Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tom Nicholls: SWOCC Prejudice & Forced "Advice"

I just got an email from the two parties (aside from Trish McMichaels) involved in trying to prejudice me at SWOCC.

I didn't get the email that was sent yesterday until today, but after being ignored for a week, and having received zero mail from the college, and having been told already that my financial aid was in place for Summer and Fall (through SWOCC First Stop, through Trish McMichaels who said it was and then 'advised' and cleared me to register, and through a half dozen other persons there), Tim Dailey and Tom Nicholls (the financial aid director) decided to tell me at the last minute that they refuse to provide financial aid.

First Tim sent an email yesterday, after his sarcastic email to me was sent.  He states they denied my petition to double major and then, he made up some new claim that I was in "default" when I'm out of default and they already confirmed this even though the Dept. of Ed hasn't fixed this on their site, and then the second excuse was that I exceeded funding.

I have never taken one class from SWOCC and I have been forced to follow every single thing Tim Dailey told me to do.

I followed his advice because SWOCC forced me to speak to only him and no one else and he told me he was talking to Tom Nicholls about everything.

Tom Nicholls has had a very serious personal problem with me, for whatever reason, for 1 year.  I first talked to him over a year ago and he gave me incorrect information and was hostile.  He was so hostile I couldn't imagine why, and how he thought he already knew me or had a reason to be hateful.  The only thing that I could think of was that Mike Nicholls, the guy who killed himself in a car crash involving my car and almost killed me and my best friend too, is related to Tom Nicholls.

I remember Mike Nicholls had a brother named "Tom".

What is crazy, is that IF Tom Nicholls is related to Mike Nicholls, that man need more psychological help than I ever will.  I didn't think one bad thing about him until he was so hostile to me, and then I realized, oh my gosh, this guy might be Mike's brother.  If he is, which means he knows who I am already (even if he's never met me), he's developed some kind of grudge against ME, just for ...?  What?!!! for being in the same car when his brother refused to slow down or stop or pull over and let someone else drive?

I can't go to college because Tom's brother died in a car accident when he was driving my car?  How do I get personally blamed for Mike's death?

Um.  I was the one who could have saved his life:

1.  I asked Mike to slow down. 
He refused.  I set a limit in the beginning and later tried to remind him and he chose to ignore me.

2.  I asked Mike to stop the car.
He refused and kept driving so I kept asking him to slow down.

3.  I told Mike I thought he was tired,
and he'd already been driving 3-4 hours or more and to let someone else drive.  He ignored me or said he wasn't tired, I don't remember. (Monica is a witness to all of this.)

4.  I said I had a bad feeling and thought we should pray.
This was after Mike ignored all my other advice, and I did have a bad feeling, and he chose not to pray.  He was then the only one who did not live 30 minutes later when he rolled the car.

I have no right to ask an adult man to pray with us or if he'd like to pray with us, but I made that offer.  In every way, I was the one looking out for him, and I was the one who gave several reasons for him to stop, trade off, or slow down.  Then, I even frickin' provided an opportunity for spiritual protection, and in every single case, it was his decision to ignore my advice.

Then, after he rolled the car, my first thoughts, spoken out loud to the ambulance drivers were about Monica and Mike.  How were they and were they okay?  Again, in the hospital I wanted to know.  I thought maybe something bad happened to Mike because I'd heard Monica trying to talk to me in the car but could only hear Mike's breathing.  So I thought maybe he's an amputee, maybe someone took a limb, or he's in surgery.  I didn't know.

Now LOOK at who is trying to give ME "advice" now.

For doing GOOD, and being an innocent party to a car crash that never should have happened and didn't have to happen, I am being punished by Tom Nicholls, who is apparently Mike Nicholl's brother, who happens to be in charge of financial aid.

