Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Communist FBI & Department of State (High on "FreE")

There isn't any reason for me to not be taking classes at SWOCC this Summer. That's what I was told, and I have a lot of email to back it up with.

I have no interest in taking any kind of degree from Eastern Oregon University.

I haven't changed my interests or plans and there are classes I want to take at the community college that I need, and there isn't anything preventing me from doing this, if there is not prejudice and discrimination.

I said I wanted to double major in English Lit and Science and that's what I'll do, period. No one tells me what to do, or that I cannot do that. If I decide for myself, this is what I want to do, I dare you to stand in my way. I double dare you.

If SWOCC says I can't "double major" from them, who cares? I don't need their permission to do what I want. All they have to approve is one degree program, and that's what I applied to and it's what I need classes at community college level for. I didn't sign up for "Natural Science" with them for nothing. I need most of those classes and they are all things I need to take at the community college level.

If I still want to get my English Lit degree somewhere else, then I will do that, with some other college approving me that isn't afraid of me (or whatever).

Why would they deny my petition at community college level to double major anyway? that's just nuts.

It's like the total double standard. "We are not Communists"

Oh, wait. Looks exactly like "communism" to me.

"You can't take this." "You need to talk to an advisor".

What are you? My fricking babysitters? Since when is getting a college education a government-controlled-and-delegated-affair.? I would bet money too, that these administrators I've been dealing with, who are all trying to be government-controller-parents, are Republicans too. They're probably not even Democrats. They are probably the very definition of "hypocrisy" and claim to be "free market" and "freedom of choice" and yet they want to control what program I take, where I go to college, if I double major, and even if I go to college at all.

My mother said, "They probably don't want you to bite off too much." Like they have a say in that. Since when do we have college babysitters? It's MY money and if I'm going to take out loans, I'm doing it MY WAY.

All I ever heard about, as a kid growing up in U.S. classrooms, was how "RUSSIA" and "CHINA" and "the communists" (before Russia's revolution-thing) watched the kids intently and then decided for them what they were going to do. The idea was that kids aren't old enough to know and parents aren't always smart enough to know, so the government will pick out your career and occupation for you. So if, at age 2, Johnny seems to be very gifted athletically and his family has "sports" genes, and he has superior balance, well, we need a gymnast for RUSSIA. Who cares what God thinks about Johnny, or what God has secretly gifted Johnny to do, or what personality type Johnny has or what feelings he might have. WHO CARES because you're NOTHING but a cog in the government-machine. BIG BAD WOLF RUSSIA. BEEEG BAD COMMUNISTS! BIG BAD COMMUNISM.

America is Land of the Free! We are freedomers! freedomkorps! we are Free to Be. Free 2 B. Free Free FReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
we LOOVE to be FReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

We're the "free thinkers!" and "free speakers!" and Freedom Seekers! We do what we want! we start businesses whenever we WANT! We are unique humans with feelings, and FREE WILL.


FREeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee WIIIIIIIiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Free Willy! WHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Look at those poor, glum, sad and depressed Russian kids. Man. Imagine that. You could live in "communist Russia" or "Communist China" and have the government PICK your job for you!

We are so "free" in America we get HIGH off of FrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeE!

We're so high off of "freedom" we're putting Colombia and Mexico out of the drug business and England and the Netherlands too--(--stop--(insert quick body twitch and say this as fast as you can)--"!Chaka-Khan!"--stop).*

We sent our soldiers out to fight for our FreeeE. It's that intoxicating. (SNNNIiiiiiff)

"In communist countries, they tell you what to do, where to go, what job you'll have, and they are anti-God." So basically, little Jen-Jen is working in a factory when she always wanted to be a lawyer, because no one in her family was ever a lawyer and she has very nimble fingers. Once upon a time she could have been making beautiful brocades but now she's suited to a factory where her quick fingers will get things done right for GOVERNMENT.

The government, we're told, gets to decide which kids go to "trade schools" and which kids go to "universities". Why? because the government knows best. That's in communist countries only we're told because in the U.S., as long as you follow the rules or the law, you are Free to do ANYTHING you want to do. WOW! what a dream.


