Monday, June 18, 2012

Parents Tortured and Sound Waves

My parents are still being tortured.

On Sunday before they left for church they looked happy and fine and I didn't have a bad feeling.  Then while they were at church I had a very bad feeling.  They got back and about an hour later or more, both of them had extremely dark marks on the insides of their eyes--very obvious bruising. 

No one could miss it.  Anyone who sees them today should see it.  It happened on Sunday.

Not only that, another thing the U.S. has done to us lately involves using acoustic sound waves to cause pain to our ears.  I have been in my parents house and they're doing it there.

Then today, this is a tangent, but today I went with my mother to the post office and inside the federal post office, someone was using technology that affects metal in teeth and my teeth immediately hurt.  My mother was just going to go there herself and then I decided to go in with her, and I felt it.  She picked up her mail from "Caroline" and then left for work.

Back to the sound waves, I know what's being done to harm our ears is from sound waves of some kind.  It has happened to me several times, and the other day while in the tub, it happened to one ear, and I cupped that ear, putting my hand around the outside and you could hear a whoosing undulating sound from sound waves.  It tipped it off instantly as harm coming from use of waves.  If my hand was not around my ear, it didn't trap the sound and there was no sound wave "noise" or sound.  But as soon as I did this, you could hear it, and that's what it was.

It was coming from the direction up the hill to one side only, as if directed to one side and only one ear.  It wasn't on the other side at all.

This country is going to be in extremely serious trouble if they do not control their criminals.

This morning too, I could tell something was wrong with someone.  By the end of my walk, it was better, but earlier, there was something going on.

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