I asked him if he was related to Mike Nicholls 1 year ago and Tom refused to answer me.  The only reason I even asked, was because he was so hostile to me, and acted like he knew me but I didn't know who he was.  I later found out his last name was "Nicholls" so I wondered if he was holding some kind of bizarre grudge against me because of his brother dying.  His adopted-in brother to be precise.  The biological parents for Mike are Canadian.  Mike told me he was adopted and that he'd tried to find his biological parents but all he knew was that they were Canadian.  He mentioned being "closest" to his brother "Tom".  I believe that was his closest brother but maybe I'm wrong, I just know the only brother's name I remember him speaking of was "Tom".  And then he was closer to one sister than the other one.  There was a big age difference with some of them.  His parents who adopted him were Catholic.  His mother's name was Mary and his Dad was a lawyer (I believe).  They're Roman Catholics which means Tom is Roman Catholic.

If Tom Nicholls is related to Mike, he's taking it out on me through attempting to ruin my ability to go to college, which is clear prejudice.

It makes Tom look suspicious, because why would he be hostile and prejudice me when I was an innocent victim that even tried to protect his own brother?

Later, I even found out that where I had a Personal Injury claim worth millions, literally, I was told to take $50,000.  My broken neck alone, and the surgery for it, the therapy involved, and then the future impact and damage, was that high.  Just for the surgery, and medical costs it was $50,000.  I asked the medical people if they'd reduce the bill so I had something left for using when I would clearly have problems in the future because of this injury, and had damages still.  What a lawyer told me, later, was that because it wasn't my fault, and because Mike had ignored me and Monica was a witness (who was also damaged), the parents could be sued.  Mary and Mike's Dad.  He was still a dependent of his parents and on their own insurance.  We didn't have a lawyer, my family, and I didn't have a lawyer.  So they knew we didn't know this.  I was working at the time for Carl and Mary DelBalzo, and Mary was a lawyer who found out about the situation, but they were also Roman Catholic and she didn't tell me I had a way to be protected financially in my future, when the Nicholls parents were liable.

The first person who told me I had a claim against the Nicholls parents was Dan Gatti.  But by then, the statute had expired.  Everyone hid this fact from me all that time.  So basically, where I could have had a just award for severe damages, I got hardly anything.  It was the most severe kind of car accident you can have, and I got almost nothing.

So what is wrong with Tom Nicholls now?

He's mad that he read in my blog in 2007 that I knew about this? or he found out in 2002 when I talked to Dan Gatti and then contacted Mary DelBalzo that I had a potential claim for collecting from his parent's insurance company?

I think this Financial Director for SWOCC is possibly Mike's brother, because I have no other idea why this man has been hostile and obstructive towards me from the start.  He didn't want to give out his last name either, and I had to find out myself, which is another reason why I later wondered if he is connected.

At any rate, Tom Nicholls and Tim Dailey have just tried to dump on me, and screw me out of going to college.  Trish McMichaels is involved as well.

They had me approved and said the financial aid was all in order, and then they backtracked on everything, when I was bringing up FBI in NY, Karin (Canadian and U.S. FBI connection) and Colleen Cascio with EOU.  It was at the exact same time as I received snotty correspondence from the Portland FBI offices.

So yesterday, Tim sent me an email saying my request for double major was denied and then he went further and said my financial aid for Summer and Fall is denied.

He gave 2 excuses, 1.  that I'm in default (when they already confirmed I'm not), and 2. that I exceeded 150% of financial aid funding and I'm therefore not eligible for fin. aid.  I've never taken even one class from their college.

This 2nd excuse only applies to people going for a double major without a petition grant for double the amount of money. 

I was forced to take Tim Dailey's "advice" and to declare one major, Natural Science, and was told that by doing this, I would at least still have funding for Summer and Fall. 

They already know that there is nothing wrong with my financial aid for Summer and Fall.

Since I am working on a science major, as I was told to declare, the funding is already okay for taking college classes for that.  I haven't exceeded any rule or standard.

If there is a problem NOW, it's their problem.  Tim wrote to me telling me I had to pay for Summer classes myself if I wanted to go to college, by giving them a check for the full amount, or paying by credit card.  If they forced me to take Tim's advice, and Tim's supervisor is Tom Nicholls, SWOCC should eat that cost themselves, for forcing me to take all of the advice of someone, and prejudicing my student account.

