Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I Am Not Mentally Ill--My Son and I Were Tortured In The U.S. (and my family is still tortured at times)

I am not mentally ill.

I have never been mentally ill at any time.

The FBI withheld records from me for 7 years and then only gave me a few documents, 7 years too late.

They allowed me and my son to be severely tortured, in this country, as U.S. citizens.

They chose to defame me in internal records and internationally.  They allowed federal and other kinds of Judges to obstruct justice and prevent my access to appealing anything.

Every single time I tried to appeal, I was tortured again.  I was tortured to obstruct me from getting my son back from this God damned country.

I have never, at any time, been "free" in The Free Country, to appeal or try to get my son back.  There has never been any time I was not tortured.  I witnessed evidence of my parents being tortured if they dared assist me in any way.

This country and FBI and Department of State forced me to lose my son.  They stole my son from me, by force, by torture.

Imagine this.  Imagine being completely normal, and not mentally ill at all, and instead, hated.

Then imagine being tortured by employees of the Department of Energy and Department of Defense who work for the same country you live in.  Imagine having medical professionals tell everyone you're nuts to protect themselves when they know you're not nuts. 

The United States knowingly allowed torture of me and my son and then they allowed me to be discredited from my claim of torture against us, through defamation. 

They defamed me, on an official level, using even FBI Headquarters to give a Tennesee psych ward defamatory lies about me, which they knew would be used for "purposes" of assaulting me physically with drugs they knew I did not need.

I was assaulted more than once because of Washington D.C. FBI Headquarters and the Department of State.  The Director of Intelligence at the time that my torture and my son's torture began, was British.  The person overseeing all U.S. intelligence was not even an American citizen but a British citizen.  I guess dual citizen.  That is who had complete access to all information from all intelligence agencies including the CIA, the FBI, the Department of State, and other international agencies.

This Director of Intelligence office also has access to records and information from other departments including but not exclusive to The Department of Energy and Department of Defense.

There is no conceivable way this British-U.S. Director did not have access to information about who was responsible for the torture against me and my son, and most likely, my parents as well.

When I first found out who the Directorate was, I was shocked to discover how many British connections that person had.  If this is the U.S., why is the person overseeing everything in U.S. intelligence British and British-born, with better contacts to Tony Blair than George Bush?  This is who has been in charge of the U.S. intelligence.

If Kate Middleton is getting my FBI files ahead of me, when I'm entitled to them when I ask, and I asked for them over 7 years ago, she's getting them through U.S.-British connected intelligence channels.  The person with contacts to the Department of Energy was also British and he's from California, where Middleton has been found of frequenting lately.

I am not going to live with this defamation of "nothing happened--you're just mentally ill" over my head.  I am not going to continue without someone coming forward to admit to what was done to me and my son.  I'm not satisfied with going to college.  I want my son returned to me and I don't care about the "bond" argument.  That is entirely irrelevant.  My son is stolen property and he was stolen by the U.S. government, when they knew we were both tortured and who was responsible and knew I was not mentally ill.

My name needs to be cleared.

I am not going to continue in this country, without this.  Some group needs to learn a very hard lesson--that if you are a part of the U.S. government and you contribute to torture of U.S. citizens, you are going to go to jail.  It doesn't matter how high your position is, if you contribute to torture against a protected citizen, living in this country, you are going to pay with a jail sentence.

There was point for me to try to "appeal" to the 9th circuit federal court to get my son back.  The civil courts have nothing to do with criminal redress.  My faith in the U.S. court and justice system is at ZERO.  I have zero faith in the system.  Every single time I tried to even defend myself, I was tortured.  If my parents helped me in the smallest way, by even allowing me to print out one page for court, they were punished and tortured.

Being tortured makes it impossible to "appeal". 

There is nothing I can do, no avenue that exists, that has been exhausted.  There is nothing at the 9th circuit level that will provide any remedy to the torture of me and my son and it's not MY job to go to court over this anymore.

I did what I was supposed to do, and I reported crimes to groups I've discovered are involved in committing crimes.  The FBI and Department of State are involved and withheld information.  It is not the appropriate venue, to go to any court in the U.S. over what has happened to my son.

