Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lavendar Seeds Experiment: Part III

It's still part III because I don't know the results yet.

I looked up photos of lavendar seedlings because I'm not sure what I have.  I have something new coming up.

There was this tiny little start of something where I planted my #2 seeds (# identifying what was done to the small batch).  I wrote about that.  I thought the normal one came up.  ?  but I knew I had to wait to see if it's a weed or lavendar.

Then! this last night? I saw a new little sprout coming up and it's different. It was just a sprout.

Then this morning, I looked closer and it's hairy.  It's sort of hairy-like around the edges.  It's  the #4 hydrocloric acid (high solution)  treated one and it's very solid looking and sort of light green.  Then, I looked again today and it opened up more and then another one of the same opened up in dark green in the #2 or #3 section (have to check).  The only difference is that the leaves for the first hairy one are chartreuse or light green and then the leaves for the one that matches this one are darker green.

I don't know if it's 2 new weeds or what it is yet.  If that is the lavendar (I didn't think lavendar was hairy), and if the normal one isn't lavendar, the hydrochloric gets it going maybe, and sort of bleaches it out (the pigment a little).  If they're all lavendar (I don't think so) then one is small and the other two are like giants.

I actually think they slightly resemble raspberry starts and if so, I don't know how raspberry seeds got into the lavendar experiment--they're at totally different ends of the porch-deck (the raspberry is, from the lavendar experiment).  They have a very downy light rasp. colored stem and little tiny rasp colored feelers or hairy edges around the leaves. 

I have to wait and see.

UPDATE 7/1/2012 11:07...I still don't know what it is.  There are a couple of things.  Will find out and write about it in a few days.

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