Not only that, there is no reason why financial aid should not be funding me for college this Summer.  I am signed up with one declared program, which is supposedly why Tim Dailey said he could not transfer me to work with a female advisor that was part of any other program.  So he admitted he knew all along that I was signed up for one program.

Then, they confirmed I had financial aid in place and "cleared me" to register, and I double checked several times.

Now, they're telling me if I want funding for Fall, I have to send them an "eligibility" form when it has nothing to do with my status.  I'm already eligible.

If they are suddenly claiming I'm not "eligible" and that I have to fill out this other form, then they deliberately misinformed me, and continued to misinform me for the last 6 months since I declared my intention to go to their college.

I turned in all of the paperwork about 3 months ago, and this is time for them to know what my plans are and to give me the correct information.

I have a ream of documents showing Tom Nicholls pulled this kind of last-minute-I'm-screwing-you-over from 1 year ago. He lied to me a year ago, and sent me all over the place and then screwed me out of college funding then.

Then, apparently, he stayed in the background as Tim Dailey's "supervisor" and prejudiced me throughout the college, through my student account, forcing me to go to the psychological head, Tim Dailey, and that's with the Bitch FBI-connected Trish McMichaels first trying to screw me over herself.

If anyone needs psychological "help", it's Tom Nicholls.

This post is not some kind of impulsive rant about him--it is something I am writing, after having collected 1 year's worth of evidence against him for trying to prejudice me.

What his motives are, I am not sure, but I believe it has to do with the FBI, with Mike Nicholls potentially (if that's his brother) and if that's true, then also Canada connections to FBI.

My mother knew by Father's Day that this is what these assholes and the FBI are up to.  She possibly knew even earlier.  I never received any letter from Fucker Tom Nicholls or Fuck-off Tim Dailey.  The Bitch Trish McMichaels was already tipped off to me a long time ago and I got rid of her after she was then trying to screw me over.  Not by my parents, but I found out about her, and she's an FBI-connected Bitch. 

There was never any email, notice, or letter from any college about not having funding for college this Summer.  They waited until grades came in just this last week, and then came up with their excuse.  They were hoping to use an "incomplete" in a class against me, or some other reason.  Instead, they have lied and tried to use fraud as an excuse for denying aid.  It's fraud when you know what the truth is, and a student has met all standards, and you lie and claim the standards are not met.  So they waited until the last minute, one week before classes start, and then they came up with their last minute idea, and dumped it on me.

They dumped this on me, after lying to me and misleading me all this time, telling me my financial aid was fine, they confirmed I'm not really in "default" and they confirmed what program I'm in and I am eligible for financial aid.  They know I have no other plan or form of income for this Summer, and they deliberately have worked to trap me here again, for the FBI, with NOTHING to do, no money to use for anything, and ruining my time to get classes in so I'm moving forward with the double major I already said I was planning for.  If SWOCC doesn't grant the double major, that's fine, I signed up for one thing and that's covered for Summer already. If I want to then double somewhere and work that out, that's up to me.

But they left this for the very last minute, which is EXACTLY what Tom Nicholls did last year.

He's a vindictive baby killer type.  This man is totally passive-aggressive.  He doesn't even have a right to be vindictive over anything.  I've done nothing to him and nothing to his family.  On the other hand, his family members have tried to kill me and a friend by vehicular assault, and then tried to prejudice me from going to a public college.  What's even more bizarre, is that his Dad never wanted to meet me, after supposedly claiming Mike had wanted to "marry" me, and his mother didn't want me to see any of the photos.  That's not acting like innocent people.  That's acting like people who have something to hide.

My friend Monica visited them because she was incapacitated, lying in bed in partial paralysis, reading the Book of Job repeatedly.  She visited them because she was able, and she went to the funeral.  I later called to visit and they didn't want me to and they didn't want me to see or have copies of photos Mike had taken either.  I hadn't had any correspondence with them or calls that didn't go over well, it was more like they had something to hide or a lawyer told them not to (I had no idea I could go after more for my damages through the parent's insurance or whatever, until 2002, 7 years later, when Dan Gatti told me this).  I can't see why they wouldn't do this much, if they thought their son was really so "enamored" of me.  If you're a parent, don't you want to meet the woman your son was talking about marrying?

