Thursday, June 21, 2012

Theft (again) & Programming of Oliver

Someone came into my house and stole my eucalyptus cleaner that I had in a Western Family spray bottle.

Not only that, last night I left the door to my house unlocked for less than a 1/2 hour and both my Mom and Dad were in the house and someone went into my house and put some random object on my bed.

There is no one who would be able to do this and look inconspicuous except for a neighbor.

As for my spray bottle of cleaner, my guess would be that Patty Otterbach or one of her friends took it.  They, neighbors, and local police are the only ones who have been in my house.

The spray bottle cleaner was taken awhile ago, it wasn't in the last few days, but the illegal entry to my place to put an object on my bed was just last night.

Here's the other thing--as soon as I make a post about theft and break and entry (which has occured ever since I've lived here, and been state-sponsored), I then get tortured with technology affecting my teeth.

Not only that, some of the technology used to "fry" us, has been microwave.  It feels like laser, but some of it is microwave, and they have almost killed me and my son with it.

Okay, now grasp what I just said, and then imagine me marrying the cop/FBI employee who was head-hunted (wanted for hire) by the Department of State. 

Am I crazy?  Really?  Or are the people in charge of saying "We don't torture citizens here" fucked up.  The FBI knows about everything.  They have been 100%, no, 150% involved from the start.  They know I was a victim of hate crime.  They know I was defamed and they knew when they were defaming me.  They know who tortured me and my son. They know all about Alvaro Pardo.  They know I'm not mentally ill.  They know my son was kidnapped from me and that I was set up for a false arrest.  They know the guys in Canada and they know the Border Patrol that forced me to sign a false confession of guilt.  They know the Middletons are involved and they have worked with Middletons.  They know who is involved in the CIA.  They know who is responsible through the DOE and DOD.

And they literally sold me and my son to the U.S. military after the Department of State wasn't happy that I didn't marry Alvaro into the country, for HIS kid's sake and for the FBI Human Resources.

After torturing us, with the FBI being involved in it, and therefore the most unlikely group to "investigate" when their "Fast and Furious" experiments of their own are illegal, they gave me one option.

The option was to get married.  To not be tortured, the only time I wasn't tortured, I had to be sleeping with someone from the U.S. government.  This is very obvious and clear then, that the group responsible for torturing me and my son, is the exact same U.S. government.

When I didn't marry Alvaro, they and even police officers in Wenatchee, took it out on me personally.   They also took it out on my son, and had him tortured in front of me and show up with evidence of torture, hoping this would convince me to call their Asshole.

They intimidated and threatend my parents not to help me get my son back then, because as soon as they saw I was not desperate to get back together with their man (sorry FBI, but I don't like it when you obstruct my freedom of travel and use your own men to hold me hostage as well, in my own country), they sold me and my son back to the DOD and DOE to be tortured.  And then this time they tried to make it look "classified" like it was all about govt. research and not hate crime.

They weren't able to program my son, literally, as in, CIA programming, with joint cooperation from the military intelligence, unless he wasn't with me.

No mother who is a real mother would allow this.  I was too good of a mother.

They started programming him about 3 months or earlier than when Alvaro left.  They had quit for awhile and they they started it all over again, and this time, they weren't going to let go.  They had their demonic, U.S. state-sponsored government investment already paid for with dirty money, blood, and crime.  Once the FBI sticks a knife into your back, they're unlikely to take it out.  They tell you if you want it out, you either marry their employee, and he'll take it out the nice way and they'll do a surgery, or if you don't go with them, they tell you you're on your own and look forward to your bleeding out to die.

The same thing is true with the kids they sell.  They pick and choose which U.S. kids they are going to steal, or seduce parents into selling out.  Some parents sell their own kids out with a "patriotic" motive (the good of the country), and others' sell their own kids out for dirty money and get paid, literally.

If the U.S. has a criminal group that has friends in agencies, and they want to pass off crime against you as legitimate or state-authorized, that's what they do.  And then if a parent isn't willing to go along with what they want to do with your child, or if the government had "different plans" for YOU (because remember, THEY "invested" in YOU too, for years), they find a way to steal kids.  It went so smoothly in Wenatchee I wouldn't be surprised if the town and area isn't know for being the biggest exporter and producer of raped and brainwashed/programmed kids in the Pac. NW.