Every attempt I made already, was pointless.  I was tortured every single time I tried to appeal.  I was imprisoned on false arrest, experimented with, and tortured by employees OF the United States.

To access a court system, it has to be functioning.  The courts are not functioning just as the FBI is not functioning.  If a car needs a tune-up or mechanical work, you don't drive it to a mechanical garage that was turned into a soda shop.  If you have to dry clean your suit, you don't take the suit to a seamstress either--that would be inappropriate venue. 

The U.S. court system has zero to offer and they proved this repeatedly.  The FBI proved they protect Judges that commit felonies and obstruct justice. 

The correct group to resolve what happened to me and my son is not the U.S. Courts.  The U.S. Courts have nothing to do with torture or torture against citizens.  That is supposed to be the FBI's forte.  The FBI is the agency responsible for investigating "public corruption" and yet they have committed crimes against me and my son because they are overrun with corrupt agents and were involved against me from the start.

There is not one other agency that is responsible or has the power to change aside from the FBI.  That goes to Mueller.

It is not my duty to fight against torture by trying in vain to go to the 9th circuit or any appellate court.  I have already been a laughingstock, as I have tried to appeal with corrupt public defenders, in a venue that was insufficient to address the problem.

This is way beyond civil courts.  It has nothing to do with 9th circuit, and there is nothing The Supreme Court of the U.S. has to offer.  I can't prove "torture" to the Supreme Court of the United States.  The Department of State and FBI obstructed me from collecting or keeping any evidence I could even use for my or my son's benefit.  They withheld and concealed evidence of torture.  Pakistan know this.  I am seeing one Pakistani in D.C. or somewhere, and I know he knows.

It's more like the U.S. wants to continue making fun of me.  It's like they want me to keep going to courts to give them something to laugh about.  The FBI has been nothing but sarcastic, telling me to see doctors, and having me assaulted; withholding evidence that would have helped me 6 years ago and is worthless now.  They continue to lie to me and everyone else.  They lie and claim they don't get involved with 'child custody' matters.

They are required by law, to involve themselves in such matters, just as they inserted themselves into the international forum when my son and I left for Canada.  The custody of a child has nothing to do with whether or not the FBI has obeyed the law and used their allocated monies to pursue investigationn of crimes where they know crimes has occured.  They are not ignorant and they do know crimes against me and my son have occured, sometimes by their own agencies and agents.  They are required to investigate the CIA and Department of State and any other agency to collect information for investigation.

The FBI refused to even investigate the most clear forms of public corruption.  I asked them to investigate hate crimes, and I had evidence.  They refused.  As a result, I was targeted further and almost died with police/FBI using technology they had to drain my car battery of energy daily, with 3 different vehicles I owned.   I was targeted in a hit and run, to be killed as well.  They refused to investigate Judges who had clearly committed crimes who I had evidence against. 

Then my son was born and we were both tortured.  This never would have happened, if the FBI had not been corrupt.  If they had investigated from the start, my son never would have experienced torture.

Let's talk about Oliver and what Oliver has felt and suffered.  Shall we?

I think in my next post, I will describe for the FBI what the Federal Bureau of Investigation did to my son Oliver.  They need to have a better idea of what Oliver suffered because of THEM.

Their refusal to now investigate, claiming it's a "child custody" matter, is a lie. 

It's a child torture matter.

You either put up fuckers, and do your fucking FBI job or you fucking QUIT.  I didn't work most of my life to pay for public welfare and grants to go to FBI agents that do NOTHING for KIDS in America who are TORTURED.


Why should any American believe you when you claim "not to know" when you refused to investigate the most basic things that don't even have anything to do with the more elusive "torture" claims? 

My son is not going to be handed over to me by the U.S. Courts.  You, FBI, are going to bring my son to my door and apologize to my son when you explain, the best that you can, that you understand some very bad things happened to him and you are sorry you didn't do anything.

Nothing.  But you watched.  Oh that's right.  You watched.

1 comment:

  1. You are mentally Ill and you lost your son because of it. Your blog amply demonstrates the depth of your insanity. You are paranoid and suffer from delusions of both grandeur and persecution.
