Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Burn Marks On Dad's Hands: Torture

My mother had a long knife scar across her cheek when I first saw her after 7 years of being away. 

Then when I added this to my complaint to The United Nations, this scar or evidence was removed.

Aside from being tortured by clean, white (invisible or leaving few marks) torture, through non-lethal weapons and less-than-lethal weapons, there are other signs of torture.

My Dad has odd and abnormal burn marks on his hands and elsewhere that are not part of "work" or some accidental injury from "work" or normal everyday tasks.

I personally witnessed his being tortured by one of his own employees and a tenant, to leave bright red laser-like marks all over his back.  Over 100 or so marks.  In a design, no less.  I was so shocked by this, and yet it's "nothing".  His employee, "Bob Little", appeared to be using some kind of air-gun that typically shoots out nails.  I saw him with this in his hands, and I saw my Dad cringingin repeatedly like he was being hit and hurt, and this is the entire reason I was so audacious and bold as to quickly sneak to lift up the back of his shirt.

I felt bad about doing that, because it's disrespectful to my elder, my own father, and is even close to a kind of "assault", to invade his space and do this.  But how else am I supposed to discover and prove torture, serious torture of my family?  Obviously, the FBI is in on it, or none of these things would have happened or would ever happen to us. 

I mean, a guy assaulting my Dad with an airgun is not necessarily "state-sponsored", but torture with weapons used by the FBI, DOD (department of defense), and DOE (department of energy), is state-sponsored torture.  "State-sponsored" as the United Nations defines it, meaning the torture or illegal activity is either being commenced by official actors for/of the government or is known about and encouraged by the same.

The next time I saw Bob Little, I wondered who was getting him to do these things to my Dad.  The only conspicuous thing I noticed was a well-made sterling silver bracelet that was unlike anything he'd pick out for himself--it looked more like a "gift" and I wondered if he was receiving perks and gifts to torture and assault my own Dad.

This is the thing, this is the manager of my parent's rental park.  So HE is an employee of my Dad, and yet I caught HIM torturing my Dad.  Not only that, as I've said, I discovered the park to be "occupied" by a bunch of "squatters" who are extorting my parents, to live there cheap I guess, and to have access to torture my Dad, sent by ?

The other woman who was around when I noticed my Dad cringing in pain, was from the other side, not where Bob Little was.  So it was like he was being assaulted by both Bob Little and one of his tenants on the other side, while trying to work on a trailer with Bob.

The burn marks I first saw on my Dad's hands, I thought looked odd, but possibly like regular burn marks.  However, later I realized one of the burns appears to be more from a chemical acid of some kind than a random targeted burn.  Some of the marks that look more like chemical burn, are round, and not like splashes of something but appear to be more like applied chemicals, to a specific spot of skin.

Another burn, from fire or heat, that shows up like a "brand" on one of my Dad's hands, is a small perfectly shaped "diamond" shape.  It looks like someone etched it out with a branding iron.

I witnessed, in Wenatchee, Washington, at visits, my son Oliver showing up with acid burns on his skin.  It wasn't accidental "kidstuff", it was acid burns to his fingers.  Not only that, he had the abnormal brusing all over his legs.  The police saw these things, some of them claiming to be "Mormon", others not, and concealed crimes the state was acting against my own son.

Not all Mormons are squeaky clean either.  I have written about a blog site I found from Mormons in Arizona, and I looked at it again not very long ago and had a very bad vibe about it.  It looked like they were exploiting their own kids for light suggestive-sexual kid porn.  Almost all of the photos they took of their own children, were of their kids, either on their own, or in groups, with shots of their bottoms up in the air, shots of their bottoms in bed (close-ups), and it wasn't really like the innocent "naked baby" pics.  There was something very wrong about it.  The mother is some blond woman who looks totally innocent and professional and it's their own kids, and they're "self-described" Mormons and yet they were using their own children for suggestive and inappropriate photography.  I felt, having seen many photo albums of kids over the years, that this was very discreet, but disturbing and out of the ordinary.  Something is very wrong about it.  It looked like the parents were either taking suggestive photos of their kids, to make political statements referencing sex, or like they were advertising and promoting their own kids for kiddie porn.  The children were not photographed in everyday, normal kid positions and activities.  Even if they were clothed, the positions they were in were suggestive. It looked like invitations to pedophiles.  I believe the Dad was military connected but I'm not sure.  They have connections to Oregon state though, and lived here before moving to a military part of Arizona.