It makes you wonder how many of the people I've known work for, or are connected to FBI.

If Tom Nicholls is related to Mike, that family is a pack of liars.
Now, I just found out the woman I was transfered to, to file a report about Tom, is possibly related to him.  Deb Nicholls.  Maybe she's not, I don't know.

I asked SWOCC to please explain to me how my financial aid has been confirmed as fine for Summer all this time, right up until 1 week before classes start.

This is the second time they've done this to me.  It's the SECOND time.  I have it on record, and have the documentation of damages from their misinformation.  The first time it was misinformation and dishonesty, and this time it's just lying.  They have all been telling me they had everything they need for Summer and Fall.

Some woman named Avena Singh is in charge of Financial Aid there, but today is the first I remember hearing her name.  I've always been told to go through Tom Nicholls and that he was the Director but I guess he's the manager.  At any rate, the email correspondence I got from him is still from a year ago and then now, and they're doing the same thing to me again, except this time, they even let me go so far as to sign up for classes and forced me to discuss all my life plans with an "advisor".

There's nothing blocking me from going to college this Summer.  Nothing technical, or actual.  And I have to go through a bunch of lying and intentional infliction of emotional distress over nothing, without cause.  I've never had classes through them, never changed a major mid-way with them, never signed up for two degree programs at the same time without approval...their entire idea of my using up 150% of funding isn't even an issue.  And they already cleared the "default" issue and I went back to them many many times to be sure, because I didn't want anything coming up later.

It's not just discouraging, it's outright mean.  It's incredibly malicious and mean-spirited and this is the second time they've singled me out this way.
I asked for feedback and was told I should just be nice and ask them (SWOCC) to explain things.  I said, "They dropped this bomb on me now?  They didn't expect me to be nice."  I said, "Classes start Monday.  THIS Monday.  They drop this bomb on me now?  they didn't expect me to be nice."

There are 3 weekdays left of this week, and today I tried to talk to someone about this and no one responded or called me back. 

I have been looking forward to Summer term for months and they all know this, and they drop this on me, at the last minute.  They didn't expect me to be nice.  I have classes starting next week and they gave me no time to do anything differently and they've been telling me they have everything they need.

I put in my formal withdrawal form for Eastern Oregon University because I already told them I couldn't go to their college.  The entire time I was there I was harassed by Cascio, and it severely interfered with my work and was an interruption.  They also lied to me, on record, promising financial aid for one thing if I turned in the documentation and then they asked for more and more and more, and the entire time Laura Moore knew they were never going to grant the amount.  If they weren't going to do it, or thought they'd given enough already, that's fine--let me know.  Instead, they promised to disburse this money and I counted on that money and spent all this time doing all these things they told me to do and then they backed out on what they promised.  They did this in the middle of my classes.  "Send us a link to what you are planning to get!"  "Now send us how much it costs, okay?!"  "I didn't get the link, did you send it?  send it again."  "Sorry, we can't go forward now without the other department's approval."  Then the other department tells me they have nothing to do with it and shifts me back.  They tossed me back and forth, while I was in the middle of classes already.  THEN, they went so fricking far, they literally told me to provide them with a doctor's note and THEN they'd disburse the money.  So, I'd already done as much work as I had, I asked the doctor for a note.  "This letter approves it but we think you can buy something from Eastern Oregon University instead, from OUR store."  I had to write back, "What I asked to be approved is not at your college 'store' and the doctor's letter already approves this and it's what you asked for."  Then, another excuse, "We need a specific approval from him for this SPECIFIC item."  So I GO to the DOCTOR AGAIN, to ask for a more specific letter, when these people originally told me they'd disburse the money after I sent them "a link of the item and it's cost".  This doctor re-drafted a second letter, and I gave this to the college, and then they ignored me.  They were all out of excuses so they just ignored me.  I mean, if it's that big of a deal to you...$500, why didn't you say so?  It's my loan money, not your money?  I have to pay it back not you?  What is your PROBLEM?  I mean, once I had a certain amount of time invested in it, I figured one more thing might then be the end of it and they'll finally disburse this money they promised,um..5-6 weeks ago.  Then Laura Moore just told everyone to freeze up and ignore me entirely.  I didn't get rude or mean, I kept giving them the next thing they asked for.  They finally ran out of excuses so they ignored me.  So I kept asking about it and then finally, I contacted Moore, and she STILL ignored me.  She wrote back to let her know how she could help when I just explained to her, by email, what I needed help for. 

