Saturday, June 30, 2012

Torture Today and Marks On My Parents (Dad was whacked on head)

I'm being tortured today and it started while waiting for the library to open. It was from about 10-11 and was the laser-burning feeling.

Then I went inside the library and the same librarian who is hispanic was there, who always said bad things. I logged off the computer and should have been able to log in and the library computer blocked me out with a message:

"you're out of time."

There was no reason for the library computer to do this. If you log off and haven't used your time, you can log back in at any time.  Instead, they forced me to get up and go to their desk to tell them and then fixed it.  I'd used about 1 minute of my time, and had plenty of time left.

The entire time I've been here at the house, I've been tortured, mainly to my heart and jaw.  Basically, something jabbing at muscles under my jaw with the same regular throb that they caused metal in my teeth to radiate and hurt.  The burning is while I'm in front of the computer.

Is there a reason we haven't seen Alvaro Pardo lately?  I mean, this country thinks they can move him in and then whisk out all of his photos and everything that belonged to me? like everything else they've stolen?

I saw someone that looked like a cop from Nashville, TN in town today driving but it might not have been him. 

My Dad showed up with a mark on the side of his neck and jaw and face and it's new. I said what happened and he said, "I got whacked over the side of a head with a pipe a couple of days ago." 

He was whacked on the side of the head with a pipe.

And then today, it looks like something new as well.

Then my Dad asked if I'd seen the fawns.  There are supposedly 2 new twins.

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