Thursday, June 21, 2012

Trish McMichaels: FBI Obstruction of My Education (again)

This woman works for Southwestern Community College and she is also connected to and works for the FBI in Oregon.

After I spoke with her, I was prejudiced by her and other faculty there and now I'm having to go through all of these additional processes to prove they had already confirmed there was nothing wrong with my financial aid and that I was going to college this Summer.

One year ago, I tried to go to SWOCC, and because of the misinformation I was given and being blocked by Tom Nicholls (that's who I talked to then, and Tim Dailey, who I now remember was involved but not then as an "advisor), I went to Eastern.

The entire reason I even went to Eastern was because of SWOCC obstructing me from going to their college after they had said my financial aid was fine.  Now, Trish McMichaels is attempting to push me out of the community college again, and I got the same response from Tim and Tom.

At the same time Trish McMichaels, who also works for the FBI, was prejudicing me, and blocking my student account and then telling me to go to a psychologist at the college, who then was fixed in as my "advisor", I was getting email from the FBI, who I had named in a legal court petition for habeas corpus.

The FBI was named through D.C. Headquarters, through the Portland FBI field offices, NY field offices were mentioned, and Washington FBI field offices.  After I filed this petition, I experienced a great amount of undue stress from attacks by college personnel at EOU that had indirect contacts with FBI, and then I was told everything was fine at SWOCC and at the last minute, after I talked to Trish McMichaels, I was dropped, with no normal reason.

My parents had to know what she was up to.  The minute I mentioned her name they cringed and I knew, the minute I talked to her, that something was wrong with her and she was FBI.  It is not impossible to work for both the FBI and to also have another job or a second job.  That's what some of them do.  My parents said nothing about her to me, and it wasn't a noticeable cringe, but it was a natural spontaneous expression both my Mom and Dad had to her name.  And that was on top of already finding out she is FBI, and having talked to her myself and found her to think she knows a lot more about me than she should naturally, having never "met" me personally.

The same time I was talking to Trish, I got correspondence from the Portland FBI offices, around the same approximate time.

The other thing I picked up, intuitively, is that the FBI has been wanting to separate me from my parents again and attack me better (and probably attack my parents better) with distance between us.  Trish McMichaels didn't have a problem with my signing up for all online classes and she had already confirmed my financial aid for Summer was in place.

She panicked, and blocked me from everything when she thought I might go out into the open and prove I'm not nuts by showing up on campus.  It's harder for the FBI to continue to say I'm mentally ill (defamation) when I'm in the public eye, and at least a few students might be in my class who are normal who they are not connected to and would vouch for me.  I've had fellow classmates vouch for me in the past, when others tried to smear me, and the FBI doesn't like the idea of my having people to back me.  They especially don't like the idea when I just put their agencies and names on a Petition for Habeas Corpus, blaming them for gross defamation and slander that has led to incredible personal and financial losses.  Not only is Trish McMichaels working for the FBI, she knows Bujanda and Garza, the same FBI agents that I reported a long time ago. And she wanted to take me, with herself as my "advisor." 

She blocked everything I was doing, and all of a sudden, after she did this, Susan and other faculty there acted completely different towards me.  They then told me if I wanted to talk to someone, from now on, it was the SWOCC psychologist, "Tim Dailey", who is in charge of the counseling center.

Trish and the others deliberately attempted to prejudice me.  She didn't want me to prove I wasn't nuts by being at the college in person, so she blocked me from further registration, and then she and the others set it up to have me only speak with the college psychologist.  Then, at the last minute, on Monday of this last week, I was told they are retracting their offer of financial aid funding, which I qualify for through the Dept. of Education.

Supposedly a petition for me to have funding to Double Major was denied awhile ago (I haven't seen that letter).  But I was never blocked from financial aid for classes at the college while pursuing only one degree.  My financial aid has always been confirmed as "in place" and without any problems, all the way up until a few days ago.