They need to be sued.

Then, all of a sudden, they ran out of ways to take up my time and harass me with that matter, and told me "We're refusing this because we already gave you financial aid loans."  (the whole point was that for the additional loan amount I had to give them information and then they disbursed and if they knew they weren't going to do it, they should have said so on the first day, not after months of harassing me).

Right after they harassed me over this student loan amount, even taking up my time and energy to have me consult a doctor TWICE, then they threw Colleen Cascio at me, to prejudice me.

They never got a rude outburst from me over the whole "additional loan" matter so they threw Cascio, from "student relations" at me anyway, just to make it appear I'd done something wrong and to take up my time.  She started demanding a "teleconference" while refusing to state in writing what it was about, at all.

Then it was one convoluted story after another, and the story was always changing and transforming.  Not once, was it ever about my conduct or about any rule or code I had violated.  The only appropriate time she should have contacted me, was if I'd violated a code or something, or sworn at someone, or something.  I did none of those things.  She had no excuse to intrude and she did, and kept pestering me with email after threat, after threat, over ...?  nothing.

She has evidence of my doing...nothing wrong.  No violations.  And yet I was still harassed by her and no one, not even their college President, was doing anything about her. 

What they did, was try to affect my GPA already knowing I got my financial aid and books late. They deliberately put other things in the way to try to distract me and take up my time; to harass me and insult me and cause me distress.  At the same time, some idiot online sent comment after comment trying to take my time away in that direction.  It was bascially like Bullivant Houser Bailey lawyers attempting to pull the same thing they did when I was suing their clients.  It was definitely Oregon.  All the tactics were identical. 

I wasn't even in a lawsuit, but no, I was a threat because I was still hoping to appeal for my son's case, and any success I had in college, reflected badly on those who defamed me.

By the end of the term at EOU, there were not the computer problems anymore (which resolved about halfway through and then it was other harassment I had to deal with).  The professors were generally pleasant at the end as well.  I ignored Colleen Cascio's email after a certain point, because she didn't have a leg to stand on--she was spitefully harassing me and demanding a 'teleconference' after their other department refused to disburse monies they had promised if I gave them the requisite information and letters.  I had no way of having a "teleconference" with her and her demands were outrageous.

If I really wanted to, given SWOCCS sudden claim that I have no financial aid for Summer, after telling me all along I do, I could have signed up for classes for another term at Eastern.  And HELL NO was I going to put myself through another term of EOU HELL.  How bad was it?  It was bad enough that if I had money, and really WANTED to sue them, if they were high on my priority list of groups to sue, I could definitely sue them.  There is no way I would go back there for another round of what they threw at me this last term, and they ruined my GPA over it, because if they hadn't done those things, I would have left with all A's or maybe 1 B.  Going back to that college, after what they did, is like saying it wasn't as bad as it was, and you didn't really cause me as much distress as you caused me.  They created a very large amount of undue distress, and did it with malicious intent.  All you have to prove is malicious intent for it to not be 'accidental' or a 'misunderstanding'. 

There isn't any reason for me to not be taking classes at SWOCC this Summer.  That's what I was told, and I have a lot of email to back it up with.

I have no interest in taking any kind of degree from Eastern Oregon University.

I haven't changed my interests or plans and there are classes I want to take at the community college that I need, and there isn't anything preventing me from doing this, if there is not prejudice and discrimination.

I said I wanted to double major in English Lit and Science and that's what I'll do, period.  No one tells me what to do, or that I cannot do that.  If I decide for myself, this is what I want to do, I dare you to stand in my way.  I double dare you.