Oops. The bubble burst. What happened? The "freedom of choice" Democrats and the "free enterprise" Republicans are trying to wrangle people around like cattle into little chutes.

I am sorry, but for all of the "Pledge of Allegiance" to the flag recitations, I have a passport, a U.S. birth certificate, and NOTHING. For all the times I sang The National Anthem, I was poisoned and drugged by my own government, by the Department of State and by the FBI. For what? my "freedom of speech" was too darn

Frrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ?!

I have the FBI colluding with others to block me from going to college, unless I'm doing exactly what THEY want me to do? and this is not exactly like "communism". ?

Which actually, is something I was wondering about. Maybe you guys at the FBI Headquarters could fill me in on this one--

You know that whole "she reported FBI agents" thing? Well that wasn't all there was to it, was it? I mean, the collusion to allow Judges and police to obstruct my freedom of travel and force me out of college...to keep me out of the lawsuits...

Which lawyer was working for the FBI.

You fucking assholes.

Which one of the lawyers, in either of the lawsuits I had filed, was already working for the FBI before I ever even MET agents Bujanda and Garza?


There was far too much Department of Justice interest in me at that time and that indicates they had one of their own involved right from the start. Which one. Maybe there was more than one. Wouldn't that be something else.

FBI protects felonious Judges, obstructs justice, obstructs freedom of travel, so their "own" can "win against Cameo Garrett."

Oh, I definitely lost something with police, even more, after I was defamed over Bujanda and Garza, but who was involved before them, that the FBI couldn't even dare defame me over or risk exposing their employee?

I am positive that the FBI was involved and they had their own motive for wanting me to lose my lawsuits. Which is truly sick.

STOP screwing me over. If any of you who claim to be government servants, or stewards, or employees or whatever, even cares about this country, you wouldn't be acting like communists and worse than communists, by torturing your own citizens on top of everything else.

I signed up for college. I've been fighting "waves" of Department of State, mafia, corrupt Judges, and corrupt police and FBI just to get back in. I really do not think it is appropriate to use college employees you know, then, to try to cause distress, keep me out of programs I choose for myself, and attempt to direct and redirect my every move.

I do not belong to you. I am not your "cog" even if you have attempted to use me and control me since I was a KID. My brother does not belong to you even if you tried to blackmail him into doing you favors. My son does not belong to you.

I really do not CARE what your paranoid fears about "China" are, or some other country, getting ahead in the mind control/psi or other fields. That's your problem and if you want to see a "change" then you stop controlling people and let them choose what they want for themselves. Your attempts to control me have worked out real nice. Probably, I wouldn't even know, but somehow inadvertently, several dozens of people are dead because of me, because of something I did or said, not even knowing how it impacted anyone, because

1. You tried to control me and it backfired,
2. You refused to trust me after you used me for your own reasons,
3. You chose to torture me and defame me and then tried to claim it was "classified" while others only believe half of what you tell them anymore.

Your defamation of me, and torture, and kidnapping of my son, and then your cowardly attempts to control even my academic success, and who I marry and whether I marry, have gone nowhere. It's not my parent's fault, it's not my fault, it is the fault of the United States.

I also don't appreciate excuses and attempts to ruin my life as some kind of "Plan B" if you couldn't use me how you wanted for "Plan A" and then claim, "We need someone who understands tragedy" or "If she doesn't have her kid and we push her this way then maybe she'll start a non-profit for others" or "If we torture her maybe she'll leave after we've figured out we can trade her out or get rid of her." You do not have any right to make LAME ASS excuses for your criminal TORTURE of ME AND MY SON and then claim oh now you can use me for something else, or my son for some grand plan. It's not your life, and I am NOT your property.

You take something huge, and something good, and allow it to be RUINED. And then you make excuses for yourselves so you can look better than you are. If this isn't a "communist" country and if this is a "free to dream" "country that stands for freedom" then how have you proven this?

It's not like no one reads my blog.

You can't point to someone who kisses everyone's butt, or tows the line, or conforms (like a good U.S. 'commie') and say "Look at how they turned out and they say whatever they want and they prove you can be successful in America."