They waited until Monday of this week to then intentionally cause distress by telling me I was blocked from going to college this Summer.  This is the second time they've done this too.  A year ago, they did this, by telling me they only needed an application by a certain date and then they told me I was too late for the application process, at the last minute, after giving me wrong information.

This time, I sent in all paperwork ahead of time, and they even made me fill out additional information that is more than other students are required to fill out, and I did this.  I filled everything out and I confirmed there was nothing wrong with my financial aid, and that it was ready for disbursement this Summer, by Anna/Ana at First Stop (with SWOCC), with another financial aid person (don't remember which one at this moment), and I called First Stop and the financial aid offices several times, because I wanted to be absolutely sure.

My family also knew the funding was in place.  My parents knew that Trish got involved with Tim and Tom and ruined things deliberately.  My mother was ordering my books for Summer and then was ready to order more, but I noticed her expression changed at some point.  My Dad said nothing, but I could tell something was wrong. 

Then, on this day that I thought I might buy additional raspberries for my garden, all these U.S. government men were out and about, watching me.  They wanted me to go out and buy a bunch of raspberries, and already knew the FBI and SWOCC were jacking up my college efforts.

I know that some people knew Trish and some SWOCC officials were going to screw me over last minute because the last time I was in Coos Bay, where SWOCC is, it was made obvious.  I picked up, intuitively, on the fact that some of these people driving around and watching me buy things, wanted me to spend all of my money up, because they already knew I was going to be blocked from receiving financial aid at the very last minute by someone from SWOCC.  They were extremely happy to have me think I could buy things, even things I needed, and then end up with nothing this Summer.

They already knew how Eastern had treated me with Colleen Cascio, Annette, Mio, and Laura Moore.  They knew I was already applying to go to SWOCC.  I was last in Coos Bay about a month ago or so.  When I saw how glad some of these people were, to see me with all these bags, I knew something was up.  I knew they were hoping I'd have nothing saved or leftover, because it was already being premeditated to screw me out of SWOCC at the very last minute, and only when everyone knew I had no other options. 

Sure, I can't "prove" it was premeditated by "intuition", but I know my instincts are exactly right and turns out, yep--That's exactly what was going down, I just didn't know what it was then.

This time, it's not like they gave me a lot of wrong information and then it turns out, I'm really not able to go because they won't be flexible--this time, I was already confirmed as having everything in order, and I asked them repeatedly, even knowing they'd confirmed it, "Is there anything else?"

I then possibly even confirmed everything, again, through Trish McMichaels and Barbara.  I know I confirmed it through First Stop (registration and financial aid).  After I was forced to speak to the "pschologist" Tim Dailey, then he even said my financial aid would be fine for Summer, and approved everything, for at least one program which I signed up for:  "Natural Science".  He said he did not know if I would get the 150% exceeding amounts for my Double Major, but no doubts about my classes for Summer and Fall, pursuing one degree.

At the last minute, they claimed I was on "financial aid suspension".  ?  So I had financial aid and then it's "suspended"?

Right around the time all these U.S. government men were driving around, and women too, wondering if I was going to buy raspberries, when I didn't, the next day my Dad had a horrible look on his face and said, "GET OUT OF THE WAY"

Which is something I always associate with U.S. Navy (finding out the military guy trying to run me over is connected to the Department of Defense), Kate Middleton and the Middletons (whose supporters tried to block me from doing anything just to prop her up and be hateful to me), and the FBI (who support the Middletons).  The FBI pretty much has supported Kate Middleton as if she works for THEM directly and I have noticed this since, I guess, Tennessee.  They tortured and assaulted me, to make her and her family feel better. 

It's part of the reason the FBI had me defamed again and assaulted at the psych ward in Nashville, TN.  I had filled out an online form for going back to college, a FAFSA, and I had found work.  If I had work, this meant I might pay off money owed to get my transcript, and then end up in college.