If SWOCC says I can't "double major" from them, who cares?  I don't need their permission to do what I want.  All they have to approve is one degree program, and that's what I applied to and it's what I need classes at community college level for.  I didn't sign up for "Natural Science" with them for nothing.  I need most of those classes and they are all things I need to take at the community college level.

If I still want to get my English Lit degree somewhere else, then I will do that, with some other college approving me that isn't afraid of me (or whatever). 

Why would they deny my petition at community college level to double major anyway?  that's just nuts. 

It's like the total double standard.  "We are not Communists"

Oh, wait.  Looks exactly like "communism" to me.

"You can't take this."  "You need to talk to an advisor". 

What are you?  My fricking babysitters?  Since when is getting a college education a government-controlled-and-delegated-affair.?  I would bet money too, that these administrators I've been dealing with, who are all trying to be government-controller-parents, are Republicans too.  They're probably not even Democrats.  They are probably the very definition of "hypocrisy" and claim to be "free market" and "freedom of choice" and yet they want to control what program I take, where I go to college, if I double major, and even if I go to college at all.

My mother said, "They probably don't want you to bite off too much."  Like they have a say in that.  Since when do we have college babysitters?  It's MY money and if I'm going to take out loans, I'm doing it MY WAY.

All I ever heard about, as a kid growing up in U.S. classrooms, was how "RUSSIA" and "CHINA" and "the communists" (before Russia's revolution-thing) watched the kids intently and then decided for them what they were going to do.  The idea was that kids aren't old enough to know and parents aren't always smart enough to know, so the government will pick out your career and occupation for you.  So if, at age 2, Johnny seems to be very gifted athletically and his family has "sports" genes, and he has superior balance, well, we need a gymnast for RUSSIA.  Who cares what God thinks about Johnny, or what God has secretly gifted Johnny to do, or what personality type Johnny has or what feelings he might have.  WHO CARES because you're NOTHING but a cog in the government-machine.  BIG BAD WOLF RUSSIA.  BEEEG BAD COMMUNISTS!  BIG BAD COMMUNISM. 

America is Land of the Free!  We are freedomers!  freedomkorps! we are Free to Be.  Free 2 B.  Free Free FReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
we LOOVE to be FReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

We're the "free thinkers!" and "free speakers!" and Freedom Seekers! We do what we want! we start businesses whenever we WANT!  We are unique humans with feelings, and FREE WILL.


FREeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee WIIIIIIIiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Free Willy!  WHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Look at those poor, glum, sad and depressed Russian kids.  Man.  Imagine that. You could live in "communist Russia" or "Communist China" and have the government PICK your job for you!

We are so "free" in America we get HIGH off of FrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeE!

We're so high off of "freedom" we're putting Colombia and Mexico out of the drug business and England and the Netherlands too.  Chaka kHAN.

We sent our soldiers out to fight for our FreeeE.  It's that intoxicating. (SNNNIiiiiiff)

"In communist countries, they tell you what to do, where to go, what job you'll have, and they are anti-God."  So basically, little Jen-Jen is working in a factory when she always wanted to be a lawyer, because no one in her family was ever a lawyer and she has very nimble fingers.  Once upon a time she could have been making beautiful brocades but now she's suited to a factory where her quick fingers will get things done right for GOVERNMENT.

The government, we're told, gets to decide which kids go to "trade schools" and which kids go to "universities".  Why?  because the government knows best.  That's in communist countries only we're told because in the U.S., as long as you follow the rules or the law, you are Free to do ANYTHING you want to do.  WOW!  what a dream.


Oops.  The bubble burst.  What happened?  The "freedom of choice" Democrats and the "free enterprise" Republicans are trying to wrangle people around like cattle into little chutes. 

I am sorry, but for all of the "Pledge of Allegiance" to the flag recitations, I have a passport, a U.S. birth certificate, and NOTHING.  For all the times I sang The National Anthem, I was poisoned and drugged by my own government, by the Department of State and by the FBI. For what? my "freedom of speech" was too darn

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  ?!

I have the FBI colluding with others to block me from going to college, unless I'm doing exactly what THEY want me to do?  and this is not exactly like "communism". ? 