Once they decided that if Oliver wasn't going to be raised by me and Mr. Colombian (at which point God only knows what would have happened to either of us), they were going to program him.  I'm sympathetic to my family because I know about the scare tactics, but the only way to do this is by blackmail and torture.  If they can't get consent, they do it the other way.  They already knew I would die before doing it their way, and they would have zero opportunities with my son.  They could already tell that my son was being raised MY way, and that I didn't allow others to tell me what to do.  I raised the happiest and most trusting baby, and they took this, and said "Perfect.  Now we''re going to take this beautiful and happy and trusting child who was raised at the pinnacles of attachment and faith and love, and we're going to drop him and watch his head split."

They repeatedly abused and traumatized him and then they started working in their disgusting programming at the same time, with my son showing up going into hypnotic states in visits, and then later, over the phone, making it clear he'd been ruined by the U.S., CIA and military both, and programmed for psychic work/research and who knows.  What plans do they have for my child?  Because they took a boy who was more bonded than any child they'd ever had, and they destroyed everything.  The only thing they instilled in my son was Omerta, the code of silence, to protect the FUCKING FBI.  If he didn't lie for them, as they trained him to do, he was tortured and assaulted.  So he learned to shut up just for the abusers who work for this country. 

They took away all of his trust and replaced it with an attachment disorder and dependency.  They have programmed my son to be angry and to feel empty and then, when they don't need him or want him, to self-destruct.

They wanted me to self-destruct and they worked at it.  When all of their "accident" planning didn't kill me, they wanted to trigger something in me to self-destruct.  This is 150% typical of what they do.  Every kid they use for the government, has a switch, and they hope that if "something goes wrong" or there is a change in an agency, or a "security problem" or "we found someone else to take their place and we don't want this person to talk" or for whatever reason, they do this to both kids and even adults, hoping if they push the right buttons, that person will self-destruct themself.  If they can't trigger suicide, they try to engage a person in something that will ruin them, such as drugs, or drinking to excess, or abuse that will tear the person down.  It's deconstruction.  Sometimes, first they try to "weaken" a person and then, they hope when they try to trigger suicidal thoughts, that person will be more vulnerable/susceptible.  What the U.S. government does NOT like, is "loose cannons".  They also don't like people who think for themselves or who, once programmed one way, are breaking free of that.  And if they find someone they think will take your place, they want you to go kill yourself and do yourself and their "new party" a favor.  They know everything about how to get at someone, and use only the best psychologists and psychiatrists (the ones you will never see in any 'appointment') to figure out how to do this.  They know how men and women are different from the start, how they process trauma and respond, and they take all the basics, and then they target for specific and unique tendencies.

So if you start to think about killing yourself, instead of thinking it must be because you're depressed or down or stressed out, maybe read something, like what I've written, and realize, if someone thinks you're important enough, or enough of a threat in any way, they most likely acted on subconscious triggers you didn't even know were there.  There are people just WAITING for you to go off yourself.  You could be a generally tough person with lots going on and one day something just hits and you don't know why but sudden depression, and for all you know, if you were one of the lucky ones who were programmed by the U.S., someone in administration of some agency, has your number and they're reading your diaries.

When all of your personal belongings disappear and are 'stolen' but the FBI refuses to investigate, you start to wonder if the Department of State is setting up a little shrine for you, or if they're just using what you had, to "collage" for the next programmed victim.  "We want her to be like Cameo, except do this part different and lets see what happens."  "We want him to be violent and without any feelings and how can you do that for us?"

There is way more to what they're doing to kids than Sheryl and Lynn (referring to the Sheryl and Lynn who came out of the closet to say they were used by military, programmed and abused and tortured, to be accessible and "human weapons" and assets in the U.S. arsenal.)  It doesn't just come down Type 1:  Human Weapon Seductress/Agent or Type 2:  Military Combat Warrior. 

Not only that, the U.S. is now killing kids by microwaving them to death.  They are not just torturing kids, but killing ones they feel are disposable.  They targeted me knowing I was with an unborn child.  That is manslaughter, a totally separate count for my unborn baby who was considered to be a person in their own right.  It was not just assaulting me but assaulting my baby.  They assaulted my innocent son.

How many others has the U.S. killed?


  1. Start publishing comments. When you don't, it looks shady

  2. What got left on your bed? A vibrator? Maybe that's what you need

  3. spanking because of u

  4. Nothing happened other than you lost your child due to your mental illness and inability to provide Oliver a safe and stable place to live. If he was living with you he would be knee deep in conspiracy crap being raised by a truly insane person. Why let this poor child be conditioned by you into a sad state of paranoia. He deserved better. You should know that but you can't because you are paranoid and delusional. Oliver is better off without you. Everyone but you knows that.