Which is too much for them to take I guess.  They didn't even like it when I was working out at 4 classes at the YMCA in Nashville.  I was called "manic" and ridiculed by a German kickboxing instructor.  She was female, and she had spent time in Germany (nothing against all Germans).  She not only went out of her way to ridicule ME, she then started ridiculing my DAD.  She was laughing and making jokes about me, pretending to cry and saying, "Come on!  do it for your DADDY!" which is nothing, but combined with other comments, it was clear she was trying to get me and she was using my Dad.  She was connected to U.S. military (I believe) and I know for sure she was connected to Germany.  I wouldn't be surprised if she was also linked to FBI there.  At one point, I later noticed this man go to classes who stood in the back and something happened. I have no idea what the deal was, but she started flubbing up everything.  She looked so nervous and worried and was glancing here and there at this one man, but I wasn't sure if it was him or something else.  She tried to skip rope and over and over she missed, and tied up her own feet, and tripped.  It was the weirdest thing.

I didn't feel like God was vindicating me, but vindicating my Dad.  I thought, "Whoa.  She must have crossed the line there or something."  I didn't even care about some of the mean things she said about me, but she was so mean to include me and my Dad, when I saw her go through some kind of psychic-breakdown in her kickboxing routine, I thought maybe she's getting what she deserves for insulting my Dad.  I didn't tell anyone this though, that this happened to her later.

Then, that same gym colluded with my bank to keep withdrawing money when they weren't authorized later.

Before this though, after this happened to the German-American instructor, I had my college FAFSA lined up and was in excellent physical shape and about to work, and the FBI and DEA had me thrown into a psych ward and brutally and repeatedly physically assaulted.  There was no "evaluation" first.  I was thrown into a psych ward and then immediately assaulted, based only on FBI comments and reports against me--all defamatory.  I was told I was sent there for "evaluation" but that's not what happened.  I was assaulted, and then later, they tried to make up an excuse for assaulting me with nothing more than FBI hearsay and slander against me. 

This directly affected me from pursuing college at that time.  I applied for my passport the minute I was out.  Then the Department of State and FBI, knowing they are guilty of crimes against humanity, and their own citizen, blocked the processing of my passport, and instead of sending it to me when I correctly filled out the application and sent in the money and photo, they kept asking for personal photographs of me.  Two different times they refused to give me my passport, and wrote to me telling me they wanted me to send them more personal photographs first.  It wasn't for the passport snapshot you send in for your passport, the 2 photos of the headshot.  I gave them this.  They were telling me my passport wasn't being sent to me because they wanted me to send them photos of myself.

Is anyone throwing up yet?

I have a feeling that more than one person has a reason to feel violently ill, knowing what they do about what has been done to me.

The Department of State and FBI refused to give me my passport, blocking my freedom of travel again, after they'd colluded to have me violently assaulted.  Instead of giving me my passport within 4-8 weeks, they stalled for 1 year.  Then when they mailed it to me, they did so when they knew I had no income, no savings, and only after they were positive I had no possible way of leaving.  They knew I was stuck in a small town with no job prospects and that I had no way of going to college and getting financial aid if I couldn't pay off the bill I owed to get my transcript first.

I had money to leave in Tennesee.  So they refused to give me my passport.  As soon as they knew I had no money to leave, 1 year later, that's when they finally mailed my passport to me, as if they'd done their duty.  They deliberately trapped me to stay in the United States after they assaulted me.

Then, they trapped me in Oregon while they tortured my entire family especially over the winter.

And before this, after the FBI and Department of State and DEA first had me assaulted at the psych ward, without any evaluation, next, they took it one step farther for the Middletons and they handprinted me while using me for research in Knoxville, TN.  They handprinted me for the UK, not for the U.S.

The United States already had my fingerprints on record in various forms.  The U.S. doesn't use handprinting either.  The country that does use handprinting, on a routine basis, is England and the United Kingdom.  I don't believe even Canada using handprinting as their standard, but maybe they do.  I don't think so though.  I know for a fact that the UK uses handprints as their routine.