Which actually, is something I was wondering about.  Maybe you guys at the FBI Headquarters could fill me in on this one--

You know that whole "she reported FBI agents" thing?  Well that wasn't all there was to it, was it?  I mean, the collusion to allow Judges and police to obstruct my freedom of travel and force me out of college...to keep me out of the lawsuits...

Which lawyer was working for the FBI.

You fucking assholes.

Which one of the lawyers, in either of the lawsuits I had filed, was already working for the FBI before I ever even MET agents Bujanda and Garza?


There was far too much Department of Justice interest in me at that time and that indicates they had one of their own involved right from the start.  Which one.  Maybe there was more than one.  Wouldn't that be something else.

FBI protects felonious Judges, obstructs justice, obstructs freedom of travel, so their "own" can "win against Cameo Garrett."

Oh, I definitely lost something with police, even more, after I was defamed over Bujanda and Garza, but who was involved before them, that the FBI couldn't even dare defame me over or risk exposing their employee?

I am positive that the FBI was involved and they had their own motive for wanting me to lose my lawsuits.  Which is truly sick.

STOP screwing me over.  If any of you who claim to be government servants, or stewards, or employees or whatever, even cares about this country, you wouldn't be acting like communists and worse than communists, by torturing your own citizens on top of everything else.

I signed up for college.  I've been fighting "waves" of Department of State, mafia, corrupt Judges, and corrupt police and  FBI just to get back in.  I really do not think it is appropriate to use college employees you know, then, to try to cause distress, keep me out of programs I choose for myself, and attempt to direct and redirect my every move.

I do not belong to you.  I am not your "cog" even if you have attempted to use me and control me since I was a KID.  My brother does not belong to you even if you tried to blackmail him into doing you favors.  My son does not belong to you.

I really do not CARE what your paranoid fears about "China" are, or some other country, getting ahead in the mind control/psi or other fields.  That's your problem and if you want to see a "change" then you stop controlling people and let them choose what they want for themselves.  Your attempts to control me have worked out real nice.  Probably, I wouldn't even know, but somehow inadvertently, several dozens of people are dead because of me, because of something I did or said, not even knowing how it impacted anyone, because

1.  You tried to control me and it backfired,
2.  You refused to trust me after you used me for your own reasons,
3.  You chose to torture me and defame me and then tried to claim it was "classified" while others only believe half of what you tell them anymore. 

Your defamation of me, and torture, and kidnapping of my son, and then your cowardly attempts to control even my academic success, and who I marry and whether I marry, have gone nowhere. It's not my parent's fault, it's not my fault, it is the fault of the United States.

I also don't appreciate excuses and attempts to ruin my life as some kind of "Plan B" if you couldn't use me how you wanted for "Plan A" and then claim, "We need someone who understands tragedy" or "If she doesn't have her kid and we push her this way then maybe she'll start a non-profit for others" or "If we torture her maybe she'll leave after we've figured out we can trade her out or get rid of her." You do not have any right to make LAME ASS excuses for your criminal TORTURE of ME AND MY SON and then claim oh now you can use me for something else, or my son for some grand plan. It's not your life, and I am NOT your property.

You take something huge, and something good, and allow it to be RUINED.  And then you make excuses for yourselves so you can look better than you are.  If this isn't a "communist" country and if this is a "free to dream" "country that stands for freedom" then how have you proven this?

It's not like no one reads my blog.

You can't point to someone who kisses everyone's butt, or tows the line, or conforms (like a good U.S. 'commie') and say "Look at how they turned out and they say whatever they want and they prove you can be successful in America."

If this country only rewards those who practice "freedom of speech" for the ones their corrupt employees "like" or are related to, how is that proving this country is really about "freedom"?  You prove this country is about "freedom" by...






You want a "free" country?

How about SWOCC.  You start.  Show me what "Freedom" is all about.


