Sunday, July 1, 2012


After I wrote about Ivory and her fiance, and their droopy eyes I was sitting and noticing a chainlink pattern across from me.  It was a diamond chainlink design, looking grayish as a shadow cast from the light, hitting the pattern on a back of a chair I had brought into the house only a week ago (for temp. homework seat). 

I saw the chainlink design and then wondered what that was from and it was from this chair I'd brought in and the shadow it cast (I move it around so it just happened to be that way).  It was over  a a bench that had , on the top, a paper with green highlighting about Luther (Martin Luther).  This was randomly over Microsoft books I got for class, with only S 7 showing, and then under this is a sample petition for habeas corpus with the words "See State" mainly showing.   A couple of batteries underneath.  A plastic bag next, crumpled in with only words "keep babies and children" and then on a different part of the bag "m". 

My red scarf, to the side.  On the chair from which the shadow was cast, a book of a woman riding a bike, "lifetime physical fitness & wellness: a personalized program (12th ed.).  Under this, two different copies of the book Business Law.

The chainlink only reached as far as the things I described. On the floor beneath were 6 golf balls in a tupperware.

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