Friday, June 29, 2012

God Damn America for Damning Oliver and His Mother

God damn the people responsible for stealing my son's life.

GOD DAMN all of you.

I am restarting habeas.

You people are CRIMINALS.  The FBI, Department of State, Washington State, CPS, the Wenatchee school system, you are ALL criminals. 

I just photos of his homework and someone deleted a bunch of the photos I took and then I noticed, right after noticing his teacher Tina is a bitch (again, which we already knew).

His homework, half of it, was done at school when she was the only one around to force him to write things a certain way, or color a certain way or draw things.  She was a manipulative teacher and seeing what I can see from this, she probably had something to do with my son's belongings being stolen from him at school as well. I would not doubt she did some of the theft herself.

My son clearly is suffering still from trauma of being away from his mother.  GOD DAMN THIS COUNTRY.  He is drawing smiley faces on any face or circle or "O" that looks like it doesn't have one already, because this is one thing I did with him in our visits.  So now he does it for everything.  I hate this GOD DAMNED country.  Your leaders are full-blown criminals and the courts are nothing but a sham. It's like having a japanese paper curtain up and calling it a dividing wall when all you have to do is push it over or barely press it and the paper caves in.  I hope Assange and others have someone who can get the evidence I need to me.  And keep your god-damn fucking helicopters away from this house.  5:57 p.m., we get a helicopter flying low over our property, just now.  I hope that someone gets evidence into the open about what this country is guilty of with Oliver Garrett and his mother.

The FBI sold my son and I to be tortured by CIA and military and they've done most of the internal defamation on their end.

I am making sure Habeas Corpus is accepted and processed as it is supposed to be processed and I'm also not giving up the UN petition.

This country is just guilty of gross terrorism against its own citizens.

Just now, at 5:59 p.m. then the helicopter went out of range but it's still nearby.  It showed up at 5:56 p.m., was loudly over the area and now is in the background.

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