If this country only rewards those who practice "freedom of speech" for the ones their corrupt employees "like" or are related to, how is that proving this country is really about "freedom"? You prove this country is about "freedom" by...






You want a "free" country?

How about SWOCC. You start. Show me what "Freedom" is all about.

* meant in the urban expression sense

(This country is so "free" they stole all of my personal photos through their lackeys, all of them with connections to FBI, Department of State, police, and internationals.  Every single one of them.

1. "Mike" from Blaine, Washington.  Stole or gave away my "code" I was working on for myself.  Worked at the FBI-involved Cherry Point BP Oil Refinery where I worked.  When I went there to pick up some things, he and Alvaro knew eachother already and Mike gave me only 1/4 of what had belonged to me.  International contacts and Blaine Border Patrol/police contacts.

2.  Steve May.  Wenatchee connected to Police Department and Department of State.  Tortured me at his house, allowed access to my son by his housemates and his own teenage sons.  Stole my photos and belongings, gave them to Wenatchee police and Wenatchee FBI.  Left ONE photo with one item that belonged to me, a Bible, with Community Action.  Then Community Action, which pushed me out of housing through Seattle fuckers, including FBI's Laura Laughlin, Seattle Department of State and Christine Gregoire.  Steve admitted police went through all my things.  He said he "got rid of my things" never specifying where things went.  He stole everything I had there, along with Wenatchee police who were connected to the AG in Washington.  He was intimately connected to the police and FBI.   He stole a couple of my photo albums, a diary, and personal and legal papers and records.  I was staying at his house when this Seattle Dept. of State bitch who took my other photos wrote about "serendipity" again.  SO much "serendipity".  Steve May is also connected to people from Virginia.  There was some guy with the Red Cross, in Wenatchee from Virginia state and Mays knew him.

3.  Methow Neighbors.  I forget his name, but he knew the woman in Seattle, who is Dept. of State connected.  He winked with her and after they met, my laptop that was given to me by the "CIA contractor" was stolen from the house.  It had all of my photos of myself, my life, Alvaro, and the people I knew from there.  He was former military and told me he'd put it in a storage place and that it disappeared.  He lied.  He let someone else take it, and it contained all my photos from D.C. and Maryland and some from Washington.  He knew who Shannon Borg was.

4.  Shannon Borg and Canadian "Dan".  They "got rid of", supposedly, according to Shannon, Dan the Canadian, "got rid of" the remaining photos and legal papers and diaries I had, and all of my clothing.  I had boxes of things, boxes of photos and papers and they were stolen.  Seattle Department of State and Canada connected.  Internationally connected as well.

5.  Mykal Holt.  Department of State, Wenatchee police, Wenatchee FBI, and Seattle connected.  Methodist.  She traveled to Brazil for "medical charity" trips, allowed Wenatchee police and FBI to go through my personal belongings, seduced my fiance and planned with him and took photos of my photos and belongings.  She then stole my Hope Chest, and was pissed when I told her to her face where my hair pins were for my curlers.  I guess she didn't like my redhead curls.  I had to pick up my things and she withheld these and then said she didn't have them.  I said to her face, "Yes you do, and they're in a dish in your bathroom."   She was a Jewish Department of State bitch.  I didn't put the pins there.  SHE did, but I "saw" them with my second-fuckingsight BITCH.  You know, the same "sight" that I was drugged, and assaulted by the FBI over, in a psych ward, because they were "worried".  You FUCKING BITCH.  I don't even typically have "second sight" but it must have been the grace of God challenging your shifty fucking ways.  The hair pins are mine.  Guess what else does not belong to you?  YOU are not the "special" savior.  The fucking Department of State can't control me so they drug and assault me, for traitors.  I might have even been gifted in the womb, who knows, and they crushed my head at birth to prevent it.  Is that why I had such bad jaundice?  Wenatchee has a habit of "skull molding" and trying to brain damage infants at birth?  Let's see, I had skull-head damage at birth at Central Washington Hospital, and so did my son.  Stacey Stubblefield was pressing in on my son's skull for hours.  As for me, I had such severe jaundice at birth, I was under bilirubin lights and in some kind of critical watch.  You get this, as my son got this, from manipulated head injury.  That's one main cause.

