race to design these things and the main thing is mind control and application with technology. They figure whoever gets ahead first has the ultimate advantage to control the world.

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