Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wenatchee/Cashmere Medical: Hirsuitism

This is how CPS and these Department of State included people have abused the Avilas...and made fun of my family by mocking and degrading us...

One example:

My cousin Ivory.

First of all, in 2005, there was no problem. I was friends with Ivory more than other cousins probably and she and I had some things in common--we both liked to go out to music concerts (outdoors) and wanted to do a triathalon. Then, I was tortured and things got worse. I noticed a few times too, zero support from them and they all quit talking to me in the middle of horrible things. It wasn't because I was nuts, they said "You ask too many questions". Then, a few times I saw my Aunt and cousins driving away with Oliver and mocking me while they drove off. Other times, mocking me while passing.

However, here is one of several things these dirty cops and Dept. of State and state and CPS workers and religious criminals colluded on. They wanted to punish me for having sued anyone before. They also, by the way, wanted to take and steal any documents they knew I had between me and the monks after I broke up with Alvaro. They stole all of my evidence, as far as I know. On top of this, all of a sudden, my Aunt and Uncle were being told to do weird things, and I was being tortured after meeting Chris Rozollo.

Then my cousin Ivory shows up with a beard.

She doesn't normally and naturally have a beard. Hirsutism (her-suit-ism) does not run in the family. When I first met my cousin, nothing like that was going on with her face. After I broke up with Alvaro, she later showed up with a beard and mustache.

No one in my family knew this hair growth is called, in "medical terminology", "hirsuitism". I didn't know there was another word for it until last term when I took medical terminology and that was one of the words: "Hirsuitism", (Her-SUIT-ism).

While I was trying to appeal and find a way to file a lawsuit for torture and kidnapping after I broke up with Alvaro, I was mocked about "lawsuits" all the time. "Sue". Here comes "Sue". No one would know the pun of hirsuitism except the Wenatchee (or other) medical professionals or someone with medical background. Most likely, nurses and doctors.

It wasn't just a few whiskers. She has always had darker hair and plucked maybe her eyebrows, but her entire face had more hair on it. It was thicker hair down all over her face. And then she had this beard and mustache that was fully visible and she was early 20s and young. She didn't do anything about it. I saw her at random times, and for months, she had a beard and mustache.

If Ivory had a choice, she would shave her face or wax it off. She is not vain but she would NEVER just walk around in public like that.

I saw this and knew it was to humiliate her and the family and that some group was responsible for ordering this to be done. I knew then, it was about trying to "humble" my family.

I feel, based on seeing her face, and seeing that it was all over, it was medications or something someone gave her. And then someone must have told her not to do anything about it.

I found out, 2 years later, this "condition" is called "hirsuitism". When I found out what the word was for, I knew this was someone connected to the medical community. They are the ones who would "get off" on doing such a thing or enforcing it or wanting it done. They would be the ones to laugh at the symbolic meaning.

I could tell my cousin Ivory didn't like having it on her face and yet she didn't remove it. I knew then that something was wrong and someone forced her to do this and caused the condition, and then after doing terminology, I figured out, "This is something that was enforced and driven by a person with connections to the medical field."

You know, the same medical groups that I was trying to sue for my medical injuries from childbirth. The same medical group that got someone to go out and cut out a piece of my son's skin to remove evidence that proved I was not nuts as they claimed then. It was proof that my son had what I had, "tinea versicolor" which they claimed couldn't be given to a baby. It was, because our thrush was not treated and then it mutated to tinea when we lived in a moldy house. The doctors lied about me and said I was mentally ill and a hypochondriac to say this about my son. They said I was paranoid about his health and that I believed he had yeast when he didn't, and other things. There was proof right there on his face and I mentioned this. At the very next visit, it was cut out of his face. They CUT my son's face, just to remove evidence that proved I wasn't nuts--my son had evidence of the same skin disorder that was there only because of malpractice and malicious malpractice at that.

So my cousin comes down with "hirsuitism", and evidence of my son's medical condition is cut out of his face. Then CPS began cutting out visits with my son to mimimize what I witnessed. The group responsible for scheduling visitation monitors was directly tied to the medical community. All the women are wives of doctors.

FBI. Rick Baken's wife Claudia is a nurse.

Why so little protection when the FBI is so close? These people are all working together. The police covered up evidence of bruising on my son.

The next time the Judge decided to enforce an order that I not be allowed to take photos, my son came to the visit with a solid black eye like he was punched hard. He was. He told me so, and then he was punished for telling me.

My cousin was seriously dating someone when she was walking around with "hirsuitism". When she first told me about him, there was nothing wrong with her face. And when I saw her before, nothing wrong. He lived out of town. There is no way my cousin would walk around with a mustache and a beard unless it was out of being told to do it or endanger a family member.

These are professional FBI, CPS, and medical community people: nurses and doctors. Some bad church people too.

While my cousin Ivory walks around with "hirsuitism" for a couple of months, my son is brought to me with cyanosis and blue-purple genitals from electrocution and microwave torture by the DOE and DOD. It was his fingers too. It was the same discoloration that happened to me when I was fried by less-than-lethal military weapons. They did this to Oliver. They tortured him this way, and tortured him how we were tortured in E. Wenatchee, they bruised his legs and possibly he bruised his own legs sometimes from acute distress, they kept him confined in a carseat and in small spaces at the daycare, and someone cut out his face to remove evidence that was only incriminating or threatening to medical professionals. They also knocked out and chipped off his tooth, punched him in the eye, and pulled on his ear so much, it permanently stuck out. Then they hypnotised him, and had all of his personal notes read and heard by the entire community but my own public defender wouldn't get the records for me.

They tortured me while they did this to my son to make it impossible for me to investigate better. The police stole my camcorders and deleted evidence, knowing it proved my own innocence.

As for my cousin, I don't know what is going on except for the "hirsuitism" that was done to make a point to others.

Is this how my family is supposed to "humble" themselves?

I want to know whose egos we're feeding besides medical professionals.

Then, I didn't go to the wedding, but I saw a photo of my son from the wedding. He looked sick, extremely thin, and unhappy. This is what Washington State did to Oliver Garrett. Thanks U.S. Marshalls--you're really doing your job. In fact, I remember you laughed at me when the police told me to call you in Seattle.

I then saw the engagement photo and first I just noticed my cousin's eye was droppy but then I noticed it was his eye too. Both of them had one droopy eye in their engagement photos. We don't have a "droopy" eye genetic thing in my family. It's happened to me after being targeted in the head by military-energy weapons. Not only that, it wasn't just my cousin, who is a relative. It was her fiance too. He also has a droopy eye in the photos.

This country is torturing my family.

And even if some of my family have different things happen than others (I don't know), or deal with it differently, I want my son returned to me.

He needs to be with me, he will thrive with me, and it is the only possibility.

That said, I am trying to take classes and instead of being able to finish something, and submit it on time, I was tortured all day and night and had to write this instead.

I am not filing for disability because this is not a disability. This is torture.

I am tortured, and that has NOTHING to do with physical disability or mental illness.

And if someone wants to get up there and make a lot of noise about "ruining" someone, why don't you "Ruin" the people who are criminals.

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