So "MY" country, tortured me, and tortured my son, and then handprinted me for England.  After they handprinted me, they told me "KNEEL!"  "Now you KNEEL!"  This was from an Irish? orother? connected woman whose boss, the Chief of Police, was Irish-American.

And this is "not" about Kate Fucking Middleton and her traitor parents (note my sarcasm).  They're not working for England.  They are working for the United States and having other U.S. citizens tortured on their behalf.

After all of this, I was then allowed to see my parents for the first time in 7 years since the FBI colluded with Judge Warren to block my freedom of travel.  When I was then trying to go to SWOCC,  after another year of more delays and torture in this country, I found out the main man in charge at SWOCC was British.  I didn't know this, to start.  I looked at the study abroad programs and it was only to London, England.  I intuited there were many enemies that would have loved to have me go there next and I was not stupid enough to do so.  I tried to take normal classes at SWOCC and was given wrong information and then blocked from doing so.

Then, in looking up people at SWOCC I found the person-in-charge, not the President, but the oversight for the President at SWOCC, is from England.  He had an ad on the radio once too, for SWOCC, and he has a British accent. 

So basically, I've been screwed over twice now by SWOCC and there is a England-connected man involved and Trish with the U.S. FBI.  Go figure.

If I had applied to go to England, oh no problem.  Right into the Devil's Lair. Like I really want to visit Middleton-Mines.

(and nothing against England by the way, because I really love English Lit, the idea of their culture, and many things about their music history and people, but I cannot go there when the Middletons are in control and use people over here even, to torture my family.  They're doubles--the Middletons are double operatives.)

So bringing this back around to where I am now...I have been told my financial aid is blocked again, but there is no legitimate reason.  I'm supposed to wait until the same day classes begin (this Monday) to speak with "Avena Singh" who is supposedly the Director in charge of financial aid.  I don't know what origin the surname Singh is from.

So basically, the FBI knows I've named them in a court petition.  They know about my court matters involving my son as well.  And after using people to try to keep me from going to college and also stay near to my family (which is safer for all of us), they want to split us up again.

There is nothing they would like more than to have me in downtown Portland again, right next to their FBI offices.  And after my Dad said "Get out of the way!" which is about the same time I criticized Kate Middleton online for her pandering to the Asian world with her hairstyle (which was an accurate assessment), I am apparently going to be "punished" now, by SWOCC faculty that is next coming up with ideas on how to keep me out of financial aid again.  And there isn't any normal reason this time.  I have all the documentation in place and nothing is amiss and I did all of it on time.

Right around this time, about two weeks ago, I get a call from downtown Portland to go to college on a downtown Portland campus.

Which reeked of FBI to me.

I guess Trish McMichaels, the dearie, thought if I had considered going on-campus at SWOCC, better yet, I could go right onto FBI campus!  What a fantastic idea.  Let's skip past "normal" students and put me into the FBI's personal pocket.  Not only that, it's for a computer technical college.

And then if I refuse, then no college for you!

I have stated clearly that my major is English Lit and Environmental Science minor and that I wish to change it to Double Major in English Lit and Natural Science.  Since the first request was denied at SWOCC, I am going ahead with one degree pursuit of Natural Science and when I transfer (hopefully to a private college at this point, with fewer FBI employees), I will double major.  I feel like maybe at a private college, they won't treat their students like their little kids as much.
UPDATE:  10:44 a.m.  I wondered why I chose double operative instead of double agent and wondered if there is a difference between the two and there is.  I mean, I know what I know, and I meant the generally same thing as agent but  operative was what came to mind, though I wouldn't clarify my own beliefs with either-or term. To me, it is enough for them to be double agents OR double operatives.  However, in U.S. distinction (haven't checked UK), operative is for a person that an "agent" reports to.  So it's more of a "handler".  (I looked this up for a quick reference:

So an "agent" is recruited by an agency or contracts or does work in the field for the agency and an "operative" is the person that the agent(s) report back to.  It is the operative that is most directly connected to the agency.  I am guessing then, if an agent reports to an "operative", that a colloquial term for an operative is "handler". 

