Saturday, June 30, 2012

Oliver's Kittens & Habeas Corpus

I'm told my son got 2 kittens. 

I said when was this and I was told it was "either yesterday or the day before".  

I said "I had an impression of an animal nose but it was a puppy not a kitten." My mother said sometimes your impressions are not right and I said, "No, I know it was a puppy and it had a little black nose.  And then I blogged about it and I was brutally tortured after I wrote about it."  I added, "It wasn't a kitten nose.  It was a puppy nose and it was a puppy."

It was light when I saw the puppy nose, where it was.  It nudged the person, whose eyes I saw through as if it was me, and it seemed to be on a bed and was definitely at eye-level.

I guessed he named them but who knows how much that was his own choice.

He doesn't even draw things of his own choosing all the time, and I saw that from his work.

This country gives me glimpses of how they are manipulating and torturing my son and then if I say something about it, they refuse to let me have any communication about my son at all.  They blocked off 100% of my contacts with my son.

I never got a response for the habeas corpus I filed.  The last thing I got, was an attempt by a non-Judge to change my petition and alter it.  And I asked for a Judge, not a Magistrate.  I haven't heard from them since.  I don't believe the court served any of the persons on the petition either.

So I have to find out what happened and if I have to refile and make note of the obstruction of justice with the first habeas corpus, and how it impaired my preliminary injunction to protect my right to halt the appeals process pending habeas, that will be made an issue with international courts.

It will be yet one more proof of torture during a petition for habeas corpus, while trying to keep in college to secure livlihood and income, and while trying to appeal for my son.  It's impossible to make any appeal when this country illegally uses Judges to cover for FBI criminals and then the FBI covers for these Judges by refusing to investigate judicial felony.

They are working together.

The FBI is supporting and aiding and abetting criminal Judges.  In return, the criminal Judges keep doing things for the FBI and Department of State and military to torture my son, support hate crime, and use my family for research.

My son doesn't want kittens.  He wants a dog.

If he's getting 2 kittens, that's military and CIA grooming and forcing shaping, and it has nothing to do with what he wants.  I asked him myself, if he could have any pet he wanted, what would it be?  I listed all the options.  He said, "A puppy" and then he said he'd name it Scoobydoo.

I had to ask if I could get my own son a puppy as he wanted, for his birthday when I still had visits with him and I, his mother, was told no.  I was not allowed to choose for my son, with his own natural interests in mind.  They wanted to choose for him.  I mean "they", the government.  The Avilas would not care if he had a puppy or kittens, it's the same to have either.

I'm glad my son got kittens.  That's great.  That's something that will hopefully be fun for him, that he can take care of and grow to love and play with.  But that's not what he wanted for himself.

Then, I was told he got a black and white spotted one and a calico spotted one and they're boy and girl and he wanted to name the black and white one "scoobydoo" (the boy) and then supposedly, as my mother told it to me, my aunt was trying to help him with a rhyming duo or some kind of duo, "Like Sonny and Cher" or something that rhymed, and when he said scoobydoo, velma is the woman from the scoobydoo show.  However, as it was explained, in hispanic culture it's not very acceptable to name a dog or animal after a person's name because then the person feels offended maybe (that's velma the dog).  So then, it wasn't explained to me how he "came up" with this idea, but "he", my son, supposedly named the girl kitten "marbles".  So it's not a "duo"--it's Scoobydoo and Marbles.  I said, "I don't think Oliver chose that name himself.  I can just see it now.  He loses "Marbles" and then that's exactly the scene that others want to play off of and make fun of."Or I said something like that, like yeah, and then "Marbles" is going to be "lost, accidentally" and either Oliver lost his Marbles or "Scoobydoo lost his Marbles".

So then my mother said, "Okay, that is the last thing I ever tell you about Oliver."

Basically, this country manipulates ME, then if they don't like how I turned out, or if they feel threatened (or some other group does) in any way, they go after my whole family and my only son, and keep me from having a normal life with anyone of my own choosing.

THEY tried to set me up with Alvaro.

The FBI colluded with other criminals, and protected them, to barricade me from college and block me from restoring my own reputation.  They didn't do that to Kate Middleton did they.  Since that bitch works for the U.S. anyway, it's not an irrelevant question as to why the U.S. is so interested in ruining their own land-locked citizen and then supports and gives money to HER.

