Friday, July 6, 2012

Phoenix of Arizona Date of Birth/Rape?

That's odd.

I'm filling out a form for Phoenix of Arizona and the date of birth that automatically came up was July 2008.

That's about the time I was raped by Josh Gatov, the Russian-Jew who was working with international students the same time a Russian-Jew was head of the CIA.

I wonder why Phoenix of Arizona online college would have July 1998 as the automatic date of birth that comes up when no student would be entering college with that birthdate, which would make them, if born in 1998, 14 years old.

It's an interesting thought though.  Imagine stating the date of my birth is when I was raped of my virginity by a Jew who made it clear he raped me with Jewish hate and contempt and that it was an insult to not just me, but my Dad.  Not many people have "consensual sex" with a virgin and then say, "What would your Dad think to know you were (raped-taken) by a Jew."

Most people don't bring up young women's fathers after they have "consensual sex".

My representative is a man going by the name of Kyle Collins, from Phoenix, Arizona and he sent me this application.

Josh Gatov was working for CIA and/or FBI and got tipped off by police and FBI to leave the country.  They protected a rapist.  Because of his proximity to international students, he most likely worked for CIA rather than FBI but FBI does counter-intelligence as well.

He raped me after I dated some Muslim men from the Middle East, who were respectful of me.  The Muslim men did not rape me.  The Jew did.

So why is the United States supporting Jewry?

They get an automatic "pass" just because they are Jews?  I was blacklisted from even getting work after I worked for Rabbi and Lorraine Rose.  The worst thing I could have done was to work for them.  My ability to get work in Portland after that, was OVER.

Why do Jews get to go out and rape women, and be tipped off to leave the country, and then get all this special funding from the United States?  Then they spread anti-Muslim propaganda against Pakistan and Iran, as if they are a big threat.  It's like using the Jewish editor-in-chief for The Willamette Week to slander and defame me, and make me sound dangerous, when their people are the ones targeting an innocent woman to be raped and put out of work.  Is that what they're doing to Iran?  trying to rape them of their oil and then claiming their building nukes to strike against them?  Because from what I've seen, this is how they work.  They did it to me.  They smeared an innocent woman and incited hatred against me.

They mocked my parents at a wedding too.  A Jew married one of our neighbors and we went to the wedding and the Jews were mocking my family.  That was in 1997-1999.  I saw them mocking me, and it was after, I believe, I had been raped. 

Then all of my lawyers for the case for my son, were all retaliatory Catholics and Jews.  The Koch law firm took my appeals case? of all things? after Justin Titus ruined my case?

They used torture of me and my son as an excuse to hunt me down and then say, in documents, "She tried to flee an investigation".  They used my accusation that Jew Josh Gatov fled a rape investigation to retaliate against me when I fled torture, and claimed I fled an "investigation" when there was no investigation.

Chris Rozollo is a Jew, not a Catholic.

I am now trying to find Judy and Rich Roarke and Stacey Roarke, who married a Jew,  and nothing is coming up by Google at all.  Google doesn't feel like sharing that information.  Hmm.  Not one single thing is coming up on any of their names and they have public information about them out there.

I am pretty sure either Judy or Rich Roark worked (works) for the FBI.  If the man who married Stacy Roark is Jewish, and he is, and I had a weird feeling of being mocked and like they were making fun of something (I think it was after I was raped by a Jew), then this is an FBI link.

Judy and Rich are a typical FBI match:  travel agent and nurse.  The FBI likes to employ men who have nurses as wives, and some of the wives become nurses, "just in case" something happens to their man, (he gets shot, injured, poisoned, whatever).  He traveled everywhere.  I think he was either a phone communications rep or an insurance agent but most of his time was spent traveling. 

This is the wedding I didn't want to sing at.  My mother told Judy I would do it without asking me, but I didn't want to sing at this wedding.  I had a bad feeling about it.  They asked me and my Dad to do a duet, and I balked and skulked and I remember I didn't even smile hardly at the wedding.  It was just wrong.

My parents were so upset that I didn't want to sing at this wedding.  When my Dad later found out I had been raped, and when it was, he said to me, "Now I know why you didn't want to sing at that wedding." 

I had a bad feeling through the entire wedding.  A very bad, bad feeling.

Then I went from singing at THAT Jew Hate wedding,  after I was raped and then taken to see the movie "A Clockwork Orange" with angels all over, by the rapist Gatov, to being asked to sing at my cousin's wedding a few years later.  Jew Kyle Flick came over and started talking to me about how I sang "like an angel" and he thought "it was an angel" from the sky, and my mother began to sob.   She wouldn't tell me why but as long as I was talking to Kyle Flick, she was crying.  Kyle Flick is the Jew who didn't want me to visit his synogogue when I had no idea how much the Jews were behind at the time.  Of course he didn't want me to visit.  His "people" had defamed me to permanently ruin my reputation and raped me and colluded with FBI and CIA to do it.

The Jew-Hate-FBI Squad.

As horrific as Dr. Parnell was, in refusing to treat my migraines and smearing me, he was right.  I never said "the FBI raped me" but that's what Josh Gatov was.  He was a federal employee and he left the country because my own country defamed me and sent him off.

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