(someone outside just yelled "HEY!"). 

Not a very distant cousin is the "programmer", most likely.  A person who does "programming" or who is a "programmer" in the intelligence sense, and not computer sense, is one who learns how to manipulate others and use techniques for mind control or for development of the personality (even with kids).  Some forms of "programming" are mild and go with what is put before a child or person and how this affects their psyche.  Other forms of "programming" are extreme, involving torture, abuse, hypnosis, and sometimes drugs, to promote or push for an effect, response, reaction, or development in the person.  Some techniques go to the surface, and other techniques are subliminal, with the hope that a person will act a certain way to different "triggers" and yet maybe not understand how their own subconscious is what is controlling or contributing to their actions, thoughts, and decisions.

Which is interesting, because even a year ago or more, I thought Mike Middleton was a programmer in this sense.  But now, I firmly believe that family is more than this and are double operatives.

I've been tortured, and my son has been tortured, over them and by people they use.

I did a quick search on MI5 and MI6 operative and not looking at any particular article, from the bylines on the search it appears like it's basically the same kind of terminology to describe these things.
The other thing I think the FBI's Trish McMichaels and whoever at SWOCC didn't like, was that I didn't take the Oregon healthplan.

It was the FBI in Portland trying to push me to do this.

First they expected me to do this by applying for a lottery through Oregon healthplan.  I did apply, a long time ago, and it wasn't chosen.  Then, just recently, right after I named the FBI in a lawsuit for Habeas Corpus, alleging they are guilty of obstruction of justice, torture and allowing state-sponsored torture, and obstruction of freedom of travel (and other things), what shows up in the mail?

A "random" selection of me for Oregon healthplan, right after some horrid FBI agent in Portland sends me an email from their offices.  She threatened me.  It was an indirect threat, but a threat all the same, and it came from Portland FBI field offices.

I wrote asking for an investigation into what was done with my son between the borders, and about obstruction of justice.  She wrote back telling me to contact the Department of Health services.

This is the exact same thing the FBI offices in Nashville told me to do.  I did what they told me to do, going to a hospital to be evaluated for poisoning, and I was brutally and violently assaulted the minute I was in the door.  I was brutally assaulted for 1 full week.

I found out it had to do with defamation the FBI has been spreading about me for years.  The FBI has directly violently assaulted me, and deliberately put me and my son in positions, knowing we were going to be assaulted.  "Fast and Furious" is nothing.  That little "incident" is NOTHING compared to what the FBI has done to me and my son.  Eric Holder is having hearings over this, and what's Mueller and the FBI doing?

They're telling me, recently, to go to the Department of Health, so they can screw me over better.  Trish didn't want me to be on-campus because it would have potentially validated me and invalidated her "team".  She didn't even want me to be taking any courses that had anything to do with science at all.  I asked if one of the classes I had signed up for was a nursing pre-requisite and she paused and then had this displeasure in her voice when she said yes.  My guess is that she wants "simple and stupid" or "starving liberal arts" because anything that could potentially make any money is the opposite of what she and the FBI want.

Right after I talked to Trish McMichaels, which was around the same time the Portland FBI told me to go to "Health" department, instead of addressing investigation, I suddenly got "randomly" selected from the lottery for Oregon healhplan.  It was SO "random".  How about, someone wrote my name down and typed it in and then oh! forgot about it.  Does that constitute random?  How "random" is the FBI.

I didn't fill it out.  Then came another reminder.  Which I did not fill out and return and I said I wasn't going to do it.  Then I saw this look of concern on my Mom's face because they didn't care if I did, they knew the FBI was going to try to screw me over and them over, if I didn't.  The FBI had them try to use all kinds of things to get me to sign up.  One was about dental stuff, and another was about just go to the doctor for an antibiotic for the skin thing.