This kind of thing, from "Mormons", along with witnessing "Mormon" police officers trying to conceal evidence of child abuse, stands out to me because I've usually had the highest regard for Mormons on account of an old friend and most of the others I've known personally.  Some of these "Mormons" are, however, clearly not working in the best interests of kids, regardless of their claimed church affiliation.

I looked at this blog with the photos of kids, and thought about what CPS and this country have done to me and my son.  You could not ask for a better parent, than myself, or for one with more experience and patience, and they chose to state-sponsor torture of us.

Along with torturing us, and then trying to discredit me by calling me mentally ill, they've demeaned and allowed others to demean my parents.  I know it bothers my Dad that my son is with the Avilas and I know he knows more than my mother about what is happening and has happened to Oliver.  In light of being tortured, I shift some of my classes around, and then, coincidentally, on Fox news the same day I write about being worried about my parents, they air a segment criticising a group that promotes Obama with a song "We've got your back".  They went on to say, "they have his back?  isn't that what the president is supposed to do?  he's supposed to have OUR back, we're not supposed to have his."

This was directed to the President, but in little ways, I notice how certain persons, clearly motivated to rub in the torture bit, also seek to demean and degrade my Dad, or the male ego, and any kind of idea that actually, being tortured is not a personal failure.

Not only are we tortured, we're degraded.  If my parents dared say or admit to their own torture, they are afraid of being locked up or called mentally ill.  They've said several times, "Where is the evidence" and feel that without "evidence" of torture directed upon our bodies, they have nothing.  They know it's state-sponsored as well. 

This morning my Dad had the truck going, and unloaded the tractor, and I could feel the energy from torture and they were already targeting my Dad this morning.  When he drove away, it quit.  It basically left with him.  The U.S. literally allows some group to hone in on us and our vehicles or other electrical or powered items or property, and we are targeted to be tortured.

My going to court efforts for my son Oliver are always ruined by torture, and destruction of evidence by state-sponsored and paid parties.  It is the federal government that is responsible for torturing us, and then allowing me to be falsely called crazy while they twist my son away from me.  They have acted no differently than any communist country that thinks they can go in and steal kids from parents, torture innocent parents, and steal property.

The whole "War Horse" idea, in the movie, is that a government "needs" a horse to help them to fight wars.  So they go around collecting and stealing horses from the owners.  The analogy is that the U.S. allows hate crime against some families and then steals the children away with various similiar excuses.

Children are not horses.  Adults are not horses.  You do not steal "people" to use because "we have need of you".  You do not use "people" for forced labor and to torture them, EVER.  It's bad enough to find out about treatment of political prisoners, but any country cruelly torturing their own people, while claiming to be the free leader and free enterprise nation, is a sham.  It makes everything worthless.  It's like saying there used to be gold to back the paper money, and then there was faith, and now, there's nothing but bad debt.

I have witnessed Jews, Protestants, Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, and others, making excuses for what has happened to me and my son.  I have also witnessed them colluding with one another to conceal the crimes.

There is no court in the U.S. that is going to address the real reason my son was stolen from, or why we were tortured.  I am even tortured just attempting to access the courts.  Every possible remedy is exhausted.  It is not a civil matter and it is not a CPS-custody matter.

It's a criminal matter, and the FBI is responsible for this.


  1. Schizophrenia, in short, is a loss of reality. Symptoms include inappropriate (or few) emotions, paranoia, obsession with media, false beliefs about the body, beliefs of being famous or powerful, auditory and visual hallucinations, and catatonia (a completely unaware and unresponsive state). Unmedicated schizophrenics can’t tell what is in their head and what is real, leading them to act strangely. There are different levels in the loss of reality, some are able to function normally for short periods of time.

  2. Nice cover but it doesn't work. There are too many of us who can testify before court. We are tortured and your attempt to displace blame by suggesting mental illness is nothing more than an illegal attempt to cover and aid and abet crimes.