  1. Maybe you are crazy today because of brain injury at that car wreck. Also you get welfare food stamps and all that a lazy bum can get and you want to go to college for free too! For once in your life be productive. Get a job just cause your crazy you can still...
    Flip burgers
    Clean rooms in a motel
    Make lattes
    Pump gas
    Etc etc

  2. That's weird- that Tom & Deb have the same last name.

  3. Deb Nicholls is the secretary to President & Board of Southwestern Oregon Community College.

    Deb Nicholls has no college degree & yet she is in charge of you. LOL

    Deb Nicholls is currently online student at Southern Oregon University, according to this link: http://www.geteducated.com/online-degree-financial-aid/free-college-scholarships/466-online-student-at-southern-oregon-university-wins-1000-scholarship
    <-- Proximity to higher education is another story, as Deb Nicholls, an online student at Southern Oregon University, knows.

    "The closest institute of higher education is two and a half hours away," said Nicholls, who is 51 and lives in tiny, peninsular North Bend.

    Thanks to a $1,000 Excellence in Online Education scholarship from Get Educated, this online student will be able to graduate this spring.

    Like many other adult students, Nicholls had previously taken a few college courses, some of them at her place of employment of the past 25 years, Southwestern Oregon Community College.
    In her job as an executive assistant to the school's president, she was aware of major college decisions, and over time, wanted to learn more about how management works, and how decisions are made.

    Southern Oregon University, meanwhile, had developed an articulation with the college, which means an educational agreement between the two institutions that may allow students to study online, but get in-person help or training on the local campus periodically.

    As a result, Nicholls was free to transfer credits from classes she had taken locally and at another online school, and apply them to a pilot degree at Southern Oregon University for a bachelor of Applied Science in Business Management.

    Thanks to the school partnership, and Get Educated, Nicholls, who is originally from Oregon and a first-generation college student, will get to not just help with, but star in, her favorite annual event: graduation day.

    "I just absolutely love it. We're seeing their achievements come to fruition - that culmination of all their hard work and efforts - not just the students, but the faculty and staff, because everyone plays an important part in that student that's walking across the stage."

    Learning online was new to her, but Nicholls said the real challenges were not so much technological, but organizational. On-site advisors would drive from up to four hours away for a few visits each term, making it easy to communicate any concerns, and some classes held a few face-to-face learning sessions.

    Making the time to study was the real challenge, she said.

    "With any online program you have to have the dedication to keep up with your work," said Nicholls. "For me personally, it was interesting to see the different online environments and platforms that different instructors have. This last fall term I was taking classes in three different online programs, Blackboard, Moodle, and one was Angel."

    While keeping up-to-date on classwork is a challenge for any online student or campus learner, getting a degree online was the perfect solution for Nicholls.

    "Geographically I'm place-bound and, having a good, solid stable job, you hate to give that up if you don't have to," she said. Though getting her degree was motivated more by the desire to have a completed bachelor degree, not by job advancement, she says she's sure it won't hurt professionally.

    "I always look for other opportunities to continue to provide for my family, but really want pursue my education as well."

    GetEducated.com offers free college scholarships and grants to online students in the spring and fall. The deadlines for these scholarship awards are March 15 and October 15.

  4. You are so full of excuses it's insane! Nothing is your fault, right?

  5. Re. Deb Nicholls:

    Yeah, it's great to be pushed out of college by others that struggled to get through and then have no sympathy for someone who is only trying to do the same thing.

  6. for maybe you are crazy,

    You're wrong

  7. I was wondering if you ever thought of changing the layout of your site?
    Its very well written; I love what youve got to say.
    But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people
    could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having 1 or 2 pictures.
    Maybe you could space it out better?
    My blog post ; personal injury solicitors

  8. Hi, Anon (about layout),

    Good idea.

    I think you have a very good idea, to include more photos.

    The problem is that most of what I write about is ideas or about clean torture (torture that is hard to prove bc it leaves fewer marks).

    I don't have a good camera right now either. This laptop doesn't take the quality of photos that the other one did. I do like the idea for the future perhaps.

    I am also not into this idea quite yet, but it would be fun to do a short-short-short video as well. Something artsy, but having an autofocus camcorder isn't the right tool. I could somehow squeeze something in or together with it, but I much much prefer the idea of even the old-school 8 mm. Ah!

    Those were the days. Thinking about art film.