How about, the FBI FUCKS and Department of STATE FUCKS should not have illegally drugged and medicated me when I was with their Dept. of State FUCK Alvaro.  You know, the man who all the guys at the courthouses in Maryland already knew, and who the Maryland police knew, and who told me he worked for the FBI in Colombia and now he wants to be a U.S. citizen so he can work here.

That guy.

The only reason the FBI wants me to take the Oregon healthplan is to find more excuses for defaming me and putting more slander against me into medical records.  They have NEVER cared about my physical health or my son's physical health and if that were true, they wouldn't allow and engage in torture.  Real healthy.  Boy is torture showing how much you care.

I then got the last reminder to fill out the Oregon Healthplan form and I chose not to.  Right after that, which was about the same term ended at EOU, which was ruined by FBI interference as well (when they were already named in a lawsuit and didn't want me to have money to do anything), I was then told SWOCC claims I don't have financial aid for Summer.  When all this time, I did.

So the FBI's form of punishment, is trying to screw me out of college, which is something that shows I'm normal and not crazy as they claim, since they are already worried they won't be able to use Oregon Healthplan to get a doctor to see me and write up more shit on their behalf.

Stuff like, "She is delusional and rambling, clearly paranoid and psychotic, and claims the FBI raped her."

You know, stuff that works for the FBI.  Stuff like that.

Maybe too, they can get their doctor to tell me to say "Ah" like in a normal routine exam, and have a look around at my teeth that were blasted by the U.S. DOD/DOE. 

So anyway, I got upset and said something about this today, about Trish and the FBI involvement in trying to block me out of college again at the last minute and I was told to get out and don't come back until the morning.

And, by the way, my mother said I was probably misjudging them and I said, "Yeah, I'm sure a few of them are decent but the other ones are trying to screw me over and this is the second time."  I named some people and she shook her head and then tried to defend Tom Nicholls, saying "I met Tom Nicholls."

Yeah.  I still remember that day.

My mother came back looking like someone had dragged her around their office by her hair, and pointed a laser at her face while insulting her and mocking her daughter and then asking her to drink a diuretic.

She looked so happy and "refreshed" after meeting "Tom" Nicholls. 

And by the way, they meet with my MOTHER? but they don't even meet with ME in person???

What is this?  Kiddie Kamp?  It's like someone there tried from the start to prejudice me and then discriminate against me because of "perceived disability" when they have never even met me, and when there has never been cause to treat me this way to start.  It's been one FBI self-protective scheme after another.


  1. Schizophrenia symptoms usually develop slowly over months or years. Sometimes you may have many symptoms, and at other times you may only have a few symptoms.

    People with any type of schizophrenia may have trouble keeping friends and working. They may also have problems with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts or behaviors.

    At first, you may have the following symptoms:

    Irritable or tense feeling

    Trouble concentrating

    Trouble sleeping

    As the illness continues, you may have problems with thinking, emotions, and behavior, including:

    Bizarre behaviors

    Hearing or seeing things that are not there (hallucinations)


    Lack of emotion (flat affect)

    Problems paying attention

    Strongly held beliefs that are not real (delusions)

    Thoughts that "jump" between different topics (“loose associations”)

    Symptoms depend on the type of schizophrenia you have.

    Paranoid schizophrenia symptoms may include:


    Anger or arguing

    False beliefs that others are trying to harm you or your loved ones

    Disorganized schizophrenia symptoms may include:

    Childlike behavior

    Problems thinking and explaining your ideas clearly

    Showing little emotion

    Catatonic schizophrenia symptoms may include:

    Grimacing or other odd expressions on the face

    Lack of activity

    Rigid muscles and posture

    Not responding much to other people

  2. Your symptoms list is not official and could apply to anyone with any number of conditions.

    Please do not try to be a professional.