I had my entire life ruined and violently disordered, because of the FBI.  When I filed my lawsuits, it was not for something stupid and frivolous and petty such as not wanting a photo of me in a tennis skirt published.  The point was principle--that they were asked not to photograph, and they did, but the entire thing, up against what the U.S. did to ME, is disgusting.

I was portrayed as someone completely different than who I was:  as seducing a monk, when I didn't. As wearing seductive clothes, when I never did. As being a criminal, and violating ordinances and 'trespassing' allegedly and made to sound I had been cited for things I wasn't. 

Allegations that falsely imply criminal activity is DEFAMATION.  Allegations that I was sexually harassing someone or was seductive when I took great pains to be modest and was, is DEFAMATION.  False allegations that I was mentally ill, and labling me with disorders when I was fine and never had a diagnosis, is DEFAMATION.

Filing a lawsuit to "enforce" a request, of not taking a photo, was nothing more than a U.S. prop to make her "shine".  It's what Lorraine Rose would have wanted.

They dragged me through the mud, forced me out of any normal life, FBI and police worked together to keep me out of court when it was extremely important and necessary to my safety to validate my defense and protect my repuation against the kind of smears they made.  They waved a red flag about me hoping every single bull from Washington to Oregon and beyond would see it and tear into me.  Then they ruined my son while they propped up this bitch Kate, who is not a Catherine or a Kate and nothing besides a cruel bitch that managed to do nothing specactular besides keep her mouth shut.  And anyone can keep their mouth shut if they are not being tortured, and forced to talk about at least something, and anyone who is a power and gold digger would do it.

I don't even care about HER as much as what the United States has done by allowing some group to support her or use her, to redirect attention away from the crimes they are committing against me and my son.

Then, they block us from all these things, and TORTURE us and steal my son from me.

Why in the world is the United States promoting "revolution"? 

They are torturing us, and then they jump off of their own platform and problem in the United States, to ask for "revolution" in other countries. 

Anytime I write about this country torturing their own U.S. citizens, they take another stab at the Middle East.  They act like they are great humanitarians, and use up military men and women to go enforce "revolution" in other countries, and get sponsored with money and diplomatic meetings and other White House funds, to go "make the world a better place" and then they do this, while they are allowing me and my son and family to be tortured.  When I made a petition to the UN about what gross violations against Geneva Convention are being committed against my family, all of a sudden, they wanted to bring up Iran.

Iran-this, Iran-that.  The FBI and CIA refuse to face reality and deal with their internal mental illness.  They continue to steal and traffic kids for themselves, and this is illegal.  They could have left me alone and instead they allowed others who hate me to POUR money and power into getting me out of court so they could stick the defamation to me.  After that, they only cared about making their story fit so they started creating evidence later for themselves, to make it look like they were right about me when they were always liars and criminals. 

The military and the CIA have always known my family.  They've always known where we were, who we were, and others did as well, who write cables for international groups.  The FBI have done nothing but collude with police to allow crimes by the DOD and DOE to continue against us. 

They programmed my son after they stole him from me and tortured him.  They used him for a project and they are still using him.  This is my son. 

They shouldn't do that with any kid, but they allowed us to be tortured out of hate and revenge.   They didn't start torturing me and my son after I wrote to the military about volunteering for a project.  They were torturing us FIRST, which is why I was desperate enough to wonder if they'd quit if I did this.  They brainwashed me, and then used an email I sent them to legitimize crime they had already commenced without my consent.  I was also on narcotics for not just painful childbirth, but for the torture they had already started against us.

If the Colombians don't have any problems with me, which is what Alvaro always claimed, then why don't they publicize what this country is doing to me and my son?

They knew enough to know something was going on, and they were involved enough to use their own powers to have it stop.  This guy Alvaro, medicated me when I was with him.  It was illegal.  And then knew we were tortured and if Alvaro got to Wenatchee and realized he thought my situation was "impossible", then he knows why.

It was "impossible" because of who? what department? why?

Alvaro Pardo and the Colombians know, just like Mossad knows, WHY it was "impossible".  They already knew and know, as does Washington D.C. FBI, this has nothing to do with me inherently or that I'm mentally ill.  They all know I'm not.  It's not about being "impossible" because I made it impossible.

It's only "impossible" if the U.S. is using people in high places to control and fix everything, from FBI to Judges to CPS to military to CIA.

I do not think Mossad is my friend.