Every single person involved in stealing my photos, journals, or personal papers has/had international connections.  All of them, and all of them claimed "we got rid of them" and never have said where they went.

They took everything from me, and where is my son?

Communist United States.  

The U.S. tortured my son and then "sequestered" him for more torture and abuse by Steve Mays housemates and friends.

The United States is more communist than Russia.  That's why they trade so well with China.  You notice how they never speak up about human rights violations.  It's because they're worse than China.  It's like they want to catch up to THEM.  Look at who owns the U.S. State bonds, just for a small section of who owns them.  One group is the U.S. Department of Energy which is most likely why they get away with so much.  If the U.S. is in debt to the Department of Energy, like they're really going to prosecute them for human rights violations.  Sandy man and his fellow physicists get a free pass to torture whomever they want.  That's just ownership of the U.S. through a portion of bonds.  Who needs Hanover nuclear site clean up in the State of Washington when you can get fucking rich in California, D.C., Oregon, and Washington, and Virginia, for torturing a mother and her child and then lying to steal the child from her.

Did we forget something?  Let's refresh some memories and get to "reality" again:

My son and I were TORTURED in the State of Washington, and then I was defamed by the Department of State and FBI and local officials/medical professionals as being "mentally ill" when I was NOT mentally ill.


Now there is such a thing as a "bad loser" and then there are criminal Losers.

Wow!  Cameo Loree Garrett is NOT mentally ill?

No, I am not fucking mentally ill.  I have never been mentally ill you God damned and cursed liars and criminals.  I am woman who grew up in the "free" U.S. to be TORTURED in this country.  I was not mentally ill and I have never been mentally ill. 
This country tortured me, and they tortured a 1 1/2 year old innocent baby boy.  They then chased us over to Canada where they already had it set up against me, and lied more, dismissing my torture claim as a symptom of "mental ilness" when I was never mentally ill.

Do you know what it's like to be totally sane and not mentally ill, and to have all of these talents and gifts and be fairly smart too, and be TORTURED by your own country?

God damn the hypocrites with the 700 Club.  Those "christians" are God damned hypocrites who work for CIA and Langely, VA, not "God".They're more interested in justifying crimes against humanity in their own country, than they are in saving anyone from anything. They put all these programs on other countries and "charity" when they conceal crimes and COMMIT crimes themselves, in this country. Then they bring in people on one program, to make it appear like this couple I worked with at The Post Pub, "Chris" and "Nikki". Right. They really care about Chris and Nikki who are "catholics" and work at a PUB in D.C.

Since when does the "protestant" 700 Club care about Catholic and Methodist Chris and Nikki from a PUB? They had copy cats on their show that resembled both of them, spreading out maps to show where lines were for different kinds of "camps" in North Korea. They designated those tortured or imprisoned as "political" prisoners and then others as other kinds of prisoners. Basically 2-3 categories and then my parents were saying emphatically, not sarcastically, that's what real torture was. I said, "Yeah right. I know exactly what "REAL" torture is" and I knew my parents did too.

The 700 Club is being run by frauds and hyprocritical hyprocrites that are connected to U.S. Government, not much different than the hypocrites for the Holy See.

Chris and Nikki are born and raised in Virginia, the same state that the 700 Club is based out of, right next door to the CIA.  Watching them is like watching Santa Claus--if they are so interested in human rights, why didn't they broadcast a show about torture of my family?  Instead, they send fucking 700 Club "bouncers" to intimidate and freak out anyone the U.S. government really wants to impale.  Imagine the shock you'd have, to have the "jr." guy show up at your house with military and secret police, and torture you or sexually assault your wife?  Do you think that doesn't happen in this country?  If that's what you think, you're naive.  You haven't been tortured and exploited by the government yet, I guess.

The whole point of this 700 Club show was that someone who looked just like Nikki, with her mannerisms, was pointing out human rights violations with someone who looked just like Chris Dabney and had his mannerisms.  Can I ask, why did the 700 Club have people who look like them on their show?  Is there any reason why the 700 Club wants to go overseas to point out torture when they have citizens in the U.S. they could focus on?  none of them look tortured.  The woman with the huge breasts on that show looks like she's never fasted a day in her life.

