Friday, July 6, 2012

Another Problem With Online Access & Torture

I am supposed to fill out financial aid application stuff and now it's not even allowing me to enter information into the required fields.

This is exactly what was happening with my trying to fill out even FAFSA documents through the Department of Ed website.

I've spent an hour trying to get past it and it won't allow me to continue any part of the process.  I would have otherwise been done awhile ago.

First I was tortured all day again and then I can't even get past the system.

When I was talking to this one advisor, I was even targeted on the head by military.  I was on the telephone and the U.S. literally targeted a hit on the top of my head and then this rep was finishing his sentence, "....if you want to get ahead."

I mean, right before he said this, the U.S. tortured me, on the head.  They targeted me with a huge pulse sharp jab to the left side of the top of my head.  What are they doing?  Waiting until I'm the telephone with someone to torture me to see if I react or how I react?

I have been held hostage in this country.

I have literally been HELD HOSTAGE in the United States, since 2004.

When I looked up another country today, Iran, after trying to sent email to them and having it blocked by Microsoft repeatedly, I thought about what I had written and how true it is, and thought, this is crazy.  My country has been torturing me and my son and holding my family HOSTAGE.  Trapping us here to TORTURE us? and humiliate and degrade us?

Every time I try to get on my feet, like last term, this country then went out of it's way to force me out and push me down to nothing again.

They're trying to dumb me down.

At this point, there is no question they are holding me hostage and torturing me to get to someone.  It's not just hate crime, they haven't wanted me to escape this country, every time I've tried, because they have wanted to torture me.  They dragged me and my son back to the U.S. to be TORTURED???!  That is what they did.

Not only that, they started treating me like a criminal when I was raped.  Then, it was with the Catholics.  And then, they used the ultimate excuse, with Portland police STALKING me, literally stalking me, and telling an Iranian student to get out of my car.

The POLICE told this student, "Get out of the car" and then said to me, "DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS?"  This was the student whose girlfriend went to St. Andrews in Scotland. 

They stalked me.

The law enforcement in this country is totally corrupt and has been stalking me and obstructing my freedom since 2004 and possibly before.  Then they TORTURE me and my son?

First, police stalked me when I was with this Iranian student.  They told him to get out of my car.  THEN, they stalked me at my apartment and FBI showed up after he was at my apartment. 

The FBI is totally corrupt.

I have been stalked, harassed, blocked from travel...after this is when the FBI got the Judge to put a false citation on my record, in order to drag my car away in Coburg, by Coburg police, where it was taken somewhere and stripped, all the interior panels were taken out, the hubcaps removed, everything, and when I got it back it rattled and the seals for the windows were ruined.  They used an illegal citation to illegally search my car and then they illegally refused to remove the charge against me, when they KNEW they had made it up and it was wrong.

Then this country did the exact same thing to falsely arrest on several other occasions, including to drag me back to the U.S. to be tortured more and have my son kidnapped from me and tortured.

This country is so guilty, I mean SO GUILTY of criminal conspiracy and crimes against humanity.

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