Anyone who thinks I think Mossad is looking out for me and Oliver, is wrong.  If they have "the best intelligence" as probably they are high enough in the ranks, they know what's going on and allow it to further their own motives and interests, which most likely include Middleton.

Chris Rozollo is probably connected to Mossad.  He's supposedly Catholic, but then all these guys who were talking about Jewish intelligence were telling me how great Mossad and Jewish intelligence is.  If it's so great, where's the defender?

David Slader is a slosh.

I grew up, my whole life, believing in the Jews, as "God's Chosen People", as part of a sidebar to christianity.  The Jewish people cannot be forgotten...God will bless those who bless them....It wasn't my parents--it was all of the christian churches, saying the same things.  The Catholics went to the other extreme of saying they were "out" because they denied Christ so the true "inheritors" of faith are only those in the Roman Catholic Church (according to them).  Basically, to the RCC, Jews get to be bastards and anyone who is Catholic, if not by birth, is "adopted" in.  Other Protestant churches mainly held/hold to the idea that the Jews were God's original chosen people and then that they are still blessed later, even if they don't become christians.  They're more to be pitied for being blind, like the boy walking as if he was blind in Brooklyn.  (Hey!  It's Will! on the way to the altar!).  So Jews were sort of pitied as the "blind rich friend we do business with and bless".  Not in my family, again, but according to what you get from church theology.  You overlook their ignorance or unwillingness to accept Christ and pray for them and in the meantime, they are allies to protect and work with.

"How's that working for you?"

These Jewish people I've known do not know what the Holy Spirit is.  If they did, that Holy Spirit would have compelled one of them to publicize what was done to Oliver and me.  Instead, they publicized smut and defamation about me.

The Jews, as a community, have colluded against me and my son and terrorized us.  Instead of using their "great intelligence" to bring out evidence of the crimes against humanity committed against us, they relished in my rape by one of their own.  To them, he is probably a hero.  Then they even colluded with Catholics, who traditionally in the past killed them and ruined their lives, to collectively seek to ruin my life.

They haven't published evidence of crimes against us, of torture committed by the U.S. against us.  They published defamation about me, that has ruined my life on every level and then sought to keep this defamation going.  There are only maybe a few small groups of actually decent Jews.  The rest are secular hounds working for Mossad for their own interests.  They want the U.S. and me, to defend them and support them about the holocaust, but what has Mossad done for me and my son?  Where is the great "cause" and champion of civil rights when they don't even take it to the top?

They don't take it to the top, when they HAVE the information, because they were part of the reason I was dragged down to the bottom and then told to "keep swimming".

Then all of these Protestant churches just tow the line with the same ideas, and most of these people that I hear on the radio sound far more political than religious.  Some sound sincerely christian, as if they do believe in a higher power.  Then others, just seem to have infiltrated to be another part of the dissinformation system we have with media. 

I have sympathy for Mossad for being a small intel group, like other smaller countries.  I don't have sympathy for the Koch people, that ruined my case for my son, and contributed to its being ruined, I don't have sympathy for the Jewish editor of Willamette Week, and I am quite sure Mossad was involved in ruining my singing voice.

I once remember trying to pray for Israel and feeling blocked, like God wasn't going to hear anyway.  Then later I was able to pray a little and wondered what had changed.  I found out a woman who was Jewish who presided over the entire Planned Parenthood, that's murdered millions of unborn babies stepped down but I don't know that that was it.

Mossad does know who is responsible for torturing me and my son.  The Vatican knows and Mossad knows and neither of these "faith-based" countries or groups is talking.  Even if Mossad isn't faith based and is secular, they have a responsibility to bring evidence to the front.

The Catholics might claim they are no longer "bound by the law" of the Old Testament.  Still, even in the NT it says to confess publicly.

With the Old Testament, it says over and over and over, that whoever knows of a crime and does not speak up, or who allows others to bear false witness against another and does not speak up, is violating the law.  Do not bear false witness.  And repeatedly, it talks about not allowing others to bear false witness and of not allowing crimes to occur and remain silent.

You are commanded to speak up.

Or you lose God's favor.

Catherine is not favored in any way, by God--she has been favored by a group of politicians and schemers.  I really don't care.  But since my son is involved, it's my business to know why this country pays so much attention to the Middletons and does nothing for their own born-and-bred.

Any Jew that claims any kind of religious identity to Judaism is required, by law, to speak up.

I have waited on someone to do that and so far, politics have meant more than God or the law you claim to obey and respect.

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