Chris Dabney is not Will Wagler.  I know the difference.  Chris Dabney works for a pub in D.C., grew up in Virginia and most likely works for the U.S. government.  He's Catholic and he and his pals at the Pub had me fired when I was pregnant, and then I was tortured in Washington D.C. and Virginia, for U.S. reasons of wanting to forcefully abort my unborn child.

I am no more deluded about Chris Dabney anymore, than I am about Kate Middleton.  I have even seen some "christian" groups acting like she's their christian "mascot" and she's not a christian at all.  There are non-christians in every part of the U.S., acting like christians when they're not and are nothing more than basic sleepers in place to spread misinformation and gather information.  That's it.  Not everyone who says "lord, lord" is a christian.

So which group are we supposed to be in?  the "political prisoner" group?  How come then, my son who is 1 1/2 was tortured?  Oliver was tortured by the U.S. because....he is a political activist?

How many times do I have to say this?

I am not mentally ill and have never been mentally ill.  I have been distressed, as I am now, and after being tortured, no, I do not write my posts in the same way any longer.  That's not mental illness.  That's an effect of being degraded constantly, used by the Department of State, finding out the FBI is responsible for having me assaulted in a psych ward and drugged to almost die.  After stealing everything from me, the FBI gave me a thin stack of FOIA, after 7 years of ruining my life and destroying my son's life.

Is that the trade?  After they withhold crucial information from me, that I needed years ago, they have me defamed through every government system in the U.S. and then internationally, and then they adopt out my son after they knowingly had me and my son TORTURED?

Oh, go to college now Cameo.  Now that we've tortured you and your son and defamed you to no recovery, and had your appeals all ruined because of our deliberate torture of you, you go to college now.

Go to college and do something without your son, you know, like our friend Alvaro, Charles of Wales, and others have said you could do.  There are "some things" you can't do with kids and we need your kid.

God damn Michelle Erickson.  God damn her coal black soul to Hell.  She and Justin Titus deserve the hottest place in Hell.

The FBI gave me information, only a fraction of what I need, to test it out.  All they care about is them.  They gave me a few things, after they blocked me from travel, college, work, my reputation, everything.  They knew I had lost my son and then they snidely mailed me a few pages, to "test it out" and see what I would do with it. 

What was I supposed to do with it 7 years too fucking late you God damned criminals. 

This country DESTROYED my life.  Then they used people to obstruct me at one college and used the FBI Bitch Trish McMichaels to try to keep me out of college at the community college level even. 

This woman, Deb Nicholls, kept putting me on hold today, and saying "I'll be right back!  I'll be right back!  15 seconds okay!"  She said it in the same voice I used with my son Oliver.  Then she gets back and says, "I just want you to know I didn't forget about you!"  again, as I used to say this to my son.  You had to hear her tone and be intuitive to know what she was trying to do.  This was while I was calling to file a complaint against her husband or relative, who she didn't tell me she was related to--Tom Nicholls.

What's wrong with these people?  They enjoy making fun of me and rubbing it in--rubbing in crimes against me and my son.  Why are these people getting off on things like this?  I mean, if anyone is mentally sick, that is sick.  I don't gloat over human suffering. Even if God was angry with me for anything at any time, it says the minute that others gloat over the suffering of others, God turns away his wrath from that person and onto them.  When others gloat over those who were tortured in innocence, even if my reactions haven't always been great, is God NOT going to severely punish those who gloat over my misfortune? 


  1. You are saying that Oliver at age 1 1/2 was a political activist?

  2. Oliver was kidnapped to punish me, his mother, for being an activist and because the FBI had liabilities and they thought it would boost their credibility and defense to say that on top of torture, I was just mentally ill and a danger. Their agents assaulted me and they protected other federal employees that raped me.

    Then they classified hate crime and after first trying to traffick me and my son one way, they sold us to the U.S. military and allowed them and CIA to continue torture of my son and programming of him for government use.

    This country has done this with my entire family and they think they own us, as if we are specifically selected from birth to be U.S.A. government property.
