Monday, June 18, 2012

Tim Dailey--SWOCC Deliberate Prejudice

I have deliberate prejudice coming from the community college now. 

They coordinate a lot of things with Eastern, where I was harassed, so I'm not totally surprised, but I am rightly shocked that this community college is going out of their way to prejudice me before I even take one class from them.

I've never met one single person there and they think they can prejudice me as a student.  I've not met with one faculty member, or administrative person.  None of them have ever met me in person, at any time.

I had no problem with them at first.  I was told by a woman named Barbara in administration that every student signed up for a "program" or degree there, or anyone who received any kind of financial aid, had to be cleared with an "advisor" at the beginning before signing up for classes.

I asked if this was true for every student and she said yes.  So that was fine.  Then she added it was only required the first term and then going to an advisor was voluntary, not mandatory.

So this horrid woman named "Trish McMichaels" (straight up FBI connection) "cleared" me and then she backtracked, and got all these faculty and administration involved, unncessarily.  Suddenly, because of her, I was being sent to the head of the counseling department, Tim Dailey.  During this time, they had me blocked from registering for any classes for Summer or Fall, even though I had already done the obligatory "call" to get cleared. 

After this, I was told I had to go to Tim Dailey for everything, and this is after contact with the Portland FBI field offices by the way.  I mean, it happened concurrently.  Portland FBI offices sent me email and at the same time, exactly, Colleen Cascio is still trying to nudge in to harass me from EOU, and Trish McMichaels is the college's #1 FBI-connected Bitch.

To prejudice me, they forced me to go through the psychological counseling department.  It wasn't necessary and has nothing to do with "advising".  But they wanted to prejudice me and make me look like a nutcase to start out with, so they literally forced me to speak only to this head of counseling who admitted his degree was in "psychology" (as I guessed correctly over the phone to him).

He tried to say oh they "wear many hats" and claimed it was advising, but no, it is a form of prejudice.  Then he told me, completely contradicting what I'd been told from Barbara originally, that I have to consult an "advisor" for EVERYTHING.  Not just once, as others students do.  I said I had asked for a woman advisor, not a man, and then he tells me the only female advisor available is the other "psychologist" in his office. 

This is a lie, and there are several other woman advisors.  If they all "wear many hats" I am sure that one of them doesn't have to be part of the "natural sciences" or "transfer degree" program.

Today, I called the college department for registration and wanted to confirm the financial aid disbursement date.  They did this and then I said I wanted to confirm my financial aid was okay, and that they had my mailing address correct and everything.  The woman, named "Colleen", said, "Hold please" after I gave her my name.  After she looked me up by name, she was then telling me to hold, and then what?

I get transfered to the "psychologist" again, Tim Dailey.

Tim answered the phone and said, "This is Tim, how can I help you?"

So clearly, there is a computer notation with all faculty or different departments, to not even treat me the same as other students, or to even answer the most basic questions I have about my account, and they are transfering me to the counseling center, and to Tim, instead.

Tim was on vacation awhile back, and I sent him an email about something 6 days ago.  He got back from vacation 4 days ago and didn't reply.  I forwarded the email back to him and asked for a response and he wrote, sarcastically, "You want a response?  here's your response.  If you have any further questions, let me know."

That's basically what he wrote to me.

He did not answer any of the questions I had sent to him a week ago by email. 

Then, I asked him to address the fact that I was having basic calls transfered to him and that notation needs to be removed from SWOCCs computers so I can have my questions answered.

This is how it's starting out with SWOCC and it's not like I got in and was a terrible student, and they're now being malicious.  It's more like someone like McMichaels decided to prejudice me from the start, and that's what they've done ever since.

I haven't had any of my questions answered, and that's with Micro Management Psychologist Tim Dailey in charge of routine sarcasm.

I sent him an email after his sarcastic email to me, and said I had asked him to please find out why I was transfered to him when I had a simple question for First Stop, and if he could please let me know.  I said, if you can't address this, then please let me know who I need to contact in higher administration for SWOCC.

All I asked from them or any college, was to not interfere and not impede my academic goals.  They have just gone out of their way to get people in who either harass me or attempt to prejudice me from the start.  Not one of them has a leg to stand on and if they know so much, how is that the case when none of them has ever introduced themselves to me?  They base everything they do on prejudicial and defamatory hearsay, and FBI-connected obstruction of justice.

The FBI is responsible for my son being kidnapped from me, so they clearly have a lot to lose unless they continue to interfere and keep